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Eileen worked best in business stories and when Ashley was pissed at someone...though she had the fragile element as well that made people like her.  My mom used to joke that Eileen could teach a master class on losing her mind because she was so convincing.

And I remember by the mid 90s, Nikki wore black to a dinner that she was forced to invite Sharon to when she was dating Nick.  And I remember she also did needle point as well during this period.

I think Bell almost seemed as if he was writing Nikki to be like a Kay...except always at the ranch and drunk sort of like how Kay was in the early years while married to Philip.

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The scenes where she was hallucinating about Sabrina in the car, though… that was a laugh riot. Not entirely her fault. More evidence of how far Y&R had fallen, though. I’m so glad ED dipped out and went back to DAYS. That stint really reenergized her.

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Yep!!! IT IS THE SCENE AFTER Lauren and Michael Caught her and Colin about to have sex, On Lauren's Office! She could've done so much better than that!!! I was hoping for an Scene between Jill and Katherine 


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I also wonder if, given the option, most of the actors would have chosen 80's or 90's material. Leaving little of post 2000's to be shown. I bet TPTB would hate that. They want 2010's Y&R to considered classic just as much as any other decade I think and probably pushed more for later years stuff. 

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Peter's clip is about Phyllis getting cold feet, I think this was aired during COVID. https://www.cbs.com/shows/video/L6bMwfl6LnIwEHcKFjWoscMgEvRDumuu/


It makes me wonder if Beth Maitland's clip was one that was meant to be in her episode and cut. Everything but hers and LLB's were recently shown, as were all the ones in the ET 50th special promo.


As for Jess I think the actors genuinely had fun with that scene and that's why they keep picking it. It's just a shame that we're not getting clips of beloved vets like Jeanne and Jerry at all.

Edited by BoldRestless
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Sometimes actors choose material that was fun for them, the importance or "classic-ness" of it doesn't matter much vs. how much they enjoyed making it. It's annoying but they probably had a good time so it's a fond memory for her.

Edit: @BoldRestless said the same thing, my bad.

Edited by Darn
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