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What a boring time modern fans have had.  Nikki was a stripper.  On camera.  She and Paul were in a cult.  Victor had a man in a cage.  Vanessa went through years of unhinged behavior, culminating in framing her soon to be daughter-in-law for her murder by throwing herself off the balcony.  Affairs galore- my favorite being Kay mailing the cut up photos of Jack and Jill to John.  It’s just so boring now.  Take a chance!  If Bill Bell wasn’t ashamed of soaps, why should anyone else be?


If the show had the guts the older version had, maybe one of these young leads might have made gay for pay porn and are desperate to hide it, ending up being blackmailed into escorting.

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As a side note: I had found an article (now lost) that stated Andre stepped in as Brooks for the episodes where Leslie takes Brooks to the circus, I think in 1981. The boy who had been in the role broke his arm or something and Gower stepped in and I guess continued in the role. I wish I could find this.


Does anyone have the SOD issue that had an article on the circus BTS. Just to confirm if Gower was in the role? Most of my 1981 issues are gone and it doesn't seem to be posted on the tumblr site that I could see

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Just watched Nikki and Kevin's wedding. A very pregnant Nikki is light headed due to not eating all day - Victor: "Let's get you some champagne" nutrition advice from 1982, haha


More thoughts on 1982


Lyn Topping is good as Chris, better than I expected, Howard McGillan seems more like Jim Houghton more stoic and uptight instead of the manic Wings "crazy eyes" Hauser. Probably was a bit late in the day to be trying to revert Greg to a previous incarnation. 


Love seeing Stuart and Liz, too bad they have such little to do. Deborah is good, but way too warm and grounded for Jill. 


Always felt Victoria's Leslie was too regal and born of money for the almost tomboyish (at least initially) Leslie who had to be pushed out of her shell. When Leslie did glam up more Janice played her as more a modern woman of the 70's. I actually think the Brooks were to be upper-middle class when the show started and maybe were seen to be richer as the show went on. 


The Hoff is too laid back Californian for Snapper, almost the complete opposite of the character.


I like Tom Ligon, but once Vanessa was gone and Lance knew Brooks was his son, Lucas wasn't needed. Karen is okay, but I probably wouldn't have invested much time in them as a viewer.  

Yeah when I first read about this I pictured Brooks on a boat on water in a soundstage at night with it all being dark, and lots of close ups to avoid showing and scenery or just fake trees and stuff. Glad they went on location. Wasn't rare on Y&R back then.

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The 1982 episodes are a hoot. I remembered Cash being stabbed and dying in the hospital scenes from when I was a kid ( I was 4 when they aired). That dinner party at Victor's with Lorie, Katherine, and Nikki being catty was hilarious. Lucas could have remained on the show and been a leading man. I did not realize the actress who played Karen passed away in 2018. She also played Bobby's secretary Connie on Dallas 1978-1981.  Christopher Holder who played Kevin had a great voice. I assumed he came from a theater background. Nikki treated Kevin like crap. 

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I will keep an eye out for them.


There's a lot of humor in the writing. Any scene with Col. Douglas is delightful. I laughed out loud when he wanted to offer Nikki his hand. I'm always wondering what he's going to say to make Victor yell at him. At one point, Victor yells at him for agreeing too much! And obviously anything with Kay and the Bancrofts. I love the subtle little motif where Allison is badgering Earl about drinking too much coffee and then days later when he tells her they will support the marriage, he defiantly takes an extra sip of coffee! That type of attention to detail is what made the show so brilliant. 


It's filling in the blanks on a lot of the Victor/Nikki/Kevin stuff. I couldn't understand, based on what we'd seen before, why she'd be living with Victor, having already had a sexual relationship, while he's encouraging her to marry Kevin. Now I get it. The story is silly but now I see it's more intentionally so, a comedy of errors where Victor & Nikki are both overthinking the other's reaction, especially with the bad advice they're getting from Katherine and Douglas, culminating in the morning of Nikki's marriage where they both have voiceovers wishing they could tell each other everything and their own stubbornness prevents them from speaking up.


I must say I do understand Allison! Your son is engaged to a nice girl, suddenly he's with this other girl, and you slowly come to find out she's living with another man, and was a stripper, and is pregnant... she saw the red flags correctly actually! I hope we get to the part where she learns the truth.

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To go with the episodes, summary from March 1982. If you are interested, I will try to post the following months.


MARCH 1982


After a nerve-wracking few weeks, Carl Williams received word that he had been cleared of the assault and battery charges filed against him by Jack Abbott. Mary, Patty, and Paul showered Carl with hugs, kiss, and congratulations. They were all so relieved things turned out so well for him.


When Nikki Reed complained to Kay Chancellor that she couldn’t seem to get Victor Newman interested in her no matter that she did, Kay advised her to sneak into bed with Victor while he was asleep and seduce him! Colonel Austin overheard Nikki and Kay's conversation and later repeated it to Victor. That evening, Nikki, dressed in a revealing black negligee, sauntered into Victor's bedroom and climbed into his bed. "I want your arms around me. Victor," she cooed. "I love you so much." Suddenly Victor walked into the room! Who, then, was under the covers in bed with Nikki? Why, it was Colonel Austin! Nikki's initial embarrassment quickly turned to rage when she realized she had been set up. "I wouldn't go to bed with either one of you if you were the last men on earth!" she shouted, then stormed out.


Brooks Prentiss was called to the stand. When questioned by Robert Laurence, Brooks testified about the day his grandmother Vanessa watched him while Lorie was out of the apartment. He revealed that Vanessa was wearing gloves while typing at Lorie's typewriter using Lorie's blue stationery. When Mr. Gordon cross-examined, Brooks admitted he didn't know what Vanessa was typing, or for what reason.


When Chris Brooks Foster and her brother-in-law Greg returned from lunch together in a jovial mood, Snapper blowed his stack. He was furious with Greg for moving in on his wife. After Chris requested that Greg leave her alone with Snapper, Snapper asked her out to dinner. He wanted to take her somewhere nice and quiet so they could talk. Although Chris didn’t think there was anything more for them to talk about, she did agave to meet with Snapper. Upon leaving the Brooks house, Snapper found Greg waiting outside for him. "There are some things we should settle," Greg declared. He accused Snapper of acting as though he owned Chris and said his brother didn't deserve a woman like her. After Greg made it clear that he had been looking for someone like Chris for a long time, Snapper shouted that if Greg hadn't been around, Chris might never have left him. Snapper warned Greg he would get hurt if he pursued Chris. Undaunted, Greg yelled he wouldn't make excuses for Snapper any more or urge Chris to go back to him. "If you want your wife back, you'll have to fight for her. I'm going to give you a run for your money!" Snapper couldn’t believe his own brother was doing this to him.


Although Paul Williams insisted he was committed to his marriage, Barbara wouldn’t let matters rest. She summoned her sister April to her apartment and made her an offer. Barbara proposed to "unite" the family, but only if April left Genoa City, and Paul! She pressed on and told April about her night with Paul in Aspen. Shocked and hurt, April left in tears.


Although Carl's suspension from the police force had ended and he had returned to active duty, his daughter Patty Williams remained convinced that she had been "used" by Jack. She turned to Danny Romalotti for emotional support. He was the one person she could always count on to be "there" for her ... the one person she could really mist, even with her innermost secrets. Patty revealed to Danny that she lost her virginity to Jack and regretted it because she wasn't ready.


Victor finally admitted to Nikki that he had wanted her ever since she moved in with him. He kissed Nikki passionately, scooped her up in his arms, and carried her up to the bedroom, where they made love. Victor, however, didn’t share Nikki's fantasy of an eternal commitment between them.


Once again, Cash's creditors were closing in on him, and again Kay bailed him out — this time with a diamond bracelet. She handed the bracelet over to "Smiley" Smith, an enforcer, that called the police and reported it stolen. Later, Cash retrieved Kay's bracelet after a violent confrontation with "Smiley."


At the hospital, Chuckie's condition began to deteriorate and Snapper told a distraught Sally that he was putting the boy on kidney dialysis. Meanwhile, Greg's attention to Chris had exacerbated family tensions. Snapper grimly warned Greg that he was far from ready to give up on his marriage. Jack Abbott was conducting his own campaign, courting Chris under the guise of « night work » — a phony modeling job. Although Chris was vulnerable, she backed away from Jack's advances.


After Brooks had testified about the letter he saw Vanessa typing, the attorneys presented closing arguments in the case. Prosecutor Gordon built a very damaging case against Lorie, and raised serious questions about the validity of Brooks' testimony. At this point, Loris bleakly anticipated a "guilty" verdict. She was almost resigned to the reality of a prison term.


Worried Kay would be harmed in some way, Cash ordered her not to do business with "Smiley" again. Because Cash didn't want anyone to question Kay, he urged her to go to Paris, but Kay wanted Cash to come with her. Cash agreed to move overseas with Kay and assured her he would make enough money to pay off the debt he owed her. Realizing how much he cared for Kay, Cash declared his love for her. He then called the police and told them they found Kay's bracelet. Kay and Cash planned to pack that evening and leave for Paris together.


Barbara told Wayne and Dorothy that they could thank her for all she had done for them by moving into her New York apartment with her. She would like her parents to be waited on for a change. Although Dorothy and Wayne were elated, they were concerned that Barbara hadn't mentioned how April fit into all of this. Barbara said she had spoken with April about moving to New York but wasn't sure what April was going to do. Barbara didn’t think April could leave her husband behind.


Upset after learning Paul spent the night with Barbara in Aspen, April demanded to know why it happened. April accused Paul of just hopping into bed with Barbara because she – April - wasn't around. Paul explained that Barbara left out a few important details — she was the one who arranged for one room for the two of them and ordered champagne. Paul said he was sorry about what happened, but he was drunk and really didn’t remember much about that night.


About to go on-stage with Nikki one last time before he left for Paris, Cash ran into two men in a dark hallway outside his dressing room. The men stabbed him! When Cash came on-stage, Nikki saw that his back was covered with blood! She screamed for someone to call for an ambulance. With Nikki by his side, Cash was rushed to the emergency room and underwent surgery.


When Kay told Liz that she loved Cash, Liz urged her not to rush into another marriage that might turn out to be disastrous for her. Kay explained that she and Cash hadn't definitely decided they would marry, but they did love each other very much. Although Liz had reservations about Kay moving away with Cash, she did wish her luck.


Robert had a meeting with Victor at the ranch. Victor offered him a consulting position with the International Division of Prentiss Industries. Aware of how close Robert had become to Lorie, Victor said this job would give him a chance to open an office in Genoa City. Robert didn’t deny his feelings for Lorie, but said he realized she loved Lance.


Jack told Patty he hoped they could patch things up as Carl was back at work. Playing on Patty's vulnerability, Jack said he wanted to help her get into modeling at Jabot. Knowing that Jack was not the kind of person who helped people expecting nothing in return, Patty turned down his offer. "Call me when you change your mind," Jack said smugly.


After Cash regained consciousness, Kay visited him in the hospital and told Cash how much she cared for him. Kay blamed herself for what happened to him. If only he had told her the truth about what he was involved in. As they're talking about how wonderful it was to have finally declared their feelings for each other and celebrating with champagne, Cash closed his eyes and his glass fell to the floor. At the moment Cash died, Nikki walked in. In tears, she and Kay embraced each other. Although Nikki became hysterical, Kay remained strong.


Outraged about the changes that were made at Prentiss Industries, Lucas blamed the whole thing on Lorie. Lance pointed out the only way they could regain control of the company was to stick together and begin acting like brothers again.


When Liz accused Chris of trying to push Snapper out of her life, Chris explained that she was upset because she stopped by the hospital and saw Sally and Snapper with their arms around each other! Liz demanded Snapper explain to Chris why he and Sally were embracing. An infuriated Snap, dragged Liz Into Chuckie's room so she could see for herself just how bad Chuckie's condition was. Liz was shocked. Snapper declared he was going to do everything within his power to keep the boy alive. Snapper told Sally that although Chuckie was on dialysis, it was a treatment and not a cure. Once Chuckie's illness was under control, they would have to do a kidney transplant. It was their only alternative ... the only way Chuckie would ever be able to lead a normal life. Since Sally was an unsuitable donor, Snapper had no choice but to donate his kidney to Chuckie, even though it might destroy his marriage to Chris. Sally was delighted that the bond between Snapper and Chuckie would be greater than ever.


Paul was shocked when April informed him she was moving to New York with her family. April explained that Barbara was going to give their parents things they never had, and send Heather to the best schools and buy her the finest clothes. April tried to convince Paul that this was the best thing they could do for their child. "We had a good shot at it, Paul ... and it just didn't work out. I'm thinking of Heather now. She's going to have the chance I never had." Paul pulled April to him and kissed her tenderly. "I do love you, April. Promise me you won't let Heather forget who her daddy is." Heartbroken, Paul kissed his daughter goodbye.


After learning that Chuckie's condition had worsened, Chris rushed to the hospital to be with Snapper. Chris said she was so sorry and offered to return home until the crisis was over. She didn’t want Snapper to be alone at a time like this. When Snapper said he was staying at the hospital to be near Chuckie, Chris was deeply hurt and felt Snapper didn't need her any more. Feeling as though she intruded, Chris left in tears. Meanwhile, back at the courthouse, the jury found Lorie innocent!


After the jury pronounced her innocent, Lorie returned home with Robert and they celebrated her victory with champagne. When Leslie received word that Lorie had been cleared of the charges against her, she was happy for her sister, but hated the thought of losing Brooks again. Although it pained Leslie deeply, she gave Brooks back to Lorie.


After Chris admitted to Jack that she and Snapper were having marital troubles, he made a pass at her, but she begged off. Jack said that although he wanted to get to know Chris a lot better, he wouldn't push her. He just wanted Chris to know how much he admired her.


Victor received a phone call from a doctor in Geneva who informed him his son, Charles, had been hurt in a skiing accident and had to undergo surgery. When Victor was told they were unable to get in touch with Charles' mother, Eve, he decided to fly to Switzerland, telling Nikki it was a "business trip."


Jill Foster decided to sell her mother's house and made a deal with two prospective buyers. She explained to Andy Richards that she desperately needed the money.


While visiting Nikki, Paul mentioned that he noticed she had gained a bit of weight. Could she possibly be pregnant? Nikki denied it but later found that coffee upset her stomach. To prove Paul wrong, she took a home-pregnancy test and was stunned to find the test was positive! Still disbelieving, Nikki went to a doctor who confirmed the test. She was going to have a baby!


When Jill finally admitted to her mother that she had sold her house, Liz had a fit. She pleaded with Jill to tell the buyers she had changed her mind, but Jill refused. "It's too late," she lied. « The house has already been sold ». Liz was crushed. She couldn’t understand how her daughter could hate the house she and her brothers grew up in. After Greg learned the deed to Liz's house was in her name, not Jill's, he told his mother that since she hadn't signed anything, there was no deal — the house was still hers.

Lance returned from a business trip and stopped by Lorie's apartment. Lorie said she had missed him terribly, but they could finally plan their future together. Lance said he doubted that. « Surely you knew when you made the decision, what the consequences would be for me. » Puzzled, Lorie asked what he was talking about. "Prentiss Industries, I've lost the business." Lorie was shocked. Lance explained that Victor manipulated a takeover of Prentiss Industries and was running the corporation. The first thing he did was to fire Lance. When Lorie asked how that could happen, Lance told her that Victor acquired enough stock to become the major stockholder. "Victor gained control with your proxies, Lorie." Lorie declared that was impossible.


Robert travelled to Chicago and met with a Dr. Marshall at a private mental institution. During a conference with the doctor, Robert asked how his wife was. No change, replied Dr. Marshall. It seemed that Claire Laurence had been in this institution for 15 years, totally catatonic. When Robert asked if Claire would ever recover, the doctor said aside from a medical miracle, she would never again lead a normal life.


Greg informed Jill that Liz's house was not hers to sell. She couldn’t sell a property she didn’t have title to. What she did was a crime — attempted fraud! She could be prosecuted. Jill stubbornly declared that she had no intention of backing out of the deal.


When Robert visited his wife, he rambled on to her about their life together and pleaded with Claire to reach out so they could be together again. Suddenly a look of hatred crossed Claire's face and she lunged for Robert. As they struggled, orderlies burst in and restrained her. Once more, Claire became passive.


After Lorie realized Victor tricked her, she admitted to Lance that the previous summer she did sign her proxy over to Victor. But she rectified her mistake by having Victor burn the proxy. When Lance asked if she actually saw Victor burn the proxy, Lorie confessed she didn't. Lorie said she was truly sorry — she would give anything to turn back the clock and erase the pain she's caused Lance. "As God is my witness, I'll get that stock back to you!" Lance said it was too late. He couldn't trust Lorie any more. "You and I— we had it all. We had our Camelot. Things will never be the same for us and that is to damn sad."


Lorie was surprised to find out from Stuart that Robert was a "widower" with a 16-year-old daughter. Meanwhile, Robert visited his daughter, Angela, at a private boarding school. Angela had no idea her mother is still alive. When Robert suggested to his daughter they spend the summer in Genoa City — and perhaps stay there through the fall — Angela was delighted.


Before Jill left for a vacation with Andy, Mrs. Arnold - from the real estate office - stopped by to close the deal on the house. The woman informed Jill there was a snag: since Jill didn't have title to the house, she couldn't sell it. Mrs. Arnold was furious —she already sold the house and was therefore owed a commission. "If I don't get it, I'll sue!" Jill pleaded with Liz to sign the title over to her, because she could be in a lot of trouble otherwise. Liz refused.


Since Patty was depressed about not having a job, Danny tried to cheer her up, but she didn't respond. Patty admitted that what was really bothering her was that she was hoping to get married. Even though Danny knew that she was referring to Jack, he said, "Okay, to why don't we?" Patty was stunned. "Anytime you want," Danny added, "I'll marry you." Later that day, Jack asked Patty out to dinner. Patty said she would think about it but later showed up at Jack's office. She told him that she knew he was no good for her and was nothing but trouble. "If I were smart. I'd stay away from you." Jack sweettalked Patty, telling her how much he had missed her and loved her. Couldn't they put the past behind them? Jack kissed Patty and she slowly responded. Over dinner, Jack promised to make Patty a top model. Excited by the thought of a glamorous career, Patty let down her guard and decided to trust Jack again.


Realizing that Brooks' place was with Leslie, Lorie decided to give the boy back to her sister. Lance and Brooks later flew to Paris and surprised Leslie while she was performing a concert there.


Determined to get her husband back, Chris made Sally a proposition : if Sally really cared about Chuckie, why didn’t she give him to Chris and Snapper to raise?

Robert asked Victor if his offer of a job at Prentiss Industries still stood. Because Robert was such an excellent attorney, Victor agreed to hire him. Painfully aware of Victor's negative feelings about children, Nikki decided to have an abortion!


Although she knew Snapper had never loved her and never would, Sally feared Chris' proposition would be too tempting for him to turn down, so she tried to manipulate Snapper by asking him to tell Chuckie he was his real father. Sally was determined to have Snap, for herself.


When Lorie asked Victor why he took over Prentiss Industries and hurt her and Lance so badly, Victor said he did it for her own good. He promised he would make Lorie a very wealthy woman. Victor admitted he also took control to punish Lance for deserting Lorie when she needed him most. Figuring the best way to get her proxy back was by making Victor trust her, Lorie lied that although she felt resentment and anger toward him at first, all she felt then was great pain and deep hurt because of everything she had lost. She had not only lost her relationship with Lance, she had lost her friendship with Victor. Victor explained he regrets the loss of Lorie's confidence and friendship, but he did what he had to do as a businessman.


In Paris, Brooks excitedly told Leslie that he was going to live with her again. Leslie was windblown and her eyes fill with tears. She was even more stunned when Lance revealed this was all Lorie's idea!


After listening to her hospital roommate extol the virtues of motherhood, Nikki decided — at the last minute — not to have the abortion.


Patty had her first modeling session at Jack's studio, but it didn’t go at all well because she was stiff and nervous. Patty was crushed when Jack told her she should put her modeling ambitions aside for a while. Mary Williams was shocked when Patty announced she was moving in with Jack! This, said Patty, was the most important day of her life — she would be living with the man she loved ... the man she would be married to someday. Patty said she knew Jack would propose because he loved her. When Mary asked if Patty had slept with Jack, Patty was silent and Mary took that as her answer. Mary pointed out that if Jack wanted Patty living with him as his wife, this he should marry her. Jack, said Mary, was asking for all the benefits of marriage without offering Patty any commitment or security. "You are the one who stands to lose all." Patty reiterated that Jack would marry her. She was convinced living together was a prelude to marriage.


Nikki admitted to Kay that she had a brief encounter with Kevin Bancroft before he left for San Francisco, but insisted the baby was Victor's. To get Nikki out of the spot she was in with Victor, Kay urged Nikki to convince him she was carrying Kevin’s child. Since Victor practically forced Nikki into seeing Kevin, itw as his fault !


When Victor demanded to know why Nikki had been spending so much time at Kay’s, Nikki admitted she was pregnant ! After the initial shock wore off, Victor insisted Nikki have the pregnancy terminated, but she made it clear she would not have the abortion. Since the baby wasn’t Victor’s, he couldn’t tell her what to do. When Nikki told Victor the baby was Kevin’s, he ordered her to have Kevin come to the house at once.


Although Chuckie’s surgery went well, it would be a few days before the doctors could determine if the transplant « took. »


Robert admitted to Lorie that his wife Claire wasn’t dead, she had been locked away in an institution for 15 years. Lorie said she was deeply sorry.


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I was also shocked in some of the 1982 episodes it showed Paul working at Jonas with Lucas prentiss cause Paul called him boss, lol i didn't know Paul and Lucas prentiss even interacted back then

The boat scenes were really good and of course good acting i will say.


I was also shocked to see Paul call Lucas prentiss boss at Jonas, i never knew they interacted at all so it was nice seeing that scene and im sure Lucas probably knew Andy as well.


I liked Chris actually for the little i have seen of her, she stood up And was pretty firm with sally about her and snapper keeping chuckle.


Also i liked the jack/patty and even john coming home scenes.


This is all transition mode but im loving it seeing all the different stories taking place, and a lot of these characters were gone after these times but still very special to look at

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