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When Morrow tries he is a solid young actor that is completely capable of carrying B stories but ever since the dreaded Shick/Phick debacle the writers have given up on writing for the character and focused solely on writing to the actor (while they write for everyone else around Nick/Morrow) which leads them to featuring Nick into more and more outlandish stories because the actor is not (and has never been) capable of carrying the entire show on his shoulders.


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The nepotism is probably why I'm always afraid to praise her lol. Like now I find it disgraceful how she's written. She's still young, attractive and can act (hence the Emmy nod a couple years back), but she's written like a nameless dayplayer. I hate seeing her just stuck with Paul. I'd love for her to become a real character again with a love life and after all she's gone through she deserves a child. 


When you look at a Tori Spelling and think of what we could have had, we really lucked out with Lauralee. Hell, look at her brother coasting at B&B lol. I appreciate that she at least sells whatever they give her. 

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Halfway through 1991. I love every. single. storyline happening.


The David Kimble story has been phenomenal. Of course, I adore Tricia Cast beyond words, so it wasn't a big sell for me (I broke into tears when she had to walk away from Phillip and show up in court). Her shooting David, psych hospitalization, and trial was three months of breathless, amazing entertainment. Really loved the jury scenes and taking their time to show that side of things. I did find David's plastic surgery scenes ridiculous -- perhaps a step too far, but considering his psychotic state of mind, I suppose we can excuse them. And the reveal of his face was HARROWING. I knew what was coming, but didn't know the details of his butchered face other than "Killer", so it was terrifying. Honestly, I almost threw up. I cannot imagine any other show pulling this off.


I just love how 15 year old Victoria is nuking Victor and Ashley's lives and they don't even realize. Well, Ashley is, but there's not much she's been able to do yet. 


Nikki's drinking is also a lot of fun; I love the complexity of her secretly dealing with pain while addressing various other storylines.


It was such an honor to watch Dru's first big story and see her flourish. I cried so much at her ballet recital. Beautifully done. I do wonder how she'll get over Nathan, considering she's ignored many, many, many signs it's not happening. I guess it'll help she and Neil have lots of chemistry

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So great to also enjoy the baby switch story, complete with temp recast. I am getting a little distracted by Peter Barton's ridiculous, ever-changing hairstyles. Sheila and Scott have just gotten married. LOVED Sheila turning triumphantly to look at Lauren, who witnessed it all. Perhaps it's getting a bit lost in the awesomeness that is Kimberlin Brown, but a great part of the story is Paul and Lauren's strong, loving connection. Another tearjerker was when Lauren told him she wishes her baby was his.


Traci's more confident than ever -- it was really amusing to watch her go against Cassandra, and now this thing with Hilary Lancaster. Not sure where this is going, if anywhere, but interested to follow it.



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Does anyone have any Episodes of Y&R from 2000-2004 I want some from 2001 when Tricia shoots Ryan and is admitted to the psychiatric hospital, I also want episodes that has Kevin from 2003 him burning down Gina's and him in jail and in the hospital

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Brad choose Victor to be The Godfather simply because he hated Jack. A decision I’m sure he regretted WAYY down the line.


it always seemed like a weak plot point and Brad just wanting  to stick it to Jack. Like seriously did LFs Colleen even interact with Victor when she first came back??

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The most untalented writers love to put their "stamp" on a show by doing a big dramatic showy death of a legacy character. 



I find it weird Traci would agree to it! I know she's nice but Victor is such an ass.

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What do people think about Nia Peeples' stint as Karen? I enjoyed her so much. I thought she brought warmth and intelligence to the role. She was believable in the corporate setting as a Newman consultant, and was totaly rootable in her efforts to come together as a family with Neil and Ana (even if some of her actions were a bit questionable). I was disappointed in the end of the story. Neil showed no resolve, no commitment to sticking to his wedding vows. And Tyra wasn't worth all that! I remember NP's last scenes - Karen tore Neil to shreds, as well as she should have.


Hardly any public clips but here's a few - shows NP and KSJ's easy chemistry: https://youtu.be/tsLoDPYX2VQ



I was really bummed to read this '09 interview and learn how poorly the show treated her. Good for her, for catching the show's sloppy business practice and forcing them to rehire her temporarily.


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Y&R did this in abundance over the past decade, which is why I cannot give any credit to any of the writing regimes over the past 10 years. They all made some big errors that turned out to fatally wound this show over the long run. Killing Colleen off was unforgivable, imo. 



Nia Peeples was largely wasted, IMO. 

I think the biggest thing going against Karen was that she wasn't Dru but the actress could hardly be blamed for this, it was always going to be hard but the bland writing for Karen certainly didn't help matters.  Despite that, I thought Peeples and St. John had some really good chemistry.  No, it wasn't fire and ice (a la Dru and Neil) but it was solid and buildable chemistry.  The sad thing was that viewers didn't truly see how spirited Karen could be until she found out about Tyra and Neil and you got the impression that the writers had just managed to scratch the surface of this character at the very moment of her exit.

You're right though, the entire Tyra storyline really wasn't worth it.  It made both Neil and Devon looks so grimy, not to mention how unviable a character it made "Aunt Tyra" afterwards. 

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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It was simple.


Traci wanted Jack as the godfather and Brad wanted Ashley as the godmother. Neither (Brad or Traci) was happy about those choices, so they settled on Victor (Brad) & Mamie (Traci) as Colleen's godparents.


Almost as weird? Neil nearly being Abby's godfather.


Actually Brad & Victor were fairly close during that period (so it made sense AND he got to stick it to Jack).

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