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I had mixed these stories up a bit myself in my memories of 40+ years ago. Chris's rapist (1973) was George Curtis, Peggy's (1977) was Ron Becker. Peggy had an affair with her college professor, Jack Curtis (no relation to George), which upset Jack's "overweight" wife Joann. Joann went to work for Kay Chancellor and they developed a rather suggestive (for the time)  relationship. Peggy and Jack were married briefly but it was annulled. I think Peggy's rape was around the same time as her relationship with Jack.

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Yes Jill and Kay were kept apart for some time, which was no bad thing.

It made them coming back into each other's orbits all the more interesting.


Unlike later years where inane stories were created just to keep Victor and Jack's rivalry in the forefront.


After all that Derek and Jill went through they didn't get a farewell scene? I guess the fact that Brenda was gone contributed to that. And whatever happened to Derek's salon? That was his dream yet he seemed quite happy to go to work at Chancellor.


Talking about favorites, I think Bill Bell liked Deborah Adair as he used Jill to introduce the Abbotts. From the youtube episode of Bond she seemed fine so who knows why she was dumped.


Back to Peggy, she was raped while involved with Jack. She was at Chris' apartment .Ron had a grudge against Chris and I think he was there to attack Chris but raped Peggy instead.


Did Jonas and Lucas get proper farewells?

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Since Nikki has married into just about every main family on Y&R, I'm surprised they never had one of the Prentiss men hook up with her. She would have been good with Lucas, but maybe have Lance take a shine to her to piss off Lorie, since Lorie was involved with Victor. 

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I'm sure if her and Victor didn't click... Bill Bell might have tried to mix her with other characters.  1981 was the year where Nikki was being mixed with other characters after her marriage to Greg went south to see where she fit... I know she got the stalker story that was meant for Casey (I think Edward was stalking Casey, but when the actress left.. the show than had Edward refocus his obsession to Nikki)..and was interacting with Paul/Andy quite a bit..plus was working as a stripper so she was around Cash/Kay... so I had wondered if the Victor seeing Nikki at the Bayou was  meant to be an experiment/test.. and when the two interacted the first time.. Bill bell said to himself 'paydirt'.. and went with them when the 'My Fair Lady' story showed the two had chemistry.


I would have loved to have seen 1980-1982 when Kay/Jill weren't interacting as much because I thought the show over-did the feud between the two too much in later years.  I also think that Kay/Jill didn't interact all that much between 1982 to 1984 (I think there was some interaction.. but it was mostly once in awhile and not all the time).. until Kay got the pics of Jack/Jill hooking up and than started to send fragments to John.

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Derek and Jill (Bond Gideon) did have a farewell scene.   It was one of Bond Gideon's very first scenes in the spring of 1980.  Derek stopped by the Foster house and told Jill he'd better stay with Kay and keep a low profile for the time being.   (This was just after that bizarre scam where Suzanne Lynch "kidnapped" Derek, demanded a $50,000 ransom for him, Colonel Austin kept the cash and delivered a shoe box of newspaper clippings to Suzanne instead of the cash.)   Inspector Carl Williams suspected that Jill might have something to do with the "kidnapping" (which she didn't) and threatened to investigate.   Derek quickly told Jill they should call things off for a while.   Derek gave Bond Gideon a long, lingering kiss in the dimly-lit Foster living room, and when he pulled away, there was a LONG STRING of SALIVA hovering between his lips and Bond's lips.   They played the rest of the scene with that spit strand bouncing between them like a tightrope.   It was one of the most fascinating things I've ever seen. 


In 1980, I wasn't impressed with Bond Gideon at all.  But now, looking back at the You Tube video of Bond playing Jill, I think Bond did a perfectly good job.   Maybe she wasn't as "nuanced" as her replacement (Deborah Adair), but she certainly seemed appropriate for the role, and she had an interesting look about her. 


Yes, I think Bill Bell liked Deborah Adair pretty well.   I believe the Abbotts would've happened with or without her, though.  It was actually Bond's Jill who initially met John and Jack (Brett Halsey and Terry Lester), and from the moment Terry Lester appeared, it seemed Bell was determined to add the two younger sisters and round-out the Abbott family.  Right off the bat, Brett Halsey's John started referring to his two daughters who were away at school, the mother who had abandoned the family, etc.   It seemed to take a WHILE for the story to develop (with Brett Halsey mysteriously vacating the role, and Jerry Douglas not appearing till several months later).   Everything seemed to be on-hold for a while during the cast changes for the dad, but once Jerry Douglas came along, it wasn't very long before Eileen and Beth were added.   Seemed that was the plan from the beginning.  I'm sure Bell's confidence in Deborah Adair helped expediate it. 


Derek got "bored" with the Golden Comb when Kay suggested that he might be suited for "business".  (The implication was that Derek, as CEO of Chancellor, might be able to bilk Kay Chancellor out of more money than he could at a salon.)         

Edited by Broderick
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Your right she was in the right time to be able to mingle with that group since they loved putting Nikki with different kinds of men, it would have been fun to see her with either Lucas or Lance and of course it would piss of alot of people but it would be gold. I could already see certain people involved with the pairing that would bring more interactions like Lorie,Leslie, Vanessa,paul,Casey 

Oh god if they ever did that smh that would be something to talk about for years and years.


Hey can anyone tell me if they remember when they paired Stuart with Gina Roma when she was basically new? What happened between them was she his last storyline before bell dropped Stuart for good? I'm curious how that pairing went.

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The only scene that I remember between Gina & Mr. Brooks was the episode where he brokered the sale of Leslie's restaurant to Gina.   Didn't it just basically go, "Hi, Miss, I'm Stuart Brooks.  My daughter wants to sell this restuarant."   "Hi, Mr. Brooks, I'm Gina Roma.  I'll buy it."  That was about it, wasn't it? 

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I do remember reading about this but I have no clue what was beyond there first interaction, I read on stuart brooks character and they keep making it sound like there was a little triangle going on between Stuart/Liz/Gina for a small bit before it was obviously dropped like most storylines

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I don't believe that's historically accurate.   There certainly wasn't a "little triangle" of any sort, because Stuart Brooks was rarely seen after he was bumped from contract status to recurring, and the actor was angry enough about his demotion not to return in 1984 for Nikki and Victor's wedding.   Juliana McCarthy (Liz) stayed with the show for a couple of years after being bumped to recurring --- she was still around in 1984 for Nikki's wedding to Victor, and for Kay's facelift ---  and then she vanished as well.   My recollection is that Bill Bell wanted to preserve the studio set which had previously served as Pierre's, the Allegro, and Jonas's, so he had the Stuart Brooks character pop up rather randomly and sell the restaurant to Gina Roma, and that was about it for Stuart.  (Leslie couldn't sell the building herself, because Victoria Mallory had already been fired, lol.)   To my knowledge, there never WAS any resolution to Stuart and Liz's temporary break-up.   Liz moved out of the Brooks house because she thought Stuart was being too hard on her son Snapper;  Chris and Snapper urged her in a couple of haphazard scenes to reconcile with Mr. Brooks, but Liz said she wasn't ready to yet.   After a few weeks or months, Stuart was dropped to recurring and more or less vanished from the show, then a few months later Liz was bumped to recurring as well.   I never knew whether the two characters had reconciled or not.   Even Bill Bell didn't seem to know (or care).   When Liz appeared in 1986 after Jill's shooting by Sven the masseur, it was retroactively revealed that Liz had moved to England to be with Snapper and Chris.   We never saw her pack her bags and move there, though; she just disappeared sometime during 1984.   Nevertheless, she left England, picked Little Phillip up from boarding school, and raced back to Genoa City (to introduce the Phillip III character to the audience).  During her return, some days she was listed in the closing credits as "Elizabeth Foster Brooks", and other days as "Liz Foster".  It seemed the production crew didn't know or understand the status of the Liz/Stuart reconciliation.  This same confusion occurred in 2003 when Liz, Snapper, and Greg made a brief reappearance in Genoa City;  some days Julianna McCarthy was credited as "Liz Foster Brooks", and other days just as "Liz Foster".         

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Peggy was raped on June 16, 1976.


At least once, she was listed as just "Liz Brooks." There were lots of little inconsistencies back then. We can assume Stuart died sometime along the way, but at the time, he just vanished into thin air, without explanation.

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I've seen a couple of websites claim that Stuart Brooks died in 1984 (off-screen).   If that happened, I sure missed that episode, because I've never heard any character on the show give an *update* on Stuart Brooks at all.   I'd assume he's probably dead by now, since we haven't laid eyes on him in about 36 years, but I've sure never heard any reference to his "death" on the show itself.   I was hoping maybe that would be addressed a few years ago when Liz Foster died.  But Liz's death was just a plot point for the Jill/Lauren storyline and didn't really answer any of the questions I had about Liz and Stuart's marriage and separation and Stuart's state of being dead or alive.    I think maybe that's just a can of worms no one on the writing staff is brave enough to open, lol. 

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