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Did you ever nail down Heather Tom's start date? I was on google groups and found a couple posts from Dec 14th 1990 that stated Victoria was shown all grown up on the previous days episode (on the phone from boarding school). So I think that settles her start date as Dec 13th 1990. They were even taking polls to see how much they (the show) would age her. 

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Haha I remember reading all of that! Lots of people said they wished that Ashley Milan stayed as the child Victoria...weird how back then viewers thought HT was a bad actress.

anyways I think December 12 is when HT debuted!

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Haha so do I 😁

Thats another thing, people seemed annoyed that Alden's kids were on the show at one point...one person said something like, "it's bad enough we have Bill Bells daughter, but Alden's brats running around the show is overkill" 


i thought Conci and John Alden were great child actors imo...

Edited by YRfan23
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I don't think Morrow is always all that bad either, or that bad-looking. The main problem is he got lazy and the show indulged it. But this isn't a show that has ever been full of phenomenally talented and gorgeous men so I can't single him out. Aside from Braeden (ugh - I can't stand him but I know he's iconic) and sometimes Doug Davidson and Terry Lester, etc. I'd say it's mostly women who have carried Y&R on their back. 

Edited by DRW50
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Joshua Morrow doesn't bother me per se. If Nick was written in a way that was particularly interesting, then I might want a better actor, but as is, the character himself is somewhat boring to me. I don't know if that's because they write to Morrow's "strengths" as an actor, or they have no ideas, but Nick's stories are dull. It's always- fall in love, have a conflict with  likely involving Sharon and/or Victor, break up, get with Sharon, feud with Victor, forgive Victor temporarily. In my opinion, any character in Victor's family is nearly dulled down to allow Victor to be the "most interesting". 

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 Except Adam.


But, as a whole, I agree with DRW50. Y&R, for me, always had more interesting female characters. Katherine and Jill's feud was entertaining for so long, never becoming dull like Victor vs. Jack imo, because the show put effort into creating complex characters. Both had flaws, both "lost" at different times in their feud. Entertaining. Whereas, for me, Victor and Jack is a huge egomaniac with a God complex vs. a more tolerable spoiled heir egomaniac.  Also ruined by Victor always having to win in the last decade or so.


Characters like Kay, Jill, Sheila, Drucilla, even Nina-who I wasn't nuts about, but Tricia Cast is a fantastic actress- carried the show. Of course, the Brooks sisters, but that was before my time, sadly. Now we have weak Lily, dull Victoria- much better when Heather Tom played her-, boring Mariah, boring Chelsea, hot, but boring Cane, Billy and Phyllis, who were once entertaining, but are now badly and boringly written. Even once interesting characters like Michael and Lauren have been long dulled down. 


Edited by Dax7000
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Thanks to the amazing and kind @ltm1997  Here's a very special treat! 4 1982 episodes!

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I don't have the actual dates, but since so little is posted of this rare time, I hope it still pleases you guys to see it! 


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