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That's great. Poor Lorie....

Those music cues were so much a part of Y&R in those days.They wormed their way into your consciousness.

Interesting that in the flasback,Jennifer was shown only from the back.Was that actually Dorothy Green or was there a double for some reason? Or was it just a directing choice to focus completely on Lorie?

Looking forward to more treasures.

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YES!!! your are an angel!!! :) thank you so much!! :)

wow I knew JLB was always a good actress but she really killed it in those flashback scenes, she's also so pretty.....I truly loved the effect they do on the flashbacks back then....it's a shame how most TPTB are too ashamed to use that type of visual effect now....

Pamela Solow (right?) is also very good and I never realized how cute she was as Peggy she definitely has this innocent look that works very well....

So was this 1977-going into 1978 or 1976 going into 1977 (when they were talking about New Year Eve)

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I always enjoy watching JLB as Lorie because while she was a very melodramatic actress, she seemed to get the emotional beats and the heart too. She does just as well in the quieter, supporting moments with Peggy as she does in those wild voiceovers and that confrontation with Jennifer (which is riveting to watch).

The scene with Jennifer is just so good. I love so many of those lines, which are so rich and histrionic and Bill Bell, like how they always said she was so different from her sisters, the "which father?", that Jennifer took her father from her, etc.

I eat stuff like this up. It's absolutely pure melodramatic glory, which no one in daytime gets now. It's about emotional connection and heart along with camp, not just some generic car crash or shooting.

JLB often reminds me of MTS in her acting style in this era. I can see why MTS took over for her.

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Yes, that's why the music score was considered by so many to be a character unto itself. And that's why what Jill Phelps has done has destroyed the show more than any writing issue could. And yes, that was definitely Dorothy Green shot from the back, it was just a directing choice.

Edited by alphanguy74
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thanks again! smile.png

I'm very impressed with JLB in these scenes. I love her breakdown and Stuart's line about spanking her...the end scene was also great too...

funny how this is technically happening with Summer/Jack/Nick right now yet I find myself investing more into these Lorie/Stuart scenes I really know little about.....the acting is a lot better too obviously....

I'm excited to see the Vanessa stuff.....I wanna see if she is as creepy as everyone says...

Edited by YRfan23
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