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The Walking Dead: Discussion Thread


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Very happy neither Daryl nor Carol died. The writing was a little sloppy in parts. How did Glen survive? This was basically a Tyrese patented off-camera escape for something that would inescapable if on camera. Why didn't Glen kill that guy? How did Morgan beat off 100 walkers with a stick? Why didn't Maggie ever tell anyone that she overheard Father ass-hole talking bad about the group to Deanna? Carol and Rick had just decided Michonne was not on the same page, why did Rick offer to give Michonne his only gun? When Rick killed the two walkers how does he know there aren't others strolling the streets and rummaging through the houses?

All that said, I enjoyed this episode. Daryl has his new BFF which is cool, because you have to question whether Daryl had ever known a gay guy before. The whols truck trap at the food depot was great. Sasha laying atop the walkers was cool, and the scene with her and Putzy Priest was well done.

I can't believe no one died. Andrew Lincoln tweeted about how saying goodbye is hard, and Norman Reedus said to bring your handkerchiefs. I guess it was all subterfuge.

Oh yeah, Daryl's whip chain three for one kill was the coolest kill yet any of our group has done.

Edited by quartermainefan
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This show doesn't even make sense to me anymore. Rick, The Executioner? Not interested in seeing the others "pull him back". Deanna was against everything The Group stood for until that ole fool was killed. Cliche cliche cliche! Glen playing around in the woods with that clown? Ugh! Daryl and his new friend? Boring!

The best thing about last night's eppy was seeing Lennie James on TTD. He sounds so wonderful. I forgot he was English or did I even know in the first place? Not sure...

With each eppy, I care less.

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To be fair, that old fool was her husband and he was killed two days after her son and his meaningless death was at the hands of a drunk abuser who she'd been protecting because of his supposed value to the community. If that doesn't change someone's mind then they're pretty much on the same level as Tyrese.

Somebody needs to tell Father Pee Pants to look at the flowers.

I'm really beginning to wonder about Carol. I feel like everyone else is dealing with the PTSD of being out there, Carol is finally processing the stuff from her marriage. It's making me question her motivations a bit. When she told Rick that he could be a part of the community and be honest, was some deeply dark [!@#$%^&*] despite her light way of delivering the line.

I love the idea of bringing Morgan into the ASZ. Morgan and Deanna are alternate universe versions of Rick. Morgan is what Rick would be if he hadn't found a "family" while Deanna is what Rick was at the prison before the governor showed up.

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I agree that's why she kept telling him not to talk when they were making cookies. She tried to be hard with him, but she eventually failed. We saw the way she let him hide behind her last night.


I don't want to see him get off that easily. He needs to die the kind of gruesome death that poor undeserving Noah suffered.

Totally agree with everyone who is thrilled to see Lenny James back. I loved him on Jericho.

Edited by Juliajms
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I had to watch this scene back a few times, even in slomo just to figure out what exactly happened! To me it seemed like someone shot Beth from the back and I was like WHAT?! Then I later realized Dawn shot her by accident. Even still watching now in regular motion it doesn't really seem like Dawn shot her. If it weren't for Dawn's "I didn't mean to" motion I'd be even more confused. That moment could've been choreographed much better. It at least needed an insert of Dawn's gun firing

All that aside, I was completely shocked & devastated by Beth's death. I really liked her throughout. I was so excited when they opened up her story again. Damn..

I can't imagine who's next. I'm happily unspoiled

To the 1st bolded: Exactly.

To the 2nd: LMAO! You let it all out there Carl! Love it.

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I had forgotten I wrote a lot of that.

I don't take it back though :P

Beth's death scene will never make a ton of sense to me. Interesting idea - iffy execution (no pun intended). The idea of Beth and Dawn being alike and having to die is something I would have liked more with a different pen. Angela Kang, who wrote that episode, is not of the show's stronger writers, IMO.

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Looks like Gale Anne Hurd's project will be funded. I'm happy for her, especially since those "Why does she want OUR money?" types of fans always annoy me, given that it's entirely optional if you want to give her one thin dime.

I don't have the money for things like this, but just posting the link again in case anyone is interested, as there are still some TWD-releated things left.


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Now that I'm all caught up I've been reading comments on the FB page and the memes people make crack me up!


laugh.png This moment really stood out to me in the episode. Rick wanted his damn rest for once laugh.png


LMAO! What's the general fan opinion of Sasha anyway? I love her to death, and have from the beginning.

Sasha & Michonne are life.

How did Glenn not die? How did anyone important not die? I was shocked.


There's really people that don't remember him? LOL. I so love that Morgan is back and can't wait to see him & Rick's dynamic next season. Interesting Rick was only one to kill a living person in the ep, and Morgan witnessed it.


WTF?? False. I hope they keep Carl & Enid to a minimum next season. Their scenes were cringeworthy. "This is their world were just living in it" rolleyes.gif The Enid actress is nothing special and makes the same smarmy face. Not here for it.

Daryl & Aaron's bond was a stand out for me. Loved it. The scene in the car was outstanding (it was clever how they tied it in w/Morgan). I'm hoping next season Daryl bonds with Jessie too so she can cut his hair.

NO to Jessie & Rick. YES to Michonne & Rick. Bye.



LOL! Agreed.

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Some of those memes crack me up.

A lot of fans don't care about Sasha. Other fans, like me, care a lot and want to see her stay around. There are some fans who will never accept anyone who isn't within a certain small group (like Rick/Daryl/Carol/maybe Michonne).

Norman was on SNL last night, briefly.

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Yeah, Sasha to me just the next red shirt waiting to be killed off. She is better than Tyrese but everyone is better than Tyrese except that stupid priest. Sasha I think just had the bad luck of being saddled with Tyrese and consequently became "let me go to the bathroom while this is on" fodder. She got a promotion when Tyrese died so I will watch her but can't really care, and now my official eye glaze character is Eugene, Abraham and that girl who has no personality except she came on wearing short shorts.

For me the problem with Sasha is I honestly don't know what she is so traumatized about. Andrea never behaved this way, Glen never behaved this way, Maggie, Carl, Lori, Hershel...none of them carried on the way this whiney brother/sister act have been doing for the last two years. I don't know what has her so upset? Is it Bob. They just inserted this trauma onto what was a blank slate, and expect me to care.

Edited by quartermainefan
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Andrea was all but comatose for two episodes and nearly killed herself. In other cases we didn't see as many reactions, but that's because their story was about other things. Sasha was tough and competent in part because she didn't want to care. When Bob and Tyreese convinced her to start caring, they died, horribly.

I get why it would be annoying considering it stretched out over 6-7 episodes, but I think it's probably over now.

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