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Honestly, the picture amused me more than anything.  Victoria especially looks ridiculous.  You'd think if they were such a great couple that they'd want to create their own "moments," instead of trying to copycat the original popular Days couples.  They've made it all the way back to Doug and Julie now, so I guess Tom and Alice will be next. 


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I like that in the article where that recreated photo is that Victoria (Ciara) says she doesn’t know if they are this generations supercouple and leaves it to viewers if they say yes. Brian and Ginger did not have sex every other episode or so and took a lot of airtime so they were sort of nonthreatening.

that said if Gregg and Wesley were more than friends I would not complain.

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Having posted synopses of Marlena's first 7 episodes in June and July, we pick back up with Marlena's 8th episode from July 7, 1976.

# 2679 (7/7/76):

At the Horton house, Linda confronts Alice with the truth about her relationship with Mike. She loves Mickey, is not about to seduce his son, and would never put herself in a vulnerable situation with her daughter living in the apartment with her. Moreover, since the Hortons can't seem to help Mike, she is going to try. If Alice can't trust her, maybe she should try trusting her grandson. Meanwhile, Phyl comes to Tom's office for a checkup, with a few vague complaints. Tom suggests she change for a complete examination. After his examination, Tom suggests Phyl could be pregnant with a change-of-life baby. He has ordered tests. Phyl is stunned and asks Tom to say nothing to Neil.

A very nostalgic moment between Doug and Rebecca as they discuss Rebecca's staying on at Doug's Place, the new baby, and what a special guy Robert is. When Julie arrives, Rebecca leaves and Julie gives Doug an ultimatum to get rid of Kim completely. He firmly asserts that who he hires and fires at Doug's Place is his business and that won't change whether they are married or not. As for Kim, Doug plans to fly to Chicago to check things out. Julie, in a rage, slams out of the room after telling Doug "Don't expect me to wait with bated breath." Sparks fly as Julie and Kim confront one another at Don's office. Kim lets Julie she is leaving for Chicago, and Julie remarks "The same plane that Doug is taking?" When Linda arrives at the office, she tells Julie she has had about as much of the Horton clan as she can take, which prompts Julie to visit Amanda at the hospital. In Don's office, Kim pretends to be hurt that Don has given her away, and he reads her off for trying to con him. Kim finally says he'd better use the time while she and Doug are in Chicago to get with Julie. It may be his last chance. Julie arrives at the hospital, ready to help Amanda with her wig. Neil prepares her for what she will see when the bandages comes off. Later, Julie shows Amanda the wig. She models the wig for Amanda, tries to cheer her up. Tom enters, and Julie says she will wait outside. Tom says from now on Amanda will be an outpatient, able to lead a more normal life. As Neil waits outside, Phyl enters, asks if he would like to take her to lunch. He refuses, saying he must be here if Amanda needs help from any trauma that might develop after she sees herself with the bandages off. Later, Julie has Amanda's wig in place. She is beautifully made up, dressed, and looks lovely. As Amanda stares wonderingly at herself in a mirror, Tom and Neil enter. Neil tells her how lovely she looks.

Marlena suggests to Mickey that he leave the sanitarium for a visit, and they decide she will ask Linda if she would like to have Mickey for dinner. Marlena goes to see Linda at the law office and suggests she have Mickey over for dinner. However, Marlena says it would be better if Linda and Mickey weren't alone, whereupon Linda proposes she ask Mike to join them. Marlena agrees, and they both look at one another speculatively. Maybe they sized each other up too hastily. At the sanitarium, Marlena finds Don waiting to visit Mickey. Don tries to apologize for last night, but Marlena cuts him off. From now on, she has no interest in him except for his help for her patient, Mickey Horton. Exiting Mickey's room at the sanitarium after discussing office business, Don finds Marlena waiting, says he has a few things to discuss about Mickey, will she meet him later for a drink. Although she's wary, Marlena agrees and Don leaves. Marlena talks to Mickey and he admits he's afraid to leave the sanitarium. She says Linda wants very much to fix dinner for him, and Mike will pick him up so the three of them can have dinner together. Mickey asks Marlena if Linda is afraid to be alone with him.
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