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OLTL: Discussion for the week October 25

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I bought the Worlds Without End book. Not sure what I did with it. That was the first time I read a lot about radio soaps and about the quippy putdown articles Thurber wrote on them. I think that was also where I first read about the things like a person writing in a letter to a soap wife telling her that her husband was cheating on her (the actor did a voice on another radio soap).

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It's kind of interesting how Ford's "punishment" always comes in the form of physical violence, which really isn't all that satisfying though perhaps it's meant to be on a visceral level? All of the manipulative emotional pain caused by Mommy and Daddy stuff I just won't buy, so it's all pretty lose-lose with me in terms of this guy getting his just deserts. It seems kind of lazy to "put him in his place" by having the [!@#$%^&*] kicked out of him once every few months. He needs to be told off, emotionally dressed down (no pun intended :rolleyes: ) but the only character who gets to do that type of thing is Destiny and she isn't right for the job.

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Some of this is seriously comical.

Starr needs to hit her upside the head with that shovel.

Tea & Blair are funny.

Oh and I'm waiting for Natalie to pry into what Marty was saying on the phone so she in return can find out about Natalie's WTD dilemma.

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Oh my Lord, those drunken Halloween kids, wtf? :lol: I'm sorry, I don't care if she has a gun in her hand that she can barely keep a grip of, Starr and James could totally rush her with those shovels and take one straight to her dome. She'll drop the baby.

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And by "men" I assume you're including RC and FV. -_-

Oh my GAHD, no this trick did not just pistol whip James and take him out in ONE blow. I HATE IT WHEN CHARACTERS SUCK AT FIGHTING BACK!!

I am LMAO over here, James has even got the gimp arm/hand thing going, that had to have been an in-joke.

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I think the Hannah/Starr/James scenes were meant as gothic horror, but Roscoe Bourne they ain't. He could have pulled off that dig your own graves scene but not MF, KA and NR.

But the whole episode I was just screaming at my TV get on with TnT reunion and THAT was a great payoff moment. Too rare does ABC soap deliver a really GREAT emotional payoff cliffhanger like that. That was well-done.

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What McBain family? There is only one McBain in town anymore. The rest went by way of the firing squad.

Mother Eve McBain - first played by Lisa Banes and then Lisby Larson

Cousin Shannon McBain - played by Daneell Harris

Michael McBain - played by Nathanial Marston and then Chris Stack

Marcie McBain - played by Kathy Brier

and baby Gabriel McBain - saw him once after he was born

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All I remember about Eve McBain #2 is I thought she looked like a Muppet in a giant blonde fright wig. I was pretty much boycotting the show at the time.

Eve #1 was brought on to minor fanfare - one of the first "look! We hired a stage actress!" bits they've done in the last ten years, as if OLTL and other East Coast soaps haven't been hiring theatre actors since time immemoriam - but I called her Scary Death Lady, because that was what she was. After all this talk about John and Michael's rough and tumble youth in Atlantic City, here comes this Lady Of The Theatre in shawls and gowns, intoning purposefully in every scene in the most solemn terms. Then she started singing at Capricorn and it was like Judy Collins with a side of Bauhaus, just these shadowy, creepy musical numbers. And because RSW and/or Bo still seemed to be in his No Nora phase, we had to endure a brief flirtation subplot between Bo and this terrifying woman. Bo would sit in the club like, "yes, this is enthralling, I'm into it." Thank God it went nowhere.

The relationship Eve had with John always struck me as frankly incestuous. That's the one thing I'd do with John's character, reveal that his home life was far from squeaky clean.

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