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Settlers, immigrants, Sooners, squatters -- call 'em whatever you like, but the point is, the peeps who first arrived in what would become America weren't any more indigenous to this territory than the Mexicans and others who cross our borders, both legally and illegally, today.

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I watched the clip and i have complete sympathy for Ann Coulter regarding the View.   They brought her on to their show and the objective was to tagteam her but as crazy as she is she is better at this than they are.    So first they have that spanish woman (I have no idea who she is) saying she doesn't have to be a maid.   That is irrelevant and apropos of  nothing.  Ann Coulter has never discussed wealthy immigrant celebs who get paid to be appear on TV and how their are impacting the country.   Then Raven Symone starts her little shtick with this bogus speech about how her mother told her if you don't have anything nice to say better to say nothing at all. 



     What got me were the trained seals in the audience who applauded Raven for that hypocritical little gem.   Then Ann Coulter shuts her right down, politely, and yet the audience doesn't applaud her for calling out Miss Symone on her hypocrisy.   As a matter of fact not a single person on that panel bothered to say "Ann has a point" but they were all talking over each other to not let her get a word in defending herself, interrupting her when they thought they had a new line of attack.    She's the F-ing guest and doesn't deserve that.   And the joke is all this does is allow her to go to FOX for a segment on what BS the liberal media is--and this time it will 100% right.

Edited by quartermainefan
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The point is, whether she was ganged up on or not, her views are bigoted, racist, and completely discriminatory. She was spewing disdain and basically hatespeak. Settler my ass. Her family immigrated to North America. All of that crap that "SETTLERS"   are different than immigrants is DELUSIONAL. 


I understand that she is entitled to her opinion, but so are all of the people that believe this nation's basic truths...such as "Give me your tired, your poor"...Perhaps her ignorant ass should go out and work a real job for a little while, and try to survive on minimum wage. We are a nation that welcomes both rich and poor.


Why no one cheered when she insulted Raven...because there was no sign saying applaud for the audience to clap. Raven may have been shut down, but the bottom line, her ignorance is she doesn't know enough to keep her mouth shut. Coulter has hateful views about people. I doubt half the audience took their free book home.

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I really can't stand AC, but immigration is a hard issue. Does the fact that most of us are descended from immigrants mean that we have to have open borders? I don't think that's practical or smart. It's also not practical to deport huge numbers of people or have a fence , so I really don't know what the answer is. Maybe some sort of guest worker program, but that poses it's own issues.

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I totally agree that immigration laws need work. We also have to have enough restrictions, etc. I just was disgusted by her in general(I basically don't have the time or tolerance for her). But to just rant like she was on national television about "domestics" and the like, she's just a nasty person.

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