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Does anyone remember the origins of Connor and Evan Walsh? I was reading an online synopsis and it's confusing. It said that Mr. Walsh, Lucinda's husband who killed himself, was Connor and Evan's grandfather. I thought he was their father. Does anyone know which it was? Unless Mr. Walsh was really old, I would think Connor and Evan would have been too old to be his grandkids. I know ages are all messed up on soaps but that seems weird. Then again, if he was their father, how could Lucinda not know who they were? I'm just confused. Anyone remember? 

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James Walsh was a rich old man Lucinda married after Lily’s adoptive father and Lucinda’s husband Martin Guest killed himself. James Walsh had a son who was the father of Connor and Evan with Edwina the mother. Walsh enterprises was founded by James Walsh senior and Lucinda built the company to a power pushing the son out. Connor and Evan came to town to take Lucinda’s company. She never knew the grandkids because they probably were babies and she had no relationship with Connor and Evans father. Connor and Evan blamed Lucinda for their father’s suicide- a copy of why Lucinda came to town and hated Whit McCall.



Edited by lilyredd
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Christopher Tavani, for me, does not fit in this lineup.. but I am so happy he's going to be included. I know he's been in the Live Chat of several reunions, and always speaks highly of World Turns, and his current humour is excellent.

Plus, this description is wrong. Neither Gorenc or Hazen played Holden and Lily's children... they played Carly and Jack's. Damn.

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I never understood why Lily's name was Walsh and not Guest. I wish Lisa would have gone back to her old ways and when she found out why Martin killed himself...she exposed the truth..not worrying about Princess Lily. Or at least blackmailed and taunted Lucinda. 


I do remember Lucinda getting calls asking for "the widow Guest" which was the intro to Iva..though why was she doing that?


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Mick Hazen was a talented kid; back in the days before Eddie Alderson learned to act seemingly overnight, I was desperate for him to replace him as Matthew Buchanan on OLTL.


I always forget Natalie and Sage existed. I'm still not sure exactly who Sage is.

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Sage is Jack and Carly's daughter.


Those online synopses can sometimes have errors, in addition to being confusing but, in their defense, it has to be somewhat fatiguing to have to write and condense these winding, circuitous narratives.



Considering the fact that Guest killed someone, it could have been respectability politics on Lucinda's part to try to give Lily a more respected identity. It would have been interesting to explore that aspect later on.

Also, I remember Lily offhandedly saying that Lucinda had been married five times. Who were the other husbands? It could have been fun to have someone suspect Lucinda of being sort of a "Black Widow", especially in the show's last decade when the show was straining for something interesting for their senior veteran characters to do.

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Who did Guest kill, I cannot remember.

I remember her saying to Connor and Sam she was married to a famous Hollywood star- they should have cast him or explore some of these issues when they had her in therapy. There was so much to unpack with her character - marrying a man and living in a foreign country, forced to leave your child, and the man who was a big reason for her exile commits crimes and kills himself.. I would love to have seen more of the relationship between Lisa and Lucinda - it could have developed like Dorian and Vicki at OLTL.

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