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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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LOL at the Holden clones. I think the worst one Marland introduced later on was Hutch.


Beau was an interesting addition to the show. Neil Maffin wasn't a bad actor, and while the angsty folksy/pop singer is a cliche, he was at least different from the other young guys on the show at the time. I also liked his relationship with Pam Dixon, who was a believable, sympathetic, intelligent heroine. 


I think because of the strike or the change in producers he got lost in the shuffle, and he had that strange exit where he sort of got involved with Nella Franklin and they left town together, but not romantically?

I wonder if they cut him because they thought Duke was that "type" and they didn't need another.



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I seriously doubt tgat anyone would associate Duke with Beau-- they are two different types completely. Beau was meant to be mysterious for much of the character's run as he had a painful family dynamic while Duke was pretty much an open book. Duke was prone to making corny but endearing jokes, while Beau seemed far more intense, sometimes even showing moments of impatience with Pam.

Vastly different types, imo.

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I think Beau left more because of a housecleaning of the younger set of that period (with Andy/Paul/Lien/Duke moving more into that role). I do wonder if that was down to Calhoun leaving or Marland wanting to just hit reset with Martha Byrne leaving. I also wonder how he felt about the interim writers' handling of the Laura storyline. That April fragment on here has that wedding flashback of them; I suppose the tone is partly because they were trying not to let viewers know they were siblings, but it feels very gothic compared to how noirish and campy the later material was. 

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Oh God...people are going to jump on you about Block..but I agree..I loved him on GL..as Craig he got old, but I always liked it that he seemed smart and with ready with the snark..okay, some may call that smarmy but. I don't know why they killed him off of GL?


Herrera was great and he did his best with the really bad lines the Dobsons would give him. He deserved a more filled out character then just "bad guy." James never had a sense of humor and was never fighting for something like his company or family like Alan and Alex did...so he was better as a short term villain. The best James was written was the first resurrection when Marland wrote him...he was trying to snow everyone that he changed..screwing Lucinda and Monica L and Em...every other time he was a villain rubbing his hands together in glee for his evil plans.


LOL on Hensley in his tightie whities..I can't believe they got away with that (thought I have to say Emma was pretty good with the bleach there.) 

While "the kids" to do would consider him "fit-fat" that is a nice side of beef to keep you warm on those cool nights at the Snyder pond.

Edited by Mitch
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What I loved about the P&G universe back in those days- Doug Cummings gets killed off the show but John Wesley Shipp is on Secret deodorant commercials that air during ATWT and probably during GL too.

 I'm going to say this again, Donald Trump had to be the prototype for Tad Channing, I don't care what anyone says. Venal, charlatan in real estate related building, super-aggressive with women, to the point of criminality, not to mention, broke.

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I was just watching the episodes leading up to Tad's murder. He attempted to rape two different women in the same evening (Sierra, Meg). Really, dude? It was like he was trying to rack up as many criminal offences as he could before heading out. It's really hard to believe Iva would have gotten involved with someone like that even if she was young, naive and suffering from low self-esteem. 


I have to disagree with you there. Although it was very dry, I thought James had a good sense of humour. Also, in the early years, James was fighting for the Stenbeck fortune. He was also always fighting for Paul. 

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Ironically, 2 women who had made sexual assault allegations against tRump, are currently suing him for libel.


Tad Channing definitely evolved, or should I say "devolved" into a more blatantly wicked character, where as previously, he had been more devious and manipulative. The previous actor was seen as having more of a layer of oily charm. That Tad I could have seen Iva, with low-esteem falling for. Larry Pine's version of the character seemed very Trumpian in demeanor. I guess that's was a signal marker that the character would not be around for much longer.


James actually had some moments of humorous dialogue, like when Lucinda told him that John Dixon was twice the man that he'd ever be, implying that John satisfied her and was a better lover. Not missing a beat, James snaps back with something like, that John had to be some type of superhuman to satisfy the likes of Lucinda, who was insatiable.

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Regarding James Stenbeck I had always wondered what would have happened if the show gave Stenbeck some type of reform like Roger on GL or Carl on AW while maintaining a hard edge or transitioned to a Victor Kiriakis type of antagonist. I believe Herrera could have pulled it off.  Instead we ended up with a Stefano DiMera type supervillain over time.


Herrera did have a dry sense of humor, and that helped bring energy to the proceedings of his later returns as absurd & poorly written as they were. I don’t think daytime ever got to see another side to him

though as his other roles on Y&R and as Dane on Loving were just as  inimical as well.

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