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Definitely agree about Julie, at the time I was interested in seeing where the stuff with Carly and Julie was headed until I got the word Julie was out like the week before. Ugh. 


When Aaron came to town in '02 he came in as a runaway with the Snyders finding out Caleb & Julie had been reckless/irresponsible/neglectful of him, something of course Sheffer pulled later on Days (Jeremy Horton being neglected, possible abused by Mike). His 2005 departure was because he found out Julie was terminally ill with cancer and was on hospice. Sheesh! I think in his 07-08 return he mentioned briefly she had recovered in a throwaway line and weren't even mentioned when Aaron came back for Holden's "funeral" in '09. 

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So, I guess this had become common with soap writers to write older and adult children as having been neglected off-screen by their parents, who the audience knew more about from previous storylines?  What a terrible plot device.


Alan Locher had expressed interest in getting Anne Sward on his livestream show.  I don't suppose he'd ask her how she felt about the character being written as a stage mother to her youngest child but I'm curious to know her thoughts about this.

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I had forgot about the Lyla/Katie stuff, interesting someone tried at the helm tried to walk it back in that Christmas ep yet ironically her grandson was busted for theft. Sheesh. 

But yeah, other soaps have used it as well. Around the same time Aaron came back GL was doing a story of where Marina came back because Eleni was trapped in an abusive relationship. The less said about Fletcher dumping Ben off in a boarding school to fend for his own the better. 

Sheffer later also used elements of the issue for Ricky and very strangely Fenmore on Y&R to disastrous results. 

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That's not the way I remember it. Aaron ran away because he and Caleb had been butting heads. Then there was something about him having had an affair with a married woman (which Craig ambushed Lucy with to try and torpedo the relationship). 

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I remember that too later on but there was an episode of where Holden discovered Caleb had anger management issues and Julie had devolved into a constant party girl or something so he convinced Caleb to let Aaron stay in Oakdale which happened before he met Lucy during Abigail’s trial. It was pretty unflattering to both Caleb & Julie, 

Edited by soapfan770
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Every now and then I stream some classic TV shows on IMDB TV and happened to see an episode of 21Jump Street that is oddly and sadly prescient to today's politics (which I guess never really changed from yesterday's politics). 

Brian Bloom guest starred in this particular episode titled "Next Victim".


Seems as if quite a few future and ex-soap stars made appearances on this show.



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Martha came back in April of 1993.This was the era where Lilly was singing Bonnie Raitt's  I Can't Make You Love Me.. Every change she got. I miss the days when all the soaps had a budget. And would go on location to foreign countries. To double check  I Googled the series Dudley. The late Dudley Moore's short lived sitcom started in April. This episode aired either in April or May. Barbara hadn't given birth to Will yet. Will was born in late May 93.

Edited by victoria foxton
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