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As The World Turns Discussion Thread


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Madam's Place is better than most of today's Y&R.

I wasn't really criticizing the show, just pointing out strike stuff. I always enjoy seeing strike material, as long as it didn't gut the show. I kind of like that ATWT was a little more loose at this point, more pulpy. Marland corrected it soon enough, perhaps even a little too much (the show seems very dry to me in some of the early '89 stuff...and they sure made a lot of effort to write Beau out, even though I thought he could have been an interesting long-term addition to the show).

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LOL @ Madam's Place! I don't remember the show but somehow I remember that puppet! I should've been scared of her at that young age, but somehow I thought it was funny, mostly that this grown man was voicing her.

I just saw the next episode on AsTheWorldStillTurns YT page and I liked the fact that we got to see Jessica and Roy living together, although I can't decide whether it was annoying or realistic that Roy was a chauvinist. I did enjoy Jessica putting him in his place and his slightly wounded reaction (hidden by a joke). I wish they had more time together--would've liked to see how Roy's relationship to Jessica would've caused him to evolve but it seems that Jessica and Roy were dropped not long after...maybe the decsion was made soon after the strike was over?

In retrospect, I would've like to see Beau stick around too but I wonder whether he was an unpopular character or was it just undoing all the strike material?

Wow, in that photo above, Grandpa Hughes looks younger than Chris Hughes! I would have loved to see an episode with Swoosie Kurtz in it! I had no earthly idea she was ever in ATWT!

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I liked Patsy Bruder a lot. She was always terrific. There are some early scenes of her trying to get her baby Danny back from the Stewarts. She wasn't beautiful by typical TV standards, but she just radiated this inner beauty and warmth that compelled you to root for Ellen. But why oh why did they feel the need to age her into a whole other generation? She was supposed to be of the Bob/Penny/Don generation, but if you hadn't watched the show or known anything about its early days, you'd have thought she was a peer of Nancy and Chris. I guess this plays into why they aged Dan Stewart so rapidly. And then to just suddenly drop her was heinous. Did she disappear under Behr/Broderick or earlier?

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Valente put her on recurring in summer/fall 1995. She wasn't seen again until she popped up a few times when Behr was producer. 1998 or 1999 was her last appearance. I think she was in a holiday episode.

I'm going to spare you my rant about how much Ellen could have livened up the moribund Emily/Susan/Alison stories of ATWT's last decade.

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Ellen was written of the show three times - in the 1960s (David remained, but Ellen was never at home), in the 1970s (a little prior to the expansion to a full hour) and then later when she was said to have left town to live in Atlanta.

Edited by danfling
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When you think about it, Lily & Holden were an odd supercouple, even to the end. Holden and Lily were not each other first ANYTHING (lol). They were married to other people at times, Dusty was Lily's first lover, in the end, they weren't even together (lol). You could draw the conclusion that had the story continued, they'd reunite but who knows? They may have ended up married to other people again for another couple years.

And they always seemed to fall out over the same basic issues.

About Patricia Bruder, I wish they had brought her back even for a short arc or occasionally, her spats with Susan might have been enough to cover some of the huge plot holes the show had in the final decade-- or at least, it might have made things more bearable. I loved her look in the 80s when they allowed her natural wave to let loose, instead of trying to restrain it.

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