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Dallas 2.0: Discussion Thread


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It is probably because of the dream season that made you forget. They originally lost their son in the dream season but when Bobby popped up in the shower, Donna gave birth to a baby girl and she moved to Washington. Their daughter and Lucas Wade would fit nicely in the cast. Even Mandy could have left Dallas back in 87 pregnant with JR baby...a daughter maybe who falls for John Ross making Sue Ellen boil with anger...and where is Cally's son with JR?? I could go on...lol

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I thoroughly enjoyed Sue Ellen/Joss Ross scenes, but way too much Emma not enough Pam wheeling and dealing. Although I suspect that will, change once that tape of John Ross banging Emma comes out; I'm in Colorado but I've had to look up what exactly fracking is.

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Yes, that damn dream season. And I always loved loved loved Donna and Susan Howard. I was so excited over the rumors of her appearing last year and then ... nothing. Sigh. I remember her going to Washington (I think I need to re-watch original Dallas for the millionth time) and hated losing Donna.

Very true about Mandy.

I remembered Cally's, which is why I was, of course, disappointed in her return as well. Ugh, I really need to just accept these characters are just going to be cameos and nothing more but it's still disappointing they're not utilizing the history as they should, or any reboot would. And seeing Donna Mills wasted on GH makes me crave for her on Dallas as Abby, along with more apperances by Ted and Joan as Gary and Val. Although Judith Light is serving that Abby purpose in a sense. Donna and her daughter could serve a great purpose, as could Ray and Lucy, in this fight over Southfork, drilling, Ewing Energies, etc.

And Lucy seriously never married and had kids in the decades this show was off? It's always so LOL worthy when she and Ray just randomly pop up.

I could go on and on as well. Sooooo much this show could do. I really worry because TNT is very quick to axe a show, even in it's 3rd season. They don't care.

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Yeah I believe it was a the Ewing rodeo where Donna lost her baby. Werent the rumors that Susan Howard left because they wanted her to cheat on Ray with JR?? The writers supposedly didnt have any story for Donna but that one. Now that the show is moving along I think its time to bring the rest of the offspring to Dallas. It is a shame that Mitch and Lucy never had a child. Also they could bring the original cartel back with offspring too...so many things available and its not being used. They could even bring in Gary and Val's twins to the show. Shakes head...lol

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Just finished season 2 and the bullshit keeps on piling:

Pamela's not only dead, but she died of pancreatic cancer after many months of horrible surgeries to fix the burns on 60% of her body, while never getting the chance to reunite with her family. And, then, as if that wasn't enough, Bobby wasn't even allowed to mourn her, with the throwaway line of having already done his mourning. rolleyes.gif What horrid crap. At least they didn't make Cliff into a killer.

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I would rather they come up with a plausible explanation for her absence, something that didn't require the death of a beloved character after MONTHS of painful surgeries, pancreatic cancer and the inability to fulfill her dying wish (not to mention the two years of back and forth on this issue on DALLAS 2.0). Anything could have been done--she's in a coma, she talks to Christopher on the phone, anything. Just not that horrible, painful ending they gave her while refusing to let Bobby show the tiniest bit of sadness over it, only for the sake of those damn Ewing shares.

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