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Y&R: Week of July 19, 2010

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May I say, regardless of how sh*tty the story is with both Jill and Lauren acting totally out of character, Tracey Bregman and especially Jess Walton are really doing their best. The acting is marvellous.

Yet nothing makes any sense: I would be more plausible for Jill to hate Lauren these days for her being dressed in KMart-pieces whereas Lauren is having a lush wardrobe. Yet, they continue to play this "I wanna be a Fenmore to be complete"-story.

Speaking of crappy stories: Michael Muhney has been surprisingly good the last 2 weeks or so.


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Yeah, it wasn't anything new because Heinle's hair almost always looks bad, but if you take a moment to take it all in - damn, she's awful. And that is supposed to be a rich girl? She looks like she lives on the street.

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On Sophia. I can't tell if some of you are being bitchy or what, but I love her. Off the cuff casting. It's about effing time. Ok, they should tone down the make up, but I love Miss Diva. Get over it tongue.gif

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I would love for someone to tie that woman down and just run a hot comb through her hair. It's just aweful! Why won't they do anything with that shyt?!

Like Sophia, but sadly, she will be stuck in the middle of boring ass Kristoff and the guy from Family Matters. I really don't need another reason for these brothers to go at it. It's just not interesting.

I have to say that I'm surprised TIIC went with someone who looks like Sophia. Don't have a problem with it at all, but I'm just shocked.


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So far, I like what I see as far as Sophia is concerned. The way she handled Neil was just right. Just who in the hell does Neil think he is being so condesending??? Now If wardrobe and make-up get their collective acts together, Ms Sophia Dupree should be alright. Look out Neil!!

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