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AMC: Friday 06/11/10

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No, it's my opinion too.

I had to grab this transcript from TV megasite with the mayor and Natalia. I hope Mayor Blanco stays around and gets to put Jesse in his place! I bolded the best parts.

Iris: The chief of police can't bother to pick up his phone, I'll take answers from you. Exactly how long were you planning to detain Dr. Hayward without access to counsel?

Natalia: Your honor --

Iris: You are familiar with the united states constitution, are you not, officer Fowler?

Natalia: Yes, ma'am.

Iris: Then you know the phrase, due process.

Natalia: Of course I --

Iris: I don't think you do because if you did, Dr. Hayward would have been, what, arraigned last night along with the other participant in this altercation, Dr. Jake martin.

Natalia: Yes, ma'am.

Iris: Does chief Hubbard make it a habit of using this department to settle his personal scores?

Natalia: Absolutely not. There was a mix up in paperwork.

Iris: Well, maybe I should launch my own investigation --

Natalia: No. Iris: Get down to the bottom of what really happened?

Natalia: That will not be necessary.

Iris: You know, for years Dr. Hayward has been a generous supporter of my campaigns, but that is not why I'm here. I'm here to make it clear that I expect every citizen in pine valley to receive fair and equal treatment under the law. So now I've got a city to run. But I'll be waiting for those answers. In the meantime, I suggest that you straighten up this mix-up, brush up on your constitution.

As far as the show in general, I disagree about the long-term planning. If anything, I think the show finally has a direction again. Jake & Amanda's wedding served as a springboard for several stories: Liza/Damon/Colby, Angie's medical condition and Greenlee fessing up about Erica. Also, this was the wedding that Jake & Amanda should have had last summer with the whole Martin family participating and it was nice that Amanda called Ruth "mom." It's like Kreizman/Swajeski were announcing that they've de-Pratt-ed the show and are bringing back the family-based drama.

Now for the episode, I'm so glad Jack turned against Greenlee; hopefully this will lead to a permanent rift. As someone said the other day, her calling him "dad" felt fake, so now if they grow close again in the future, we'll get to see how (though I'm hoping it doesn't happen). I loved Damon telling Liza she's not good enough for Tad. I like the setup for Angie's story and that it wasn't melodramatic with her fainting in front of everyone. The cliffhanger where Greenlee told David they knew about Erica had me on the edge of my seat wondering if he'll confess to sabotaging her plane. I can't wait for Monday!

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Jack is always screaming mad about something it seems.... I wonder if Walt Willey has a bad temper.... cause whenever the script calls for Jack to go bat sh*t crazy with anger.... he SELLS it.

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I would guess Natalia wasn't at the wedding because she was on her movie break. I mean, she was in like a three minute scene that could have easily been inserted into an earlier episode than where they were at in the taping schedule to fake that she was just backburned for a bit. I mean, how many times is David taken to the cop shop in a month? The circumstances probably weren't even relevant when they taped it :lol:

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Is that Wanda De Jesus playing the Mayor? That really looks like her, and I won't be disappointed if it is. I love her work. I absolutely LOVE that Mayor, I hope she is here to stay! I want to see her more, and I love how she isn't dumb and is catching on to that diva joke of a cop, Jessie. Loved her grilling Natalia. I really hope this Mayor is here to stay.

Liza catching the bouquet, Tad catching the garter rolleyes.gif And the quick shots of Krystal rolling her eyes while Tad was putting the garter on Liza...where is AMC going with this?? It is so confusing, and I love it because you don't know whats going to happen next, but I also hate it at the same time. They also have Krystal interacting (and kind of flirting) with Jackson, and then she's rolling her eyes at Tiza...

I was so infuriated when Ryan just bolted out of the wedding with Greenlee, totally ditching Madison!! That was just so freaking uncalled for. He didn't even say bye to her. I felt bad for Madison when she looked on at Rylee. Well I've lost hope for Radison after that happened, don't want to see them together if Ryan's going to do that. I am completely in Fradison mode now, and I am holding out all hope for them! Some great interactions between them today also.

OMG at Damon leaning over to see more up Liza's leg when Tad was putting the garter on her. :-o

And Colby needs to settle down a notch, she is going to scare Damon off. I hated her heavily insinuating how bad she wanted to catch that bouquet, basically screaming to the moon that she wants to marry him. Damon was all like, "yeeaahhhh...". That's how I would be to. Hell no, lol. Colby needs to stop.

Do the ABC soaps share music to? They played the Lulu and Dante song at JamanDUH's wedding ;l

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Jack could've stayed in Paris, butchering the French language for all I care. I don't know if it's Walt's "acting" or the writing, but Jack overreacts to everything. His vigilante justice as DA trying to railroad Ryan for the rape of that Kit Fisher person five seconds after learning she was his long lost sister Christine. His overreaction with Greenlee and Ryan after he learned Greenlee was his daughter. It bordered incestuous, with comments like "I wish I could take her out of his arms and hold her in mine." :unsure: I just find him hammy.

I see absolutely no spark there, but I'd love it just to give Jesse a heart attack.

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They could do so much with the character of Natalia if they tried. All SK needs is a good s/l because she's already proven she can bring it. As far as the her hooking up w/ David ummm IDK about that but it would make some good drama lol, and I would like to see her and Jesse spar!!!

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