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B&B: June Discussion Thread

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Well today pretty much confirmed that it wasnt Steffy. Brooke definetly had sex and Ridge had no clue what she was alluding to. She is such a whore. She is that orny that she would have sex in public outside while she should be chaperoning her daughter's party? What a nasty piece of work. She didbnt care if the kids walked in on her? Skank. And Oliver, what an idiot. I mean really.

What will Steffy's role be? Let me guess. Oliver is going to try and keep this a secret, with Steffy finding out and blackmailing Brooke into leaving Forrester and her father. She will then "accidentally" leak it so that Hope dumps Oliver and she moves in on him

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Ditto! And yep, most likely.

Okay, one little minor thing's been bugging me. The last person we saw with the necklace was Steffy. Clearly, she wasn't the one to give it to Brooke, so she must have given it to Marcus. But, if Marcus gave it to Brooke, why was Marcus looking at her like he thought she might have been Steffy when she entered the party in hood and mask and wearing the neckless? Or am I missing something. I guess if I can overlook Oliver not realizing the difference between having sex with someone that hasn't lost their cherry yet and someone who must be looser than bowels after collard greens, than I can overlook this, too!

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This storyline is so crazy, but at least it's different. How could Brooke mistake someone else for her husband? even without seeing him, seems that she would have known since Ridge is supposed to be her "destiny". I almost busted out laughing when Oliver nearly collapsed over what had happened. I also had laugh at his conversation with Ridge about "sharing".

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LOL...yeah. It's not like he's Brandon Beemer. Though from the flashback, it sure didn't seem like Ollie even attempted to lift Brooke. More like she snaked a leg around him. How he got up in there with that tight skirt of Brooke's is another question altogether.

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Is Brad "borrowing" that story where Caroline was married to Thorne and when he went downstairs to get a turkey sandwich, Ridge came into the room and Caroline had sex with him because she thought it was her husband?

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Or Drugged up Dru thinking Malcom was Neil, or Nick thinking that Skinny ass Grace was his voluptuous wife Sharon. It really makes me think that it is a Bell family trait to have sex with a paper bag over their heads. They are certainly ugly enough both inside and out to warrant such a tradition.

Once again we are all supposed to suspend our disbelief and buy what ever crap they are shoveling out to us. I am tired of it and yes, while I might be discussing it right now, watching it is another story all together. Y&R I don't care to watch lately and posting about it seems like a waste of time better spent doing anything else. Soaps are dying such a fast and rapid death, and can it be said it is undeserved?

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Don't hold back! :o

How many times has this been done with Brooke or Ridge anyway? Didn't Ridge once have sex with Brooke when she was high on meds and she thought he was someone else?

I wonder how Taylor will react to this. She was written as the paragon of virtue for years but her kids, at least the ones who are still alive, are just vile.

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Don't forget about the re-write that Eric was Bridget's father because Brooke was too drunk on champagne to remember when he stuck his little weewee in.

Luckily according to Hunter she's not going to be seen much this summer, but she'll probably get in a "Ridge you should have picked Meee..... " line or two.

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I think Brad was borrowing the scene from Spartacus where two people f*ucked while wearing masks only to realize that they were screwing someone they hated when the masks were taken off. It was a really blatant rip off, imo.

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