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B&B: June Discussion Thread

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The problem for Bell is that he should care more about whether viewers are watching the show rather than if people are talking about it. A lot of us who don't watch the show are talking about it, and this storyline reaffirms our decision to let the show go.

Fans were talking about Ridge and Bridget getting together, but they were tuning it out (remember Bell's famous comments to tune out if you don't like it, he was sticking with the brother-sister couple? A week or so later the ratings dropped so fast and so hard that they had to shut "Ridget" down within a couple of weeks. Same for Brooke straddling Nick when the writers promised an Australia wedding on the big 20th anniversary location shoot. Viewers talked, but roughly a half a million fans tuned out by the next week.

RM had to be called back from vacation to help the writers dump Brooke and Nick following their disastrous wedding (the year before I believe), ratings were so bad -- that was the 10 week marriage following a wedding that cost the show 600,000 viewers from the highest rated show in the same week it aired -- despite heavy promotion and coverage by Entertainment Tonight. I still can't believe ET promoted that crap.

BnB fans have to work full time to pull something enjoyable from this show. The holes in the plots are too big and the need for 'shockdrama' is too great. There are no little moments in between to keep us going. Good luck getting your audience back, "writers". I think once ratings fall, they'll reveal a set up by Steffy, but will fans tune back in? KKL's fanclub Prez is already trying to defend the character from the onslaught of fans who are saying they've giving up on Brooke and the show.

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How come anyone is surprised this could happen? Brooke is the Queen of Ooopsies. How many times has she accidentally "secused" Stephanie, thinking it was Ridge? Like 102 times by now? She never see any differences between people when she´s horny. Or she doesn´t care. :lol:

I think this storyline is hilarious. I was laughing and enjoying B&B. Normally I only watch Stephanie-stuff. But this ooopsie made me tune in to watch it. So much more funnier having it be Brooke than Steffy which would have been too obvious all the way.

Oliver though, thinking he helped Hope lose her virginity against a brick wall outside a big party. He must really care for her. :lol:

Next, what will Brooke´s reaction be when she finds out? I bet another hilarious moment. And then, what will the reactions be from everyone else who finds out? :lol:

And in the meanwhile, can Stephen convince Pammie to kill her own sister with some sex and removal of her pills? :blink:

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Brooke "I love the fact that we could be responsible parents and still rock the house when we put our minds to it"

Oh boy, is she really that dense? What part of having sex outside against a wall while chaperoning a teen party is being a responsible parent? She's talking like a friggin idiot. BTW, she looked extra silly jamming to Daddy Yankee in bed

I have to say I loved Hope's hair today. It looks good curly.

I just found this pic


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I cringed listening to Brooke go on and on and ON about how fuggin fantastic sex with masks on was.

And talk about 180's...now we're supposed to believe Ridge is too busy running the company to have sex with Brooke? Who are they kidding? I swear to God they had sex morning, noon and night in the week preceeding this "oopsie".

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I haven't been this excited about B&B in ages. I have actually been looking forward to getting home from work to watch the show and it has been years since that has happened. I DVR six soaps: AMC, B&B, DAYS, GH, OLTL and Y&R and I have watched B&B first the past few days. Brad Bell has actually done something interesting and unpredictable. This feels like the old B&B and I hope this continues. I can't wait to see Brooke's reaction when she realizes what really happened.

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It's funny I tuned in to B&B on Memorial Day while I was packing and liked what I saw. I had no idea this mask thing was going to happen. Honestly, I thought it was Steffy when it happened. Loved the Brooke reveal and the last couple of episodes with Oliver -- especially when he almost fainted. Hey, it's B&B, which is supposed to be campy and outraegous. (They actually did a good job keeping things sort of restrained in terms of the acting.) I also like the volatile Steffy/Hope relationship. That's more like sorta of sisters react. I did like the fake fight in front of Ridge. It's about time that B&B had an interesting younger generation. And, Brooke is getting a bad rap here. She is not a sl*t here, she didn't seduce Oliver. And, there is nothing wrong with a married couple having unconventional sex. It far better than what I'm guessing Stephen is going to do to Pam, which just sounds cruel. BTW -- if you told me 10 days ago I'd have this much to say about B&B, I'd said you're crazy. LOL

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No, but even in the dark, at a public place, with masks and clothes on, she should have been able to know that wasn't Ridge. But, Brooke didn't (or didn't care), so that hardly makes her seem, well, discriminate. It also proves, once again, that Stephanie is Always. Right.

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Absolutely. Never in a million years did I think B&B would be this good again.

Of course, I credit Patrick Mulcahey entirely for B&B's creative turnaround, but to Brad Bell's credit, at least he was smart enough to acknowledge that things weren't working and that a change was needed (unlike his imbecilic sister-in-law who will NEVER learn).

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