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My pleasure. I hope it works for you! I'm hopeless with anything technological, and remain computer illiterate, LOL, so when I finally figure out how to do something, I am super proud of myself!

Feigned indignation is a common ploy among scammers, who want to cower you into acquiescing to their often-unreasonable demands without question. It probably works for them, since many folks don't like confrontation, and desperately want to get their hands on the material which the scammers are allegedly offering. But like you, I know better than to cave in to scam-artists' aggressive BS. When you stand up to them, they usually throw a hissy fit and then disappear, which only confirms their shady intentions as far as I'm concerned.

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You described the situation to a tee. But sadly for them... I not only am NOT scared of confrontation (surviving narcissistic parents does that to you)... I know where to report... And I don't report only to facebook (that's where that particular scammer tried me at). I report to some other places too. So bad day for the scammer.  

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Oh, Facebook is plenty concerned with protecting its users from things like 1. themselves, 2. false spam reports, 3. harmless posts that its blind mechanical censors catch in their nets. I could go on. My point is they aggressively police things, but almost always it's the wrong things.

And, there is no possiblity of speaking to a human ABOUT ANY PROBLEM!

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Hi! Is saynotoursoap still active anywhere? Just curious as I've seen that watermark on a few things before and could never make out what it said until your post..!

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