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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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No what sealed her fate was trying to make a tense situation light and fun while dealing with an insane, immature selfish woman who's miserable and wants to bring everyone else down.

Again, if you don't want to get wet then don't get in a feakin lake! Trashmona didn't want to get her blow out wet because she was already planning on lying about needing to go and actually going to the hamptons where she was sponsoring a party. Maybe she should try to be honest.

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Trashmona threw wine on this girl for no reason and then threw wine on her again and threw the glass on her face for splashing her in a lake.

But poor innocent trashmona. She was provoked by the big bad evil Kristen who dared to splash someone in a lake.

I'm never going to a lake or pool with any of y'all lol.

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What tense situation? Ramona wasnt having a conversation with Kristen. She was perfectly find interacting with Carole and Sonja. How the hell is splashing water on her hair making things light and fun when Kristen was JUST told recently not to get her hair wet. Knowing how she felt about that and considering they were not on good terms, in what world would anyone think that splashing her with water again would be percieved as light and fun?

She went out on a lake....so what? One can canoe out on a lake on a sunny day without getting her hair wet. That would only happen if she went for a swim or fell in and in both cases, it would be her fault. Neither of those happened. She was PURPOSELY wet by someone else. And I also dont think the reason why she didnt want her hair wet matters either. It doesnt diminish what happens or absolve Kristen of any wrongdoing. Its a principle of respect and she was blatantly and ignored despite expressing her feelings about

Edited by Cheap21
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Throwing in my two cents - Ramona is justified! I think she's justified in both situations to be honest. Throwing wine on someone who is in a pool WHILE filming a reality show is no big deal. On the lake, all those ladies knew that Ramona was leaving for the Hamptons and didn't want her hair wet. She obviously wasn't looking to swim or get in the water - she was in the canoe staying dry and wanting to talk to the girls. Kristen, who I actually like surprisingly, went ape [!@#$%^&*] with the splashing, probably filled with adrenaline for thinking she was doing something fun and sneaky... but she didn't think it through... and again, the wine was thrown (no big deal) - and the glass, while not the best decision, was still understandable if you put yourself in Ramona's shoes. She has NO where to go in that canoe and is now soaking wet and her hair is f'ed. I'm sure she was super pissed and didn't even think - just threw whatever she had in her hand. Actually, she really just tossed it - didn't violently throw it. She tossed it towards Kristen and she just has good aim (or terrible aim, depending on how you look at it).

"WHO ARE YOU TO GET ME WET?" tongue.png - loved it.

This is TOTALLY different from the whole Kenya/Porsha situation... or the Joe situation on NJ.

Edited by alwaysAMC
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The tense situation of trashmona trashing Kristen.

Splashing around in a lake is light and fun. It's fun. I don't know how else to explain it. Have you been in a lake or a pool? It's fun. You get wet. If you don't want to get wet don't go around water. It's that simple.

I'm honestly shocked some of y'all are saying throwing glass at people is justified because Kristen splashed his butch while in a effing lake. You wanna talk justified, Kristen should have flipped that boat over and beat her ass.

Trashmona is an old bitter bitch who's husband is cheating her annoying ass with a pretty young thing and she's threatened by Kristen who is younger, prettier, and a new girl on the show following new girls replacing old girls. She doesn't like her and it has nothing to do with Anything Kristen has done. Ramona didn't go insane on heather not because she didn't know she splashed her but because she knows heather ain't weak and she made the mistake of thinking Kristen was. When everyone told her how wrong she was she came up with a I'm sorry you made me do it and when Kristen told her to eff off she got crazy again. That's trashmona tho, an insane drunk who believes all her own lies.

Edited by JackPeyton
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In what insane world though would anyone think that would have been percieved as light and fun to Ramona though? Do you act exactly the same towards everyone you know? People adjust their behavior according to different personalities and how well they know someone. I might be more willing to push or cross the line with my very close friends that I would not with an acquantice or worse someone that does not like me. What Kristen did may have been cool had she done it to just Carole, but she went after Ramona and they are not friends. Kristen KNEW it would piss her off which is why she did. Please dont try and act like she did it as some type of way to get along with her.

Of course I have. Ive also been around plenty a pool and have never been wet. If I just got my hair done and I told someone specifically NOT to wet my hair and they go after it anyway, there's going to be a problem. Its as simple as that. There's time and money involved in getting your hair done, and it would be beyond frustrating for someone to ruin it on purpose, especially for an event, knowing you've expressed your feelings about it.

Likewise, I honestly am shocked that people cant see how Kristen bears any fault in this. I came into the episode expecting to be Team Kristen but after I saw what actually went down, my opinion changed. I have acknowledged that Ramona was wrong and fully hold her accountable for throwing the cup and cutting her. Im not denying that. But I dont get why you and others think it was perfectly fine for Kristen to go after her and not only that, think she isnt to blame for anything. That was a situation that they BOTH messed up in.

Be that as it may, Ramona being an awful bitch doesnt justify her being provoked and antagonized and then the recipient to expect her to not strike back. Like Sonja said, what Kristen did was poke a sleeping lion and well we know what happens as a result of that. Ramona did apologize and that was the adult thing to do. Kristen threw it back in her face and then ripped into her. She could have ended things there and been the bigger woman but she proceeded to escalate the drama. She tells Ramona her hair looks fine when just a minute earlier she was trashing her and said her hair looked like sh-t to the other women. She was playing the victim role to a T, minimizing her role and how she made Ramona feel while exaggerating her end of things. She should have just accepted (not that I would expect her to apologize for her role) and moved on, instead of looking for a fight. Nope not Kristen as in her mind (and her fans), she wasnt responsible for anything. She is 100% innocent and got a cup thrown at her for no reason whatsover. Give me a break.

I know right? Ramona has apologized. She has acknowledged her wrongdoing. What more can be done? She doesnt need to kiss this overdramatic bitch's ass. Kristen needs to get over herself and Im sick of her pity party. Her face is fine. Her lip is fine. Based on the way she was going on, you'd think Ramona had busted a bottle on the side of the canoe and flung it at her, scarring her face and ruining her already floundering modeling career Edited by Cheap21
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I agree...lol

I actually watched it again on On Demand to see if I could understand the perspective of the other guys and girls in this thread and my opinion is the same. Kristen really didn't splash them all that long. As soon as Sonja said "we have blow dries" she stopped. Kristen really got that glass thrown at her when she told Ramona she hadn't done anything to help Sonja in 20 years. Then Ramona says "that's 2 for 2 Kristen you're a real bitch! " She then threw wine, cup, then tried to throw an oar at her. She had plenty of time to assess the situation and not react the way she did but her hate for Kristen is so strong all she could see was red.

And I wouldn't have accepted the apology wrapped in an insult either. "Im sorry you provoked me and made me throw a glass at you."


She then goes on trying to say Kristen reminded her of her father and she hadn't thrown anything at anyone in 30 years. Chile bye! Someone you barely know brought all that venom out in you? There was exaggeration on both sides as I do think Kristen's injury was minor I couldn't see the wound on my HD big screen television.

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