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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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See? I've always felt that what the Richards were talking about was that line Yolanda did say on camera about Lisa not making light of Kim's whatever was going on with her in Paris. Then they just blew it up.

Now did she say something else? Who knows?

The best I have to offer to why Yolanda's vibe changed...and I do feel it has...was due to Lisa and that cancellations . But there has to be more. Because all three of them were thick as thieves the first few episodes. Like that awesome picture of them together I used to have as my profile pic. How did we get from Princess-Duchess-Queen to claws out. I can clearly see it with Brandi and Lisa. But it gets murky for me when it comes to Yo and Lisa.

ETA: Are we talking Brandi's body language post ambush? Cuz like I said, I felt her face totally knew she had messed up.

Edited by Taoboi
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I think they're talking about Lisa's body language and her supposed guilt regarding "Tabloidgate" which to me is probably the biggest mountain out of a mole hill situation to ever occur in RH's history....

Like its really not that serious Kyle. You know Lisa and even if it were true you know she was probably joking (horrible joke I know and Lisa should apologize) but at the same time Kyle really needs to chill and learn how to not let this petty bs from the tabloids get to her. Shes married to a wonderful hot husband and has an army of insanely gorgeous and intelligent daughters right before her.

Now all she has to do is get a nice mansion and she'd be golden.

I miss the days when Adrienne would just cross the street to visit Lisa though....:(

God those houses were just incredible.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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The reunion looks good because Lisa looks ready for battle against these peasants. She checked Kim's comments about Ken perfectly. And Kim's ridiculous "I missed a few parties!" line...please, Lisa RSVP'd that she wouldn't attend your daughters graduation party and sent a gift from Tiffany's...Kim is so desperate to argue about that.

Yolanda's always been a bitch, but this season she's basically become a bitch to everyone, sans Brandi. It isn't a good look on her. Especially to someone like Joyce. Her 18 month comment re Lisa not visiting...when was Yoland locked away for 18 months? When she was filing RHOBH? Nonsense.

Kyle should realize that SHE is the one who kept the Mauricio story alive. It's her fault.

Brandi knows she has taken a wrecking ball to her life and she is transparent in trying to fix it...but I really hope she fails. Ken seems intent on her being banished, as she damn well should be. She says Ken and Lisa were like her family for goodness sake...that's what people are talking about when they say Lisa opened her home to Brandi and then Brandi tries to usurp her because of Sheana (let's not even touch the burning building crap, as if Lisa would inhale those fumes for either of them). Ken and Lisa seem very united on the Brandi front, I hope they keep to it. She is nothing but a liability.

Carlton should secure her spot for next season with one simple line: "You are just trash."....Kyle's reaction is worth watching the entire reunion for.


Edited by DaytimeFan
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So Kim thinks it is unfair of Lisa to come at her for missing a bunch of RHOBH events, but is coming at her for RSVPing the graduation event? Get the !@#$%^&*] out!

The jealousy oozing out of those four women, dear god.

I have no clue what Brandi expected Ken to say. Congratulate her for rallying the troops in attacking his wife? And now she's crying about being dropped? She has no right to be boohooing. What the !@#$%^&*] did she expect? A kiss and a hug and "see you at lunch next week"?

Edited by Cat
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I love that when Brandi is clearly trying to reconcile with Ken and Lisa his face basically says it all. I feel she pulled a Jill Zarin and like Jill with Bethenny, this is going to backfire on her. It's like the exact same story. I'm sure they knew this season lacked storyline so Brandi created this feud with Lisa in an effort to get big ratings and headlines. Only problem is, it only worked in Lisa's favor.

I didn't think Joyce and Carlton were huge successes, but I think they both need to come back similar to RHONY bringing back all 3 new women. I would dump Kim and bring in one new HW, but somebody very rich and very dynamic. If they could get Lisa Rinna that would be great. Not only is she rich and an over the top personality, but she's already well connected in the cast and her family life would be interesting. Or they could go against type and finally cast a black housewife. Next season also needs to bring back the "friends" and I'd go as far as to say they need new producers at this point. I wouldn't drastically change the cast though.

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Bingo. That is likely exactly what happened. The energy was so off, so low in the early episodes of the season. It really felt like morale was down. I would say, though, that everybody has been tarnished by this season, and truthfully, I cannot wait for it to be over. I feel exhausted by the whole thing. I hope RHoNY is more fun and irreverent like Andy Cohen has been promising.

Personally, I can't believe they are giving RHOBH a 3-part reunion. To talk about tabloids in suitcases and who would Lisa save in a fire and how many events did Lisa and Kim go to? No thanks. Two episodes is enough. Clearly, even in three parts, nothing is going to be rectified or put to bed. If anything, judging by the Twitter action and blog entries since the reunion, the feuding has only gotten worse.

Edited by Cat
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Tonight's RHOA is making me start to question Porsha's story when it comes to the divorce. I'm beginning to believe Kordell that Porsha did ask THREE months ahead of the Twitter thing, and I believe she did it to seal a spot for s6. She knew early on that Bravo was going to give her the boot, so what better way to keep a spot than playing the heartbroken wife. I'm glad that Kenya and Peter called her to the carpet tonight. And Phaedra ... can she refer to Kenya as something else other than slut? Phaedra is starting to look real insecure when the insults. Girl, get over it. Apollo cheating is clearly something he's been doing for awhile. But I cannot wait until next week when Kenya toys with Phaedra/Apollo. I love to watch her match Phraudra sweat.

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Has there been a husband on a franchise who's been as desperate for airtime as Peter? Maybe Simon from RHONY or Joe Gorga from RHONJ. But Peter inserts himself in places where he has no business AT ALL, like this Kordell/Porsha stuff. Plus, he's the main reason why the Pillow Talk escalated into violence both with Brandon/Apollo and with Kandi/Todd.

Forgot Slade from OC.

Edited by Faulkner
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Uhm, where exactly did you get that from "one of us is right, one of us is wrong"? <-- That's a fact-based deduction. One of us - no one in particular until there's video or an admission from RHOBH production, Brandi or Lisa - is right and and one of us is wrong on this topic. Maybe you subconsciously believe you're wrong to have reached that deduction.

My question is why is it clearly all production when Lisa is doing foul things to help stir storyline (Scheana) but it's Brandi or Kyle being pretty much evil masterminds when they're apparently doing the same?


Kenya was obnoxious tonight.

In general, Kenya's messy - her and her fake boyfriends that may or may not be gay. Going so hard on whatshername following the Walter debacle? When you come down to it Kenya's a manufactured, messy, try-hard and tonight was case and point. That puts Nene's immature behavior in perspective. Nene has/had me rooting so hard for Kenya due to just being a complete douche-bag in general.

That all aside, I'm totally looking forward to see what trouble messy Kenya enables among herself, Apollo and the pressed funeral director.

Isn't he low on funds? He probably wants to become the first male house"wife."

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