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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I just don't get Brandi's angle or goal. They've been trying to take Lisa down since freakin season 2 and it NEVER works. The more they try to paint her in a bad light, the more it backfires...Lisa is too smart and savvy to be taken down by classless Brandi and those washed up Richards sisters.

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I went to bed early. :lol: That was an interesting debate to wake up too. LOL. Like I said earlier I've never been more excited for an Atlanta reunion.

LMAO at Lisa putting production on blast and then say it is what it is. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by Eric83
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If we are going to allow production for a valid excuse then there's no point in discussing anything. Because no matter what they can use the weak production made me do it excuse. Valid or not.

Even if she did object, and I doubt it because she's used Brandi for scheme as story on pump rules, did they really force her to push Brandi to talk to her? What if she had refused?

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Nene has always been like this. Always attacking the one she is jealous of, trying to scare people by yelling in their face and insulting them. This is a part of the RH game I guess. I always found her a very angry person with a huge ego. She has never arrived as far as I am concerned and the more she talks about her success the more I see how empty her words are.

The moment she started blaming Kenya for everything that happened and after reading her stupid comments about Brandon, I have stopped being interested in her persona. I'd rather watch Porsha talk.

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Well, my first reaction to that last question was: refuse the chance to look like a victim? Brandi? Not on your life!

But is production a valid excuse? Sure. Production's fingerprints are all over this! They were all over the first Scheana-Brandi discussion last season, too. This was a way to tie in VPR and RHoBH. VPR has been interwoven with RHoBH this season (from what I can see in the first three episodes), and that's a decision production consciously made. Brandi is boohooing about it but as you say, she could have refused and she didn't. Probably because she is contractually obligated to participate in both.

Production is behind 99% of all those RH moments that makes us gasp in shock -- heck, RHoA just had one big production-made meltdown -- and at some point it has to be a valid excuse because it is at the root of so much mess. I mean, we could even stretch this by saying that back in S2, production got Kyle to kick Taylor and Russell out of the White Party, thereby ostracizing the Armstrongs. A week later, Taylor filed for divorce and later Russell committed suicide.

As to who is in the wrong here, Lisa or Brandi, well, in all honesty, I think Lisa was probably reminded by production that VPR was riding on this, so she pushed the issue. Not classy, but certainly not the worst thing ever seen on these shows. Honestly, seeing Brandi complain about Lisa every single day on the show/blogs/PR releases like Lisa is some kind of Dr. Evil mastermind, responsible for all the bad things in the world and in Brandi's life, well, IMO that paints a worse picture of Brandi than it does of Lisa.

But then you'd say "well, you're a Lisa fan, so of course you are going to think that." Sure. I can't help feeling turned off by Brandi's behavior and her (and the Richards') desperation to try and turn the audience against Lisa. Not only can I not see their point or exactly why Lisa is so bad, but it makes me dig my heels in and like Lisa more.

RHOBH and VPR should never have been filmed at the same time. RHoBH feels shoddy and messily put together while VPR feels like The Hills. It has that X factor at the moment that BH has lost. Lisa is obviously stretched between two shows and seems to enjoy VPR more at the moment. The HWs are prob bitter that she's only paying RHoBH lip service and they're not getting more glory about their contribution to VPR. Lisa is getting all the spotlight and that must burn them. Maybe they feel she has left them behind without a second glance. IMO VPR's rise and BH's fall are directly connected.

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I think VPR may be one of those shows that gets attention briefly, a year or two, and then people get bored and move on. ROBH is something that with proper care could have been a flagship for the channel. I get the feeling Andy Cohen or whoever else was thrown by everything going on behind the scenes (with Russell and Taylor, then with Brandi vs. Adrianne and Adrianne vs. Bravo) and lost all track of the show.

They banked too much on Brandi instead of being more cautious with her, they fumbled in casting for new people, they didn't do enough to stop the main relationships on the show from floundering, and there are a lot of people who are just very stiff and difficult to watch on TV (Yolanda, Kyle). I also think Lisa is someone who is best served when not overexposed.

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Production isn't a valid excuse. Because if we allow it to be, again, discussing anything is pointless. Nobody is ever to blame nor credit for anything. Ever. It's all production. It's a cowerdly move to go to production and shift blame. Because they signed up for this show. They choose to be on it. They choose to go along with production. This is a reflection of them and to use production as a scape goat is weak.

I don't think anyone is saying Lisa is the worst person ever and just evil. I also think we all are wise enough to know that the judgements made against any of these women are show related. Lisa for example, I do not personally know to judge. However I absolutely will judge her - good and bad - on these shows. Even going for someone who does seem legit awful IRL like Nene, I don't know her actual self, her real life. But I do know the character she puts out there on the show.

Brandi nor sisters Richards have turned me against Lisa. Lisa sure has though. Her personality is not one I could handle for a long period of time. The digs, the better than you attitude, the smothering, the [!@#$%^&*] talking then acting as if you are best friends, etc. and that's just on RHOBH - VR offers other issues I'd have with her. I'd rather a messy embarrassing friend like Brandi or a so blunt il hurt your feelings friend like Yolanda over a Lisa. But I'd take Lisa over a Kyle, Kim, Joyce, Adrinne, Taylor, Faye, Pam etc anyday. Because Lisa isn't evil. She can be very sweet and nurturing and will likely spoil the [!@#$%^&*] out of you when your on her good side.

I do share about their being a direct connection between BH failing and VR thriving. I also disagree about Lisa obvious enjoying VR more. She seems bothered to be there honestly. And her scenes add little to nothing of value of the show. VR is thriving because it, unlike BH, had a season long arc with a begin, middle and end. More than that tho it has an actual storyline where BH has a bunch of misunderstandings and a story about a not so sober recovering addicts dog. It also has a cast that just fits together and can play well off each other. Lisa and Bravo should be terrified of s3 failing tho without its central character, star, and storyline driver Stassi. She basically singlehandedly made this show a hit this season with her plots, her commentary and relationships.

I think Brandi feels used by Lisa and that's the issue. And I think she's extra ly justified in feeling that way.

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I do shared about VPR. It could easily be a new HILLS. A lomg running show with real media attention. The problem is these kids were only contracted to two seasons and their main star isn't returning. Stassi is somehow a Kristen and a Lauren wrapped into one. But I think watching these young adults struggle with their messy personal lives while trying to live the dream in Beverly Hills and failing at it is oddly endearing to a lot of people.

BH is having a bad season and it's all due to not having a real story to follow, even one that's leads Into another for a string of stories through the season and the cast just not working. ATL was atrocious last year and great this year with the exact same cast. Sometimes an off season just happens. BH Suffers from too much cast turnover too quickly tho. I feel like 4 seasons in and we have had a total of 14 wives somehow.

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We're just going to have to agree to disagree. If we're allowed to talk about production, point out when production is really obviously messing with stuff BTS, why can't Lisa, Brandi or anybody else? We all know it's happening, why pretend it isn't?

As for VPR, Lisa probably realizes that she's staffed her restaurants with a bunch of airheads who keep stomping out in the middle of service over gf/bf drama and it is costing her money and making for more work. So she's over it. My comment was based on the opinion that Lisa looks amazing on VPR and tired on BH, but maybe that's the dark lighting at SUR.

Wait, Stassi won't be back next season? That's a shame. She's the only one on the show who can string an interesting VT together. I hope Jax will be back though. Despite being a douche, I think he is hilarious. Like, legit funny.

Edited by Cat
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Like Eric, I also went to sleep.

And WOW!!! LOL!!!

Vixen, love your new pic and quote. Because you for reals ride for Nene.

So you know good and well I want your opinion about how she acts in that preview of the party on Bravo. ;)


All this talk about production and The Hills (which I openly admit is one of my favorite shows ever, but I was roughly around that age period and related to that season 2 arc too well) just makes me want to ask has anyone read Lauren Conrad's books. While it's fluff, it is insightful in how production can manipulate a situation to get an real reaction since production loves to blindside and/or throw under the bus people. So I feel there is some proof for sure that production is responsible in some way. HOWEVER like Nene says, how people react to it is truly all on them.

Stassi's leaving?? HELL TO THE NO. Speaking of riding for people, she made a believer out of me this year. WOW.

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Did anyone get offended when Blandi Whoreville had the nerve to call Kenya ashy face and a whore, along with Jenny McCarthy's easy bake oven ass ask if Kenya was a man on the low on WWHL? And go back and listen to Jenny murmur. She throws mad shade too. I just found those comments to be real suspect. And Brandi needs to stick to BH b/c she's not ready for the women of the A. They'll eat that ass up and have her distraught for real. She's already been read by Cynthia, Nene, and now Kenya. Stop while you're ahead saggy face sow.

And these chicks kill me with referring to her as Bobby Fisher. Don't be mad because Lisa the Queen and y'all pawns. #TeamVanderpumpTodd

Those tricks stay pressed that Lisa still holds the crown, and'll come out smelling like roses.

And Blandi ... Using that same excuse, they manipulated me, an excuse she's used with Adrienne and now Lisa ... Girl bye. You're a grown woman. Everything you do is on YOU, Boo-Boo the fool.

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