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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I honestly prefer Joyce to Carlton at this point. Carlton is just strange and if not for British accent I'd find her completely useless. The only thing about her thats been interesting/entertaining was her cursing at her children in the kitchen. I literally laughed my a$$ off when she hurled them at her daughter while the girl was chopping up something.

Joyce though is a fiery little Latina who I know has it in her to just off on a B given the right situation and the right person. I can so see her going head to head with some of these ladies in the future. I'd love for Camille to come back but I didn't even realize Taylor was gone until her weird face popped back up on that DWTS episode a week or so ago. Marissa should def be thrown in but only if she can step it up.

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Joyce grew on me with that HILARIOUS hair flipping fight with Lisa. I love her now. Carlton has had my heart and continues to. I loved how silent she was when everyone was arguing, but then Joyce started in about the hair flip and she was like "BITCH ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!" I just love her. I can't wait until she puts a spell on Kyle's tired ass.

This season is EXCELLENT. Just what I needed after that horrible season 3 and the darkness from Russell committing suicide. Beverly Hills is BACK! I feel like they have a good cast and things are developing and setting up nicely. Compare it to New York's reboot and how long it took for them to gel. Hell, this doesn't even feel like a reboot although we do have two new wives, one newbie (Yolanda) and we lost some high profile characters (Faye, Taylor, Adrienne, Camille). Their producers get major props from me.

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Wow. I found it hard to get through this last episode of RHoBH (a first for me!) but hey, different strokes for different folks! IA with you that Boyce's attempt to make something happen with StrayHairgate was hilarious (unintentionally so, which makes it even more funny) but I still find her a Bore. So many diva Miss PRs, Miss Mexicos, heck, Miss Venezuelas are the most crazy divas of them all -- but Boyce and her budget beauty pageant that nobody has ever heard of was the best they could do? She makes me miss Camille all the more and even shed a little tear for TayShana and Faye.

I truly truly truly hope BH is back and more fun than ever, but I am nervous about where this season is heading. I don't want it to go the NJ Season 4 route. I just do not have the patience for that mess anymore, and I don't think I am the only one. Bravo better be careful because NJ might be slowly killing the entire franchise.

NY's reboot was super tricky as it changed the entire dynamic of the show. However, I warmed to the reboot and like the additions after the toxic previous seasons. Honestly, NY was never quite right after Bethenny departed and it was time to start from near-scratch again. I don't know what has happened since then because we haven't seen them in forEVER, but I miss my NY ladies.

Edited by Cat
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I find Joyce hard to stomach because she's up Kyle's tired ass already. It's like that foghorn laugh Kyle has is like some sort of siren song wooing blandly irritating housewives into her clutches. Mauricio is so defensive and Kyle is such a mess that it sets off my bullsh*t meter with those two.

Kim was beyond patronizing at that gymnastics event, one of the least organic events in Housewives history (this show could really take a lesson from RHOV and do a tennis party every once in a while!), where she instructed people how to behave...please.

Yolanda handled herself admirably with Kim and her daughters seem like nice girls who know how to shop their mom's closet!

Brandi was a non-entity this episode, though the cracks in Lisa/Brandi have begun to show.

Lisa's puppy? Adorable. Lisa's reaction to Joyce's stupid hair flip fiasco? Perfect. Lisa seems so over the show and hanging with these broads.

Carlton's reaction to Joyce talking to Lisa was the highlight of the episode, she is clearly an adult.

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Oh snap, the Carmen from the previews is Kandi's best friend? Oh now, that story is gonna extra juicy knowing how turned up everyone is going to get

Yay for Ms. Lawrence! There hasn't been enough of her this season

Nene said she was 23 when she had Bryson but then in her talking head she said she was pregnant with him at 21. Huh?

Porsha's mom is tripping with the way she is catering to her like a princess and kind of discouraging her from moving out. Porsha is over 30, not 13. She needs to stop being coddled.


I love Cynthia's relationship with Noelle. Its cute. I also like the new talking head she debuted. Just ugh to Joyce's stank attitude. I don't like the way she says hi to Todd and then ignoring his attempts at talking to her.


Everytime I see Phaedra in this, I think "can she breathe?"


Sh-t did you see the previews with Joyce ready to hit Carmen in the bridal shop? Next week looks GOOD.


Vicki is back with Brooks: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2515048/Real-Housewives-star-Vicki-Gunvalson-discusses-shes-Brooks-Ayers-despite-family-fears.html

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Ugh @ Vicki.

Mama Joyce was very disrespectful and belligerent. Tired of Kandi trying to tip toe around this because she's scared she will disrespect her mother.

Loved Cynthia meeting Noelle's bf abd mothwr. I lol'd when Arthur thought he could call Peter by his first name too

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I felt bad for the kid because Noelle DID introduce him as Peter & Arthur wouldn't necessarily know what his last name (it's different than Noelle's), so it kind of put him in an awkward situation. I didn't like how Peter called him out and made a big deal about it…I really cannot stand Peter.

Nene was 23 when she had Bryson, I think in her talking head she said "I thought it was okay to be 21 and running around pregnant" or something like that, but I think she just meant that by the time she was 21 she thought she was ready to have a baby & was in love, which led to her having Bryson much younger than she should have.

Mama Joyce is getting BUCK next week and I cannot wait.

I LIVED for Phaedra's shade this week!

Todd: "Bye, sweetie" (or something along those lines)

Phaedra: "You know I'm not speaking with you." *eyelid flutter*


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Well Arthur could have led in with Mr. Peter which he tried to recover with. I don't think Peter was an ass here. Its a father's job to give the bf a hard time. The last thing that they need is for Arthur to act super comfortable and end up getting Noel pregnant. Peter put some fear in his eyes which will at least hopefully cause him to think before making certain choices with her. I had no problem with him feeling the kid out and giving him a hard time. He wasn't like mean about it.

I do like how Cynthia handle things by meeting with the mother. Sure she could refuse to let Noel have a boyfriend but if she did that, she'd just see Arthur behind her back. I mean they do go to the same school. Cynthia cant control whats outside of her house. She can at least keep an eye on Noelle and play an active role in her life

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Yeah I think it is a tad disrespectful to call an adult you don't know by their first name. Arthur actually should have said Hello Sir. Yeah Noelle called him Peter but tjats her stepdad and that's their relationship also Peter is Jamaican and their big on respecting elders so Peter's reaction was not out of line for me. It was nice. Boys do treat girls differently when they know there's a stern father/stepfather around.

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So...tonight's RHoBH? So I noticed that everyone had their own storylines going on...which I liked...but it made me wonder if it was just a case of the tension between the girls is resulting in them having screen time together...or if they are doing the slow burn that I used to hear around here in terms of RHoM Season 2 or RHoV Season 1 where there is a lot going on with supporting characters and/or family and it all building to an excellent payoff. In fact, i would say that is what appears to be going on with RHoA so far as well.


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Kim looks so much better with her hair in a ponytail...she needs to realize this. Her daughter's graduation was cute...but that's all. Kathy Hilton was totally right about the dress she was going to wear. Kathy Hilton is right about everything when it comes to Kim, especially seeing as Kathy Hilton doesn't seem to like Kyle as much as she does Kim, which I'm sure is as refreshing as a cool ocean breeze for her.

"They're either at each other's throats or down each other's throats!" - Lisa. Oh Lisa, The Queen. Never, ever, change. Lisa mentioning moving back to France had me screaming YES from the soul, she is too good for California. She should be in Europe.

Yolanda's throwing shade at Lisa on her Bravo blog, saying that Lisa is acting "entitled" to want Pandora and Jason in Los Angeles and that there's a solution for Lisa, being "one of Bravo's best stars," moving to The Real Housewives of NYC franchise. Sigh.

Kyle and Joyce are two annoying peas in a pod. Fast forwarded their scenes. As I did for Brandi. And Carlton.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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