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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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It pretty much is, so far.  The only difference/twist to the "plot" is that the restaurant has had issues with staffing, failing inspections, and general management...  so they brought in this drill sergeant manager to lead the staff and turn the restaurant around and they're all beefing with the guy.  But otherwise, there is drama between friends, scenes outside the restaurant of them drinking/having fun, etc.  It does show Kandi in an LVP role, along with Mama Joyce and her sisters for side commentary, but the focus is on the younger staff.  

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What does it mean that there's been 2 RHONY castmates on WWHL in the past two weeks?

Eboni was on last week and Luann is on tonight.

Now, certainly Eboni has a show to promote on CBS and Luann was recently in news for disorderly conduct in a gay bar. 

But, I can't help but wonder if this a testing of the waters for a RHONY return to filming after it has been on pause for so many months?  I would be pleased to see it return.  To me, they are the funniest, cringiest, and most intriguing cast of housewives (except for Atlanta, and maybe Potomac or SLC, but definitely better than BH or OC)

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This is pretty shocking! We’re getting two RHONY’s: a full reboot with a new cast and a Throwback series with old cast members. 

With some of these shows aging, reboots are going to have to be considered at some point so this makes sense.  I hope they find a group that can create magic. 

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I just read the Variety article. I think this is a smashing idea! I love my RHONY OGs, and I love something new which represents NYC today. Andy emphasiszed casting an actual, existing friendship group,  and I think that is wise. 

And hopefully RHONY: Legacy will retain their usual editing team, because those editors are shady and hilarious as hell.

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It's funny that Andy want to say all of that NOW, but however actually doing it BEFORE a lackluster season that I still haven't finished yet. But in terms of THIS news...I would say my reaction is like the tweet below...


Now don't get me wrong. That was my first reaction for sure and I can see the benefits of doing it, but still...what happen with Ramona hangs over everything...and it makes me side-eye the interviews Eboni have been giving where she says POSITIVE things about Ramona.


Add on that one article about RHOD coming back next year probably on Peacock and I got nothing.



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Ramona... I can't help but like her.  She's her own worst enemy, and I have to say Kenya was evil to her during the girls trip... and got some people back to rallying for Ramona.

Eboni and Ramona actually got along during the season of NY... which is interesting to me.

If the OG version of NY does wells on Peacock.. I'd love an OG version of OC (Vicki, Tamra, Jeana, Lydia, Lauri, Lynne, etc). 

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This RHONY news has me taking a slightly different take:

1. It provides Bravo with the opportunity to do what it has wanted to do for years, a la Frons at ABC Daytime: de age the cast and cut salaries. You can bet this cast will be markedly younger than the existing cast - and a helluva lot cheaper. Bravo has tried and failed to do so over the last few years because the generations and OG's don't mix. 

2. It provides Bravo the opportunity to dump Ramona and Eboni without breaking a sweat. Andy's comment about Eboni (if she's interested and her group meets casting goals) essentially excludes her. The last thing she would be considered is a beloved OG, so I think that's the end of her. Ramona could fall under the axe as well and nobody will be the wiser. 

3. Ultimately, it will breathe life into Peacock, which is important for NBCU. Ultimate Girls Trip was a 'smash hit' per Andy and I expect RHONY: Legacy will be an equal or bigger hit. On the other hand, I have my doubts about the RHONY on Bravo being able to catch an audience unless they give it a serious rest and relaunch with a media blitz. 

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I agree. Ramona was...Ramona on ALL STARS, but she came off well in the end.


Now I'm back in Salem at the moment on NY, but I saw clips online of Ebooni vs Ramona. Also given all the BTS scene tea released about the avoided reunion, you will forgive that I side-eye Eboni saying anything nice about Ramona. 


I would be for an OG version of OC on Peacock. Can you imagine? 


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Brian Frons! 

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Interesting take. Do you think separating the OGs from newbies is a bad move ultimately? In order for the younger gen to work, do they need to be mixed with OGs in order to bring over a built-in viewership?

I loved S5 when they mixed the crazy OGs (Ramona, Sonja, Luann) with the 'normal' newbies (Carole, Heather, Aviva), and later when they added Bethenny (to an extent), Dorinda and Tinsley to the mix. But the OGs are getting older, and it has become harder to incorporate a new generation into that group. Generally, in my daily life, it feels like the generations are further apart on a range of issues/attitudes than at any time since the late 1960s. While a situation like that could make for a dynamic, exciting show... S13 shows what happens when two sets of generations speak two different languages and just cannot communicate on even the most basic level.

OTOH, I don't want to have the core OGs so immersed in their drinking bubble that it turns into a repetitious Boozehog Day (which Seasons 11 and 12 threatened to become).

I read Andy's comment about Eboni as "Show us your friends, we may take them but dump you." Regarding Ramona, I find his words harder to interpret. Like @Taoboisaid, I think Andy wants to have the option of her staying. But he knows that is divisive among fans. If she had failed on RHUGT, that would be another story, but she did amp up drama at the beginning. Also, if they are bringing back Jill Zarin, and Jill & Ramona live in the same apartment building... I foresee a Luann-esque FOH role for Ramona. 

And no mention of Leah, which I'm taking to mean she's gone.

Finally, are you thinking that RHONY: Legacy will be on Peacock, while NuRHONY will be on Bravo? I am.

My speculation of the RHONY Legacy cast: Sonja, Luann, Jill, Dorinda, Kelly Bensimon, Ramona (FOH). I'd love it if Bethenny, Carole, Heather, Aviva showed up too (I'd prefer them over Kelly), but Bethenny has moved to Connecticut and is DONE. Carole and Heather are DONE-DONE with Bravo. 

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I thought it was VERY telling that there was everyone having fun with Lu and talking about their hopes and dreams in their final confessionals...and there's CYNTHIA being unusually bitter for her. Knife in the side. Being dramatic. Being messy.


Well if the Ramona of Ramona carried the beginning of the season, the rift between Kenya and Cynthia carried the second half. And it was just sad to watch. And yes @Cat I saw Kyle and Melissa being messy. It is kinda sad to see Melissa and Teresa getting along and seeming to come to a good place knowing what's going on over on NJ. 


And haha at Production's last Confessional shady questions. 


I liked it and would like to do a rewatch sometime when I'm not watching it on a set schedule and doozying off. Heck, I watched this at 1 30 am cuz bravo thought it was a good idea to show in their time slot that new American Eurovision show...which makes me NOT watch to watch when I was hyped due to messing with time slots. smh.

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I just... sigh... felt so sad for Cynthia that this was her goodbye to the RH universe. Alone, isolated. On the outs and out of sorts. There have been a few times with my closest friend group where I have felt on the outs, and it is not great. You kind of interrogate yourself, like, am I the problem here? Most painful of all for Cynthia was that this marked the end of her friendship with Kenya. And that was a real friendship. It's heart-breaking to me!

Melissa and Teresa did get along, and Melissa handled her SIL gently on this trip. But Melissa is only about surface image, and IMO she wanted to play the 'good guy' in the eyes of the rest of the group, the nice, reasonable sister-in-law. She knew the rest of the group did not know Teresa that well. Maybe she was banking on Teresa being grumpy or aggressive? Well, it didn't turn out that way as the rest of the RHs were pleasantly surprised by how sweet and kid-like Tre was. I also think it's lovely that Teresa sensed (recognised?) Cynthia's loneliness during the trip and now they have a friendship which has blossomed. Very sweet.

It was a nice lil taster, and Housewives in Da Island Baby is permanently burned onto my brain. I'm looking forward to RHUGT 2. Housewives in Da Berkshires Baby !

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