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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I don't think Kim did anything wrong. She filmed throughout her pregnancy with Kroy Jr, but that was her first child in over 10 years. Obviously if they're getting evicted, they don't have as much money as we thought. Plus she's not speaking to her parents so those are two free babysitters gone. She's an older woman with a toddler, then gets pregnant again, so who could blame her for not filming? That's A LOT on her plate. Especially with a husband out of state for extended periods of time.

I think the other women were probably hating because of her spin-off. Don't hate, we all know Nene and Kim are who made this show what it is. They've ALWAYS been the breakout stars.

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Regardless of anything, Kim is a full housewife and will be getting probably the largest salary after Nene. Plus she has the money from her spin-off show. I think we'll see Kim a lot, but just not with the other women at events as much. Or things like the international trip and I can't blame her. She has four kids to take care of and as a mother I think we've seen her doing a good job. There is nothing wrong with putting them first, even if it means being fired from this show.

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But in all honesty, who is hating on Wigmaster? I think NO ONE. Nene is doing d*mn well on her own, and is one of Hollywood's rising stars at the moment. Kandi is stable financially too and isn't Bravo still going ahead with her spinoff? I doubt Phaedra even cares along with Kenya and Porsha, who probably just hopped on board.

IMO, Kim getting a spinoff means nothing. Look at Bethenny's spinoff. It got stale after two seasons and I don't even see Kim's lasting that long. Her 1st season might be hot with her feuding with her mom, but what's next? Kim goes into the class with Sheree as she sat her behind on this platform and has really done nothing to prolong her 15 mins of "fame." Oh except for her two i-Tunes hits, which let's be honest, ANYONE nowadays can make an i-Tunes hit with Bravo constantly promoting (pimping if you ask me) it 24/7, 365. *side eye to Melissa and CountLESS LuMan too*

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Holy crap! Did anyone watch Miami? I think I watched it 6 times already, mainly for the previews for Sunday.

Can't WAIT to see Beau Beau from Big Brother 6 get pushed into the pool!

And it just figures that Adriana is the one who slaps Joanna. Such hate for that bitch (Adriana).

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Supposedly none of the RHOC cast is too thrilled that Alexis is going to be back next season. Also, Alex McCord did an interview and commented on which housewives she feels will not be returning to RHONYC next season and she thinks that LuAnn and Heather T are as good as gone. She said Heather was too nice and that would probably be her downfall. She does predict that Ramona, Sonja, Carole and Aviva will be back for the next season though.

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Oops. LMAO! But I do like Cynthia. However, she does p*ss me off when let's Wiggy Wonder talk to her any kind of way.


I cannot wait for my girl Adriana to deliver five fingers to the face of that ole' bobble head, famewh*re Joanna. Now I see why her and Karent are thick as thieves. They both have to insult other people to prop themselves up and remain relevant. I don't care for the Kardashians (except for Khloe & Rob), but Ho-anna needs to get over Khloe doing that PETA ad, and then Kim going on to wear fur. PETA needs to take blame for using another set famewh*res to promote their products, knowing d*mn well the Kardashians aren't PETA supporters.

And Ho-anna ticked me off with her moaning about Marysol wearing a fur that's been in her family for years. SO WHAT! Then to have carrier pigeon (as Marysol called her) aka Karen with T come over and deliver the message for her "massa" ticked me off even more. Ho-anna got a big mouth. Why couldn't she do it herself?

And Lea is a sneaky b*tch. She brought that ole washed up dragon, Elaine, and Joe Francis to the party to sabotage it. But I do believe Joe Francis and his claims that he slept with both Marta and Ho-anna. As Adriana stated, "If the hooker boot fits. . ."

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Currently watching Vancouver..

Ronnie is gorgeous. I can't believe she is a drunk mess. As a matter most of them are drunks.

Jody "the queen of mean"? Please. She is like a maid who is wearing the clothes of her lady boss. She has no style at all and the clothes are wearing her. And she looks 100 years old. And she calls poor Mary old? Oh, please. And her son in drag? That poor thing tries to act like a b*tch but she is just another disaster in ugly clothes trying to act "fabulous"

The gay friend is such a caricature. I can't stand him!

I love this show so far :)

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