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@Chris B @Taoboi NJ's production company is Sirens, so-called because it was founded by all-women producers. Lucilla D'Agostino has been NJ's EP since the first season and IMO has trod a pretty good line in terms of balance, giving everybody enough rope to hang themselves with. I imagine there must be a comfort level between her and the cast that enabled Teresa to stay even after they brought on Melissa, Joe and Kathy. There was talk recently that Marge benefitted from production favoritism; I'm not sure how far that goes as I don't think Marge came across an innocent angel last season.


Bethenny also nabbed D'Agostino to EP her Big Shot show for HBO Max. 


RHONY has had the same production team for a long time (unsure if they've been around since S1 though it wouldn't surprise me). You cannot fake that level of comfort. Even as the cast gets refreshed, I hope this production team stays because it is the gold standard. Their editing team is top-notch, too.


Since we are talking about production, was it someone on this thread who mentioned that Travis owns shares in Goodbye Pictures, which produces RHOD? The gossip is that's why Stephanie often gets a good edit, and that's also why Brandi stayed while Leeanne was fired, because Stephanie went to bat for Brandi. Ooooooo!


Speaking of M2M, @Taoboi mentioned that the same producer who broke up Lisa Nicole and Quad's drag-out fight on M2M (god, that was amazing) was the same one who went ORF on Denise in BH last season -- Chris Cullen. "DENISE! WE KNOW IT! OK? GET BACK TO REALITY!" lol. I don't know why that makes me laugh. 

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With NYC having to halt production (and postpone a trip) due to a castmember getting COVID, I wonder if they'll break the fourth wall about it, or gloss over it. I can see them admitting who had COVID, but hiding the fact that castmembers are irked by that person for postponing filming, and therefore prolonging their filming season, as they're at the finale point. 


With all the 4th wall breaks these days on Housewives, one thing they still like to keep under wraps for the most part is all the logistics put forth in filming/pre-planning, etc. 

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Hey! Thanks for confirming and debunking the gossip. I'm glad she and Travis do not have that kind of power behind the scenes as it messes with the whole dynamic of the show. I like that RHOD has some semblance of balance right now amongst the women.

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*raises hand*


That was me who mentioned that Marge it was said had production 'armor' and it would be interesting to see how she would be since that 'armor' left last season. If it was true that is. I definitely did not think Marge was an angel last season, but she got off easy as if the production (and Andy) wanted to set up Marge vs Teresa. 


I mentioned Goodbye Pictures, but never knew about the Travis rumor. Good to see that's not true. Doesn't make her any less two-face IMHO. 


As for M2M, I was shocked. And I was rewatching that year's reunion and I am sad that...I know I am alone on this...that Quad is PT next season cuz Lisa Nicole vs Quad at the reunion was great.


'I can read you for days.'


'It ain't about reading, Quad.'


'Girl, bye.'



I admit...I'm super excited to see it tonight. Shocking given how I feel about half the cast. Then again, I guess I could say the same about RHOP.







WOW. The gang-up is real.


Gina looks flawless. 


Glad it is only 2 parts. 



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@Taoboi I am bummed Quad is only PT too. I don't like her and think she's a fake who uses and discards people to get where she wants to go. Nevertheless, she is good for drama, and especially with Lisa Nicole who knows just how shady she is!


Yikes. I couldn't even watch that OC clip all the way to the end. 

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Yes, she got her JD from Northwestern's Pritzker School of Law, which is always part of the top 10 rankings (if not the top 5). Not only that but she got her Masters in Management (aka Business Administration) at the same time. 


Seeing how she chooses to 'not engage' with Jen on camera, I can see the education paid off.

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I agree. I hope that she continues to do the same. 


I haven't watch the OC finale yet, but yeah, she has definitely lost my favor. Just doing too much. Like Dorinda this past season, perhaps she should have done all this off screen. That said...they are making the Denise gang-up look like a game of musical chairs.


I believe. I am surprised that Elizabeth's clothes look better on screen.






I see Andy is at it again.


What do I mean? 


He's trying to hide the evidence re: Gizelle's breakdown at the RHOP reunion. On WWHL tonight, apparently he is now claiming Gizelle's meltdown did not happen. 


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My first thought? @Cat is going to LOVE Kameron's father-in-law's mansion...I mean house.

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My second thought? The self producing. While I loved the episode overall, there were moments where there would be a scene that I could not help but think fake, taking me out of the show. It is probably because production on the other shows go out of their way to interfere now that it just seems obvious when something does not feel...real? For me, there was the Stephanie/Travis scene which just feels like 'set up a storyline' rather than organically happening. Then there was Kary with her husband with no snapping at him or an acknowledgement of her past behavior with him and that just felt like 'let's have a scene showing you two are getting along since you dragged the nice rich guy all last season.' Yeah...NO. I say self produce because this is probably the ladies' choice. Now the PRODUCERS' choice? I hear that just like Cary last year and whatever drama she had with D'Andra, they are editing out the drama that Jen had with LeeAndra. Or perhaps it's because it's LeeAndra and like a certain green-eyed bandit on another HW show, the producers give her the good edit no matter if she is in the right. Well...look how that worked out for LeeAnne. 


As Eileen would say...it's a slippery slope.


BRANDI. Marlo did it better.   Nice try. Marlo already was extra about Co-Vid protection. And it came across as part of her personality which made it hilarious because she would be that extra. Brandi doing it also came across as part of her personality though...FAKE, PHONEY, and OFFENSIVE. I mean needing that tap to show your supposed friends that you got tested negative just screamed 'me, me, me.' Yeah...Girl, bye. Clearly she's learned nothing.


STEPHANIE. The ditzy bitca at THIS table. I am all for the search to find yourself. However, this is not Stephanie's first time doing this. And last time she did just felt more organic to who she was versus now where clearly without a certain Texas punching bag around, she has to drum up her own storyline. Nice try though.


KARY. I give her this much...good photoshoot. Other than that, borrowing a certain Texas punching bag's storyline. RME. 


LEEANDRA. *whispers*Stop borrowing your obsession's storyline*whispers* That said...I continue to love her friendship with Tiffany. I know Tiffany has been considered for years. And part of that was the fact that she was friends with a lot of the girls if I'm not mistaken. And it shows best with LeeAndra. If her friendship with a certain Texas punching bag showed LeeAndra's jealousy, her friendship with Tiffany shows her in such a better light. It is nice to be with an equal. 


KAMERON. HAHAHAHAHAH!!! Yeah, knowing how those girls drink, I would have had her birthday party at someone else's house...I mean mansion, too!!! That said...NO, BABY NO!!! She was wrong to accuse Tiffany of stereotyping her own people as if she is the expert. I was just shaking my head. Funnily I had a similar convo last night over ghetto vs ratchet where I had to explain why I as a black man said that...something I CAN do...if you catch my drift.   Still...it's the pettiness of the start of this feud (chicken feet aka Feetgate) that was hilarious. And when Tiffany told her she needs to loosen up, and the camera panned to Stephanie sipping her drink, since we know Stephanie told her the same thing last season and Brandi told her in Kameron's first season I believe, I HOLLERED.


TIFFANY. Loved all the stuff with her family. I want MORE. She did not move a false note at all this episode. Love Kameron, but I was on Tiffany's side. I like that she did not overreact after the pool situation. But it was clear she was getting upset so glad she just decided to bow out. Now it seems Kary is offended. She can get over that. Working moms...a doctor at that...do have a bed time. 


JEN. What could have been apparently. Great body though.


Great breezy, fun episode.  Yeah, I can admit that they are definitely so far having a great season so far. Highly rewatchable. 

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LOL!!! She would eat them ALIVE.



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And it seems like someone new is coming for Erika in ANOTHER lawsuit. Meanwhile, Tom is having to liquidate and they are contesting his 'I was not competent' defense.



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Okay, I've squeezed in the finale before the reunion and...




I don't know what to say or even where to start with THAT??? Whoever edited that should have been fired. I couldn't even tell if the time jump was at the beginning of the episode...or if it happened mid-episode. It felt all over the place as an episode. And as a finale overall...pretty meh. 


Slowly, but surely things had been unraveling for Braunwyn. Her standing in her truth was ruffling a lot of feathers. And her truth...was that she was no better than Shannon...wanting to be the center of everything. And that was souring her presence in the ground. This episode felt like it was building to something with all the ladies comparing notes, seriously side-eying Braunwyn now (the results of which seem like what the reunion is all about), but then it just turned into a deflated balloon. A nothing burger. A what-was-the-point.


But I guess I could say this about the season as a whole. I think the last OC season I watched completely was Meghan's last season...the Peggy season I believe. So it's been a while. All I see now is wasted opportunity given the circumstances that built this season into what it could have been. Now that DALLAS was back and NJ was coming back and showing how to wiggle drama from a pandemic world, this season seems like even more of a waste. Not even a transitional season...of course unless you want to show that even without being seen except for flashbacks, Tamra was still pot-stirring and she's back next season. Seems inevitable.


I agree with the rest of you...Gina and Emily was the best thing about this season. Shockingly given that they were bound and determined to be mean girls at the start of the season. I'm glad that Co-Vid seem to make them see themselves in a different and better life. 


Still...a waste.


SHANNON. Yeah...no longer liking her. Co-Vid just made her oh so unlikeable to me. Even her quirks. And she was already trying to get back to feuding with Gina. I loved that Gina and Emily paid her no mind. For me...LOSER.


GINA. Started off the season like she was a wannabe Queen Bee. And wow. I guess she pulled a Season 6 LuAnn on me because she came out of this season likable, surprise wit, and was too busy with the Matt stuff to have drama. But again...that drama vanished anyway except for her note at the end. And given what she wore at the reunion and the brief clip where it looks like she's pulling a My Fair Lady on her voice after three seasons of the accent, I'm curious to see if this turn she's taking will lead to a more refine woman. WINNER.


EMILY. Quarantine became her. I was not liking Emily at the beginning of the season being a bone collector or a mean girl. But Co-Vid hit her...and she saw what she wanted in life. Better bod...and she was looking great in the finale...a closer relationship with her man...and some fun. The little things. I like her change in perspective, seeing her party planner roots...not really seen since her first season...and overall came out good. WINNER.


ELIZABETH. Finding the dislike for Braunwyn surprisingly left field since there were other moments when she had a better reason to dislike her. Now...uh...editing? That said...she's been on an interesting journey. It will be interesting to see her aftermath now that all the skeletons (are all of them?) are out of the closet. I would say WINNER.


BRAUNWYN. Started the season in her truth. Ended up an enigma. Not even in a good way. I said a few posts up, that given she was trying to be sober, perhaps she should have sat this season out like Dorinda should have done on her last NY season. But she stayed...and like Candiace on RHOP...burned through all the goodwill she had with the audience. Worse...she kept going low. And this finale she came across so selfish and stuck on herself. Over someone who wants to have her cake and eat it to. LOSER.


KELLY. Surprisingly made it out of the season without doing anything stupid. *cough*production*cough* I don't even think I got the hyped mask fight now that I'm thinking about it. Copout. Like the BLM talk. Oh, well, she got a new hot husband so I guess she wins. And from what I'm seeing online not only will Andy be dragging her, but SHE will be DRAGGING Andy Cokehead back as well. FOR THAT ALONE...WINNER. Since he wish he could have a hot man and a backbone to back up being an idiot. JS.


That's all I got...and I'm surprised I got that much.

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Those two alone...delicious. Going for the payback...exquisite!!! I bet a Caroline vs Erika fight would be worth a cameo. 


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Uh...that WAS good. And Messy.


The bombshells for me? 1)Emily's husband has ANOTHER OLDER child...has this been mentioned before now? And 2)Braunwyn is friends with Elizabeth's ex's woman...who is now ENGAGED to him...but he has not told Elizabeth? My jaw dropped both times. And Elizabeth dragging her was great.


Now as great as Kelly vs Andy though. WOW. Love the 5 TH splitscreen reactions of the ladies to Kelly being stupid and dragging him, too. I don't like her, but she was not wrong at all in her points to him. We (especially me) have mentioned how Andy are at this reunion and how he is in RL, and it was nice to see someone NOT NY Carole call his a$$ out. 


And for a gang-up, Braunwyn did hold her own.


Highlight (other than Kelly vs Andy) was Elizabeth vs Braunwyn.



ETA: The backlash last night over Braunwyn and Shannon's daughter has been such that it sounds like Reunion Part 2 is going to get the Potomac Reunion Three Special.

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