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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Lord. I forgot about the last bit. I also remember thr passive aggressive way she acted with her mom before the vow renewal. Her mother is pretty monstrous but the PA stuff from Braunwyn... just tell her why you're pissed, instead of this cold-shoulder-cant-even-look-at-you-while-hubby-holds-me-protectively chat.


I don't think she realises what a pampered bubble she resides in. And she had lots of children... to feel loved? To lay off the booze? The way she expressed that was so Braunwyn-centered.




Ok, RHONY was brought up in a previous post, and by coincidence i discovered this amazing flashback tweet from S5 NYC. I just watched it and haven't laughed like that in a LONG time:



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Omg yes! Heather has been nothing, but what I expect out of a friend and I love it...and chicken wings. lol. I'm just so worried about how things are going to go when it turns into Jen vs Whitney which from online chatter is going to get pretty bad. 


And YAAAASSS!!! I can see Lisa saying that. And 30 years from now doing that to her grandchildren.

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I don't think we have gotten a househusband dynamic outside of RHOP since the RHOA with Peter, Apollo, Greg, and then Todd. So it's nice to see. 


Yeah...it is clear to me Jen is doing that for cameras...and sadly with NO self awareness.

I've been meaning to go back and watch that Jules season (along with the first 3 seasons since my system has most of the Housewives seasons shockingly) but I've been so busy. But what little I've seen of Jules I've liked her. But I liked Tinsley and her history (I still need to see HIGH SOCIETY) and I loved GOSSIP GIRLS and binging slowly MANHATTAN PREP. I am only disappointed that I fell for Tinsley more as she was leaving. She really came into her own. 


Hehe. I love that you added more listing. I wanted to do that. Because so much happened last year I knew I missed something (like Marge vs Danielle for example). 


However...who is Terri?

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Well the rumor is that they are rebooting Miami for Peacock and looking for new girls. I also saw a rumor that they were hoping they build the reboot around Adriana with Cuban and Afro-Caribbean HWs which I would be down for. 



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Yeah, a few years ago to in their attempt to save money, Bravo put that clause into the contract. Or at least we all now found out about it a few days ago. TT mentioned it. An attempt to get the HWs to work for their money.


Listening to this video about how Robyn is not fired. Apparently if Monique had not quit, Robyn would have been. She wanted more money, Bravo wants Robyn to either have a wedding or a baby with Juan. Basically it will be make or break for her this coming year. 




I'm listening to this video of the S6 HW options and I am liking all of them. Especially the first 2. Hopefully, the producers DO NOT let Cha Cha back in if she is that desperate. And I love that one of the candidates might be who I was asking for...someone that will not be afraid to take Gizelle when (not IF) she comes for her. And they look beautiful. 


And re: Garcell/Sutton friendship. As a black man who have good friendships with country fried white boys in an environment where we should not be friends AT ALL...and we are still friends to this day...seeing their friendship grow warms my heart. One of the best things that came out of BH's latest season. 


I honestly don't see Garcelle ever being close to Ex Soap Star again. And what pictures I've seen from filming it is very noticable that they are not. 



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It warmed my heart to hear that Andy backtracked about RHOP and tried to blame the editors. 

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Apparently, he caught a lot of heat and had to discuss it on WWHL. 


This just further confirms that there are internal issues at Bravo. They just might be about to boot Andy's ass too. 

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I’m guessing Andy’s hope of getting the show on Peacock will come to fruition. I hope they stick with only bringing Adriana back and give us a strong cast. I don’t want them to lean too heavily into the past since season 3 was like 10 years ago. She could be a nice bridge. 

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I didn't want to reply until I had the time to go look so...Goodbye Pictures is the name of the production. And I agree. The angles during the lunch with Mama Dee, LeeAndra, and Tiffany was breathtaking for me. And the show is definitely showing wealth in a way that outside of NotKary's intro last season, it has not had in a while outside of the cast trip. You are now making me want to go and look at LeeAndra's dress again. 


I agree about LeeAnne. You know it was about just getting rid of her. Plain and simple. I still wouldn't mind her being a cliffhanger...those girls would not know how to deal if she did. But I've accepted that just like Monique, it's time for the other girls to bring it. 


Kary is going have quite a few feuds per Bravo's press release...one the two of us have discussed would happen the minute LeeAnne left.

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Yeah same on Brandi.


I agree with you on Tiffany. The Season 5 trailer made it out that Tiffany was coming in like how Kenya came into RHOA in Season 5...shifting the dynamic rather interesting for a newbie. It was unclear whether it was good or bad, but it's good. So I was pleasantly surprised to see she is like how you mentioned...just like Garcelle. She's been good. But I suspect that she will not hesitate to be like Kenya and get girls together. I cannot wait. Especially if one of the feud per the trailer is her vs Kary who needs to STFU. 


Yeah, Texas here has been wild in terms of Co-Vid and getting worse as of late. They are being like Florida to various degrees in fact. But tbf, they started filming most of what they were doing in June. So the info was just coming in and they did admirative in that regard. In a way, they are post OC which filmed before, during, and after. But this show is more post-Co-Vid so it is interesting for what is okay and what is not okay. I guess it says something that the only infection to my knowledge is LeeAndra AFTER filming. 


Re: Garcelle/Sutton friendship. Like I said...I love that it has truly and utterly blossom. LOVE.


Re: Robyn/Gizelle. This video I'm listening to...it is going to be interesting for them next season. HOWEVER, I don't like that it sounds like (not surprised) that Gizelle is going to try to come for La Dame. Yeah...NO.



Yeah...sadly just like Candiace this past season of RHOP, Braunwyn came into the season in a great position, the audience on her side. But the more that the season has gone on, the more that she is losing all the goodwill and fan support she had gotten. And it looks like more of the same this week. One can't help, but wonder if she will have any goodwill going into the reunion. 


Okay, I admit it. Gina has been growing on me again this season now that it's least about her being Queen Bee and her just being herself. I have been liking her commentary and giggling, but nothing noticeable for me. But I knew I've turned a corner when I saw her Reunion look. More of that please. Cuz the glow up with her was real. WOW.


Oh, really? Re: Emily's interview. Well if they decide to bring Tamra back which is feeling inevitable, I would be done for bringing Lizzie back for counterbalance. 


Yeah...Shannon as a mom might be crazy, but she is their mom. Respect.


RE: Wendy. Well, if this video I'm watching is to be believed. She might get hit by the second season curse. So her karma (?) is coming. And the newbies DEFINITELY won't be like her. There's one that I'm intrigued because she might do what I said she will need in a newbie with Gizelle around. 

Oh, really?



Perhaps this is the year we get rid of him.


That's what it sounds like. Thank you for confirming Adriana. 




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I... don't think Adriana alone should be the HW that NuRHOM is built around. She's a firecracker, but I don't think she can hold up an entire show by herself (as S3 proved). I think adding Alexia and Marysol alongside Adriana is needed. Alexia's life is pure soap opera and so is her family. Marysol is thirsty AF and knows how this RH game is played. Both are connected to the Miami party scene and the Cuban community. I'd welcome Lea Black also.


At least they aren't building the cast around Joanna Krupa, Lisa Hochstein (sorry, not really a fan) or Lost Kardashian Larsa Pippen.



He is purposely ducking the reason why people are angry at him.


It's not that he didn't question or criticise Candiace -- he made an attempt from what I saw.


It's the fact that he shielded Gizelle from the truly tough questions like his life depended on it. He also attempted to gaslight and talk over Monique & Chris in collusion with Robyn and others.


But gee I guess Bravo purposely edited out all your good parts on purpose LMAO. 

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 Just like they edited out Gizelle's crazy meltdown -- because it might have sealed her fate.

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First of all, @DaytimeFan @Cat @Taoboi... LOVED your Best & Worst lists!  


How could I forget to mention the wonderful departure of Terri DeMarco? Oh, that's right. Because she's so BORING she's also FORGETTABLE! Sutton said it best. 


And a +1 to Rinna needing to be the next Housewife to get her comeuppance. Right after Gizelle needing a true takedown next season, but I digress... 



Elizabeth's cult confession is eye opening. Who knows what kind of ramifications will happen within the OC group by spilling the tea to Braunwyn, but WOW. That's a mindfukkery of epic proportions. No wonder she's so guarded. 


+1 on liking Emily and her family's authentic journey dealing with COVID versus Shannon's "ME ME ME" meltdown. Seeing her children eyerolling her on the zoom call... I think it's a combo of being spoiled brats as well as having Shannon Beador as a mother.  It can't be easy being her child. 


+1 on side-eyeing Braunwyn when she made her daughter's COVID concerns all about her. Braunwyn is a lot to handle these days as a viewer. Add to that, her recent social media confession that she'd be devastated to see soon-to-be ex-hubby Sean with another woman. But... aren't YOU with another woman already? 


I also like Gina's commentary. She's not trying to be top dog, and I like that. Her quips are similar to Carole's over on NYC....


Which by the way, it does not surprise me in the least to hear the real reason why Bethenny turned on Carole!  There's always an angle with Bethenny as it has been since day one, cozying up to Jill Zarin in the early years until she could stand on her own.  Her humanitarian efforts are amazing, but in the arena of fame and fortune, she's always clawing for more. 

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Well first of all...so Porsha and Marlo are beefing again...? lol.


Second of all...I liked it.


Well...I needed a distraction Sunday and...I got one. So this was it. What started the renew feud between Porsha and Kenya. Or should I be saying who? I see you, Lauren, I see you.

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  Though to be fair, I did get her reasons for doing that. Porsha and Kenya fell out last season. And Kenya had been busy with her marriage drama, but she was not showing any kind of support for Porsha and in a bad place. So naturally she did not want her there. It should be noted that Cynthia was being messy in this which did not help. Lauren didn't even want Kenya there as a PLUS ONE. Cynthia set Kenya up to be hurt. Perhaps payback for Kenya calling her out for having her wedding on the show...? Just a thought? 


It's sad really. It reminds me of Monique/Candiace. If they had just been able to talk to each other without anyone around, maybe they could have come to a different spot. Of course, I don't see Porsha dragging Kenya this time. Which of course means she truly has grown.


KENYA. Let me give her the good. I loved that she called out Cynthia about the wedding. Let's be real. I think everyone and their mother know that Cynthia wants the wedding on the show because that is her storyline. Mike surprisingly given that cover on his last book does not care. He just loves her and wants to marry her. But here is Cynthia doing her best impression of Carrie Bradshaw getting Big in the SATC movie. It was the only way she was staying on the show...something RHOP Robyn can attest to right now.  And that's sad. She could have just filmed and left on her own terms midseason with her wedding. Instead, Cynthia was looking like a clown. However...now we go to the bad...cuz picking on Porsha's activism in 2020 with so much going on...is a bad look for Kenya. And she really should not have done it. I didn't like it. She is just bitter. Sorry, not sorry. I definitely felt Porsha had come a long way. Not a saint. After all, it was her shading Kenya in her THs (when Kenya was not doing it to her) and siding up to Nene when she was the main one trying to ice Nene out last season that caused their friendship to be short lived. But a long way and what Porsha has been doing is a good thing. And I would think Miss USA would know better. But I did awww when she was uninvited though. She had a gift for PJ. And she seem actually upset. But...it begins...


PORSHA. I'll say this much. Regardless of what I've said above...until she does something to make it worse herself, Team Porsha on this new feud. She is mostly unaware. Looks like that will change next week though at the first all group event. I love how she kept looking for ways to get BLM out there. I love that she is ONLY co-parenting with Dennis. She can do so much better. Keep going, girl!!! I am sad to say that I have completely soured on Tanya though. Every time I see her...smh...she just never recovered from the reunion for me. Otherwise than that I stay liking Porsha's Posse.


KANDI. Lol. I still love her friendship with Kenya and how she calls her out. However...at some point...it seems like that will end. And that saddens me. I feel like she's the only one that has been holding Kenya accountable...and can still joke with her. Cuz that Bedroom Kandi comment was hilarious. 


CYNTHIA. Kenya (and Mal) told no lies. She is being waaaay too extra. It is like Bravo gave her a memo that she's boring and she needs to turn it up. And she's going about it the wrong way. Just STOP. Will this be the season her and Kenya fall out, too? Now I'm wondering if it will be Kenya at the end of this season alone. We'll see.


DREW. I hate saying...but Ralph is FOINE. Don't need him for his personality. But his personality sucks. But I've already said that the two of them give me NJ Amber/Jim vibes. At least he opened up a little. And I like that Drew is being open and giving us the real in her life. I cannot hate her on that. 


LATOYA. Messy. But funnily enough harmless so far. And we could use some fun. And she even got invited to Porsha's party.


So...pretty good distraction episode. 







Thank you for suggesting it, @Gray Bunny. That was really fun to do this past week, thinking back over all this past year. lol. 


Terri Who?



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