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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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For all that has been said about Marlo, her finances seem to be legit. I don’t recall any tax liens or anything. The billionaire she dated paid for her home and cars and since then she’s had a steady stream of income from RHOA and outside projects. Keep in mind that despite not having a peach, she’s one of the better paid HWs. She’s a peach without the peach. 

Now back to Tom and Erik...it’s getting worse! They’re filing to force them into bankruptcy and she’s online trying to sell her old clothes lmao. 

She had always been so mean that it’s hard to feel bad for her. This is crazy. 



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Perhaps it was the fact that I was overhyped (and it LIVED up to the hype) for the RHOP reunion. I woke up that morning and that was all that was on my mind. RHOA just felt like an afterthought. Perhaps it was just me. So after a second viewing...?




Last week was such a great re-introduction to the Peaches. And they were all in new places. Porsha with her new persona as an activist, well timed with what is going on in the world. Kenya broken over Marc...something we were not used to her being. Kandi having to let her daughter go...a constant all her life in Kandi's life. Cynthia about to enter a new phrase of her life...in a time of co-vid running around. So many ways to go I felt. 


This week...It just didn't feel as...real...to me. This was all still there, but it felt more scripted.


Thankfully, there was also new blood on the scene. And it was nice seeing the old mix it up with the new. And it already seems a slow burn is about to begin.



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  But wow...it felt just like yesterday that Riley was going off to NYC to start college. And she's already graduating? Or is it high school going off to college? I admit to being surprisingly lost. But I liked that it was nice to again see how another place was handling (or not...?) Co-Vid. The only sour note for me was Todd's gift. And just the fact he would do that for Kandi's daughter and not his own. In NYC to boot. Just...ugh.


KENYA. Her and Marlo was a hoot. Echoes of S8 Sheree/Kenya House Wars. They are going to be frenemies all season and I'm here for it. That said...it was nice to see her laugh a little bit after last week. And her and Latoya have a good vibe so far. Mike's expression while they were being flirty was hilarious. The only sour note from her was that she didn't really have a reason to not like Drew. 


PORSHA. FINALLY!!! But I might have spoken too soon given next week's promo. But I liked that she sloooooowly was coming to the conclusion that she can do better than Dennis. I like that he stood with her at the start of her BLM journey, but how can Porsha change and still be with him? Her actions are showing that she can do better and that she deserves better. About time she started to feel it. 


CYNTHIA. Girl, just get married already. I keep being reminded of Nene saying how there is another side to her every time she mentions her wedding or goes Bridezilla on people. And then she was already getting a little jealous of Latoya and Kenya immediately bonding. Is this going to be a messy edit for Cynthia this season?


DREW. Hmmmm...I'm not sure what to think...other than Ralph is FOINE. lol. But seriously, watching him and her together was seriously giving me NJ Amber and Jim Season 6 vibes for me. Latoya is being called a tryhard, but I felt Drew had her moments as well. Like Jen over SLC, she definitely knows what she is doing, but unlike Jen, Drew seems more tongue-in-cheek. I'm not sure yet if it is really an act or if she is really like that. An enigma. Intrigued so far, but not won over completely yet. But good that she will be bringing the messy with the other girls growing older.


LATOYA. I liked her. Also messy. And together with Drew, yes, they do give Season 5 Kenya vs Porsha vibe. So...this should be fun. Too early for me to say if I like her or not though.


MARLO. Hilarious.



Yeeeeah...he was better off saying nothing.


I would holler if Shady Phae Phae said something. 

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Dear Lord! Not 24 minutes of Jamal Bryant getting high off the sound of his own voice!

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Gizelle was already exposed on Sunday night! Why is he piping up now? This narcissist can't even maintain a dignified silence for the sake of his three daughters! He should have said: "I have no comment, except that I love mah fambly and am busy caring for my flock during Covid times."


But no. Big Mouth fires up the Zoom and PONTIFICATES for half a day about defending his good name, his daughters wearing church promotional hoodies, and Chris Samuels allegedly having CTE! He needs to stop jeopardizing his ex-wife's job prospects. 

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You have to wonder if Jamal ever really gave a damn about Giz.  He probably married her to have a pretty woman at his side but there was no loving marriage.  He has absolutely no reservations when it comes to humiliating her.  


Giz needs to have a sit down with Monique and somehow find common ground or she will be out of a job.  

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He cares about nobody but himself. Certainly not his daughters, nor his ex-wife, who he has now publicly humiliated for a second time (and during her worst week ever).


He married a pretty woman who would look good as First Lady, who was Texan political pedigree, and all that was expected to burnish his image.


Honestly, Gizelle should never have involved him in the show. It makes her look like she desperately needed him to help her out.

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Another good episode. Why, why, why does it come on later. And this week it was Sundance. And that ISN'T EVEN THE ONLY EVENT THIS EPISODE. Whitney's husband's birthday party. The event with Lala and Katie of VPR fame. The fashion sense with Meredith's thirsty son.  So much to take in. It was just awesome.


JEN.  At least I can say her one constant was that she truly is Heather's friend and treats her as such. Helping her get laid...how relatable. And that promo for the week made it seem like something worse than what it was. A pleasant surprise. I didn't like that Jen kept trying to get people to turn on Mary. And now she wanted to play the 'I don't remember saying that about your grandpa because I was tooooo drunk?' Really...don't MVPs own that kind of behavior? Still it seem like her and Mary FINALLY came to a truce. We'll see.


MARY. GIRL...GIRL...GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURL, YOUR RELATIVE IS THE MAID!????????!!!!!!!! Get out of here!!! Just when she cannot get any more kooky...there she is with her relative breakdancing and joking around. I was just like lol. And I liked she went to Whitney's party after all and confronted Jen (aka the elephant in the room). And against she tried to be the bigger person, see she was in the wrong (whether she believed it or not) and apologized again to Jen for hurting her feelings. Now it just needs to stick.


LISA. I found it fascinating watching Fabulous Ice set up her Sundance events. Even if it was driving her husband crazy. 


WHITNEY. First of all, YOU HAVE A LOT TO TWERK WITH!!! Second of all, she got asked to watch in a fashion show. And third, she really loves her husband. I loved how she set up the event. I loved her (with Jen) on the party bus. I keep finding her fascinating because she always reveals another layer to her. I liked the tea on Kathryn and wonder if that (and the shade Heather threw at Lisa) will come back up. I really like how she continues to have Mary's back and put Jen on notice that she better not cause mess at her husband's party. Great backbone when needed.


MEREDITH. First of all, Brooks...

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you get asked to walk in a fashion show and have a spotlight and you just want to whine and act entitled with an opportunity to be out there. I mean...isn't this why you took a year off...to get noticed on this show? RME. On the other hand, his scene with Meredith and Seth on the phone since he could not make the event was some real thought and feeling. And I was sadden to see Meredith sad and showing emotion. Separations are not easy...especially when kids are involved.


HEATHER. Look at her over at Punch Bowl Social. I love those places!!!! My love of Union Jack beer started there for my brother's bachelor party. And the vibe in St. Louis was a great one. And seeing that server...yeah, Salt Lake looks good. There's even one here in San Diego, but I've had yet to go in yet sadly. I love seeing her and Whitney together. And just WOW!!! I was feeling how Heather was feeling. When you have lived life a certain way for a loooooooooooong time, it can be hard to get used to going a new way. But I feel she will get a handle on it. And...great taste in men, Boo.  


Lala and Katie...did nothing for me. 


THE-END. lol.


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