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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I thought Tardy for the Wedding was going to be a 2 hour special. An 8 episode season? Really Bravo? I dont think I can take that much

A tanning can? LOL

No clue on Miami. It almost feels like they just gave up on that

Back to Atlanta, Marlo is still talking about Kandi

http://musingsfromtheboudoir.typepad.com/musings_from_the_boudoir/2012/04/our-story-is-already-written-dont-hate-me-for-what-i-have.html#comments Edited by Cheap21
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Miami will probably replace New Jersey and then Beverly Hills will replace New York. It'll be interesting to see if they slot Vancouver in somewhere. I wonder if Slice has it in the contract that it can't air in the US until after the run is completed in Canada. I imaigne when it *does* air they'll just dump it as a marathon or something, which is such a waste. Weird they don't even mention it when it came out so good.

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Both NJ and DC have never held anything in the opening... surprises me. Does Vancouver hold anything?

Anyone tracking Miami drama online? There are a few Miami insider websites (and other Housewives bloggers) out there... apparently this season of Miami is going to be CRAZY. They are bringing the drama, and should be 100% better than Season 1. I wonder if they'll change up the opening credits' graphics (which were terrible)...

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I couldnt get into the first season of Miami, so I hope season 2 is better. What ever happened to the rumors of a Real Housewives of Dallas?? I guess it was just that rumors!!!!

Rumor is that over at BH, Bravo is going to start phasing out Taylor Armstrong during this season. I wonder if this will truly happen and I wonder who will take her place.

On RHONJ, I wonder if this season will be the last for Tre, Caroline and Jacquline. I could see Tre easily not coming back and I could see Caroline not coming back either. I do think they should add a new housewife in the fold on this show, someone not connected to either Tre, the Manzo's, Melissa or Kathy.

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Back to ATL, can someone explain to me how NeNe is delusional enough to think in the 4 years that she's been on Housewives, that she's accumulated more money than Kandi who's been successful for over a decade and can live off royalties for the rest of her life..

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That article isn't very clear, but it reveals some of the drama. Mainly you wanna check out Miami Herald who is posting most of the stuff. One thing is certain, there is a fued between Marysol and drag queen Elaine Lancaster. When the show was originally revealed, there were reports of a drag queen housewife, but Lancaster was cut from the show. She moaned about that on Twitter, but for the second season she's definitely there as a Friend of the Housewives I'm assuming. Marysol and Elaine had a big blow up at an event and Marysol was caught threatening to quit the show.

Also apparently Mama Elsa is still as fabulous as ever. Looks like 3-4 potential new housewives and Alexia is going to still pop up here and there.

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Ronnie is a hot drunken mess. I hope she isnt a Kim 2.0. With that said Im loving her so far.

Christina's only values is her one liners in her confesionals. I dont even find them all that entertaining bc she comes across shallow and sad. She doesnt handle confrontation and interacting with the women well.



New Jersey

I just watched the show. Premiere wasnt as good as I expected it to be. Was shocked to see Theresa show up at Caroline's house and her still friends with Jacqueline at the beginning. It seems as if its been forever since the fallnig out and this is starting 4 months before last year's reunion? Oh boy. I wonder how long this season is and how much filming they did post-reunion

As for Theresa, I dont think she meant malice by what she said in her cookbook. I dont think she was trying to go after Caroline and her family. I beleive her when she said it was just a joke and she was trying to come across humourous. The problem is she doesnt think before she speaks and think about the possible reprecussions


What the heck was up with the scene of Caroline and her doctor. With the music and direction there, I thought he was going to say she had cancer or something, not menopause

Ashley looks a mess and Im so over this storyline. I hope she is shipped off and off the show


Joe Gorga....man the guy can get it. He looks great without his shirt on and that beard is hot. The only thing against him is his hairline. It distracted me. He should enjoy it now bc he looks like he will be one of those greasy, fat, dirty old men that try desperately to hold onto their youth.

Joe Giudace on the other hand is already heading there. He does not look good without a shirt on. That belly and manboobs, ugh. Hit the gym and lay off the booze

In season 1 and 2, they focused mainly on Gia but since last season its been all about Milania. They completely skipped over Gabriella! You barely even know Theresa has other kids besides those two. Truth be told Gabriella is lucky bc unlike those two, she doesnt look like Theresa. She is clearly the cutest of the bunch and the youngest one forutnatly also takes after her. I guess Theresa's genes skipped them which is why they also arent little brats, and hence get no airtime






tumblr_m2wy68gWDN1ql5yr7o1_400.gif Love that!

Edited by Cheap21
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