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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Nene and Kim...I'm so comfortable with where they are at. Kim giggled when Nene dished out the "Uh, you had a little help there"...Nene smiled when she saw the footage of Kim's daughters speaking about Kroy. Nene and Kim both seemed very cordial about Nene getting Kim on the show, Nene absolutely acknowledged that Kim told her how grateful she was multiple times, Kim said she wouldn't have her life without the show that Nene set her up for. They both said they wished the best for each other.

I think they might even have a tiny smidgen of respect for each other because they are the two women who have capitalized on this Real Housewives gravy train like nobody else. They saw their chance at the brass ring and ran with it.

Really, this was a good reunion if you looked for the nuances between Nene and Kim.

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I think Kim is being respectful of her husband by not wanting to talk about Big Papa, and really he shouldnt even be an issue. It ended long ago, shes had a few serious relationships since then, and their relationship wasnt this big secret affair it was made out to be. His wife knew. I think its hilarious Nene thinks her married ass goin around town with another man giving her expensive gifts makes her anything less than a whore too then, even if she didnt sleep with him. and Marlo? please. bitch is an escort and we all know it.

Marlo was such a try hard. She must have really studied Brandi at the Bev Hills reunion and came up with a how to guide. Tho she was better than Nene, who simply repeats herself louder and louder in order to make it appear she is right.

Phedra was kind of boring at the reunion.

Sheree is... Sheree. lol.

Kandi. Damn. She went in, and she went hard at those pathetic jealous bitches. Its so clear that Nene is extreamly jealous and hateful of Kandi. Perhaps because of kim, perhaps because Kandi is really a rich bitch, who knows, but man was it ever clear.

ATL is in a really important and fragile place right now. Dumping Sheree is smart, Cynthia needs to go too. Kim is clearly on the path to her own show, Bethanny style and Nene will leave when her contract is up with soon to be failed attempts at becoming a star. They need to bring in some new girls unconncted to any of these women to try and make a connection/flow the show is lacking. and Bravo NEEDS to force kim and nene into filming together, not speaking or anything, but at the same place def. They still have the most interesting dynamic of anyone in the franchise.

Edited by JackPeyton
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Okay, so moving on to NJ...

I love Caroline. She is a straight shooter, but not a bitch about it. When Tre wanted to speak to her she could have just said no, but she tried, likely for Jaqui. When discussing the book i love how she saw how truly disconnected from reality Tre seems to be and got her answer and ended it. There is no need to discuss it further. tre did it to create drama, end of story and Caroline knows it.

Jaqui... The ashley storyline is hard. I think its very easy to say shes a bad mom and kick her ass out, but i dont think thats something many of us would do. one of those things thats easy to judge until you are there. Jaqui does seem to be there tho, it is Chris who isnt. Sending her to Vegas is kind of LOLsy tho, however if its a vegas sub then thats diff, because a lot of them are so far from actuall vegas. But it wont change anything because Ashley doesnt want to grow up and wont while everyone is supporting her. I love Jaqui & Chris tho. Favorite couple of the series.

Kathy.. why is she here? That is all.

Melissa. My queen. Shes fab. her and Joe are great. I think shes so much fun, super cute, easy going, and wants the best for her husband and feels the need to defend tre to him to keep her in his life instead of encourging him to cut her out as she knows if that happens he will likely resent her later and blame her, when it isnt her fault. Tre's treatment of her is disgusting and how she doesnt knock her out is beyond me. I just love everything about her. I think it was telling of how great she is when she was just like "[!@#$%^&*] it" to what tre wrote in the book about her.

Tre. Wow. I really hate her, and normally when i dislike someone i can see why others like them... but unless one only likes her for the crazy she is i dont get it. Shes vile. Truly a mean, hateful person. Her lack of being able to realize anyone else perspective, view, feelings, emotional, etc is very telling of who she is. I love how she turned herself into the villain of the show, and her alliance with Dena looks so fake and as a way for both of them to put in a dig at caroline.

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Teresa is the world's worst liar. She lies like she breathes and yet gets caught out about it at every turn.

And the idea that Joe G wasn't shtupping half of Atlantic City's hooker population -- yeah right. I sort of wish we got more of Gia/Milania/whatever the Cabbage Patch Kid is called calling her dad out on his extramarital affairs/

Hot damn. I still have the biggest crush on Jacqueline's husband Chris.


Next week's bitch fight looks EPIC with drunken Ronnie slumped in that easy chair with a glass of chardonnay in her hand. Also Christina rocks. Oh, and why do they always refer to Ronnie's "niece" in inverted commas? Is this a euphemism for something? Her tennis instructor? House sitter? Barmaid?

Edited by Cat
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That greatest hits compilation of Sherry's tantrums (which included the best scene in RHoATL history with TopLevelExecutive) should have been one honking clue that her time on the show has come to an end.

Marlo has risen in my eyes as the shitstarter that I love to hate. Chick was slanging all kinds of dirt about the others and I loved the hell out of it!

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I liked Marlo until she tried to go after Kandi. That was such a low blow and she came across very classless. I love that Kandi went in on her andput her in her place. You know its abd when Nene is dumbfounded and has to calm her down

LMAO at Kim considering Cynthia irrelevant. "Why are you talking?" I was thinking the same thing. When did Cynthia get a mouth? She was trying hard to be relevant and be known.

Love how Nene defended her success and later when she talked about how she brought Kim or Sheree in. LOL at her calling Sheree boring

When they played that montage of Sheree's worst moments, I wonder if that was a hint to her that "oh sh-t, they might be kicking me off the show" Looking back though...she really was delusional






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