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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Brandi did nothing but show how classless, tacky, vile, hated, and out on a limb she is. Towards the end of the episode, her insults and hatred got really, really dark. And it's only Part One! She may be seated next to Andy, but these ladies DESPISE her. And I'm talking about the important ones: Vanderpump and Kyle. The faces of Beverly Hills, like it or not.

Bravo will fight to keep Vanderpump and keep her happy. I can't see her agreeing to put up with brandi's nonsense another season. There's no redemption or forgiving here.

Next season shall be interesting...

Sad to see Yolanda struggling to listen and speak. I don't think she was acting. Why would she? No reason to, unless she *really* was looking for an excuse to skip the 9+ hour filming. She redeemed herself this season and has her own real-life ish to worry about fighting, instead of squabbling with a bunch of hens.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I know this franchise has always had crazy outbursts and it's supposed to be wild and fun, but I don't really know how much longer Andy can head-pat and tee-hee a woman who calls another woman a c***, talks about how she wants to beat her bloody, and tells another woman she'd better "watch her back." It's not a "truth cannon" as much as a drunk waving a loaded gun.

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Come on Carl, you're reaching. If Brandi really wanted to beat Kyle's ass, she would've done it ages ago. Calling someone a [!@#$%^&*] may be rude, but it's hardly any different than the rest of the things said on these shows. There's really no difference between calling some a "disgusting [!@#$%^&*] bitch" (as Kyle did), and calling someone a [!@#$%^&*]. If those things are said with the same intent, there's no difference. And the "watch your back" comment was clearly a reference to the fact that Lisa is trusting Kyle yet again - a woman who has repeatedly stabbed her in the back and slandered her to the masses.

It's fine to not like Brandi. I get she's not everyone's taste. But let's not act as if she's some violent force or any more vile than most of the other women in this franchise.

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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It's not so much that I actually think she's going to be violent with people as I'm not sure where the show is supposed to go with this. It's just basic crudity at this point and while I get that Kyle is annoying and not likeable, it's just not something I think is entertaining to watch. Last season Joyce had this role, where Joyce was a fake bitch who played the victim. Now it's Kyle. Next season, my guess is Eileen will be the fake bitch who plays the victim. Rinse and repeat with Brandi stories. Brandi seems to have no other role on the show now beyond simultaneously being a truthteller and telling everyone to stop being mean to her.

I think they need a big overhaul of the cast because this season should have been a lot better than it turned out to be.

Edited by DRW50
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I think it was good, and I think Eileen was great casting. I think they would be better off next season trying to expand storylines. Kim's story was obvious drama and Kim is fascinating to watch but it was also so heavy and draining.

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I thought this season was great considering we had 2 new additions to the cast. As much as I can't stand certain... ahem, women, I think this cast needs to return exactly as is. Throw in Camille and ideally Faye as a friend of and I think season 6 would be phenomenal especially now that Eileen and Rinna have a better perspective on things.

Edited by MrPrezident
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Faye can be quite rancid (and I really, really hated her season 3) but she throws effortless shade and isn't afraid to get scrappy while some of the other women may be to afraid to get out of line. This show needs that as Brandi and Kim are the only ones willing to go there. Well, and Rinna but I don't think she'll ever go there again.

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