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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Sad about Marlo, but looking forward to seeing what happens with RHONY's cast. Filming has started and we know Carole, Sonja and Heather are still cast. Of course it's likely that Ramona and LuAnn are as well, we just need confirmation on everyone else. I think Kristen could still be up in the air and we won't know if it's true about Bethenny or Jill until we see it.

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These ladies think they can come for Phaedra but she'll destroy them at the reunion as per usual.

Meanwhile after a whole year of working Kenya finally cobbled together some money to actually donate for real? Girl bye! She's so fake. And so broke. Nene made that bet eons ago and you're just now fulfilling it? Give me a break.

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Ugh. I just don't care for Carole or Heather. I can deal with Heather because she gives drama, but Carole is stale. Boring. Dull as dishwater. I know that the show tries to make her their actual version of Carrie Bradshaw but it ain't working. I pray they bring Jill back with Bethenny. Those two [with Ramona and Luann] will be the ones to save this sinking ship.

And I want Aviva back, dammit. She was RHONY for me last season! She earned her apple from this scene alone:


Long live the Queen! <3

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Phaedra ain't gonna do sh*t but mutter them rehearsed lines she always spews. Phaedra lacks true wit. Her 'reads' are tired and rehearsed, and usually consist of slut shaming someone, which is funny seeing as she is the BIGGEST slut on the sofa. Channeling TOADra, "Everybody knows that Phelony Parks is infamous for being the real husband humper." One of Phaedra's old associates did an interview years ago, pre-Kenya, exposing Phaedra. Phraudra supposedly effed her husband, thus resulting in the woman moving her family out of Atlanta. And Phaedra was the woman's daughter godmother. Who does that? Oh yeah. Phaedra....

And this season's reunion, she's going to get dragged. As I said before, she won't have Apollo there to back her. She is a lone wolf this season and I doubt she can handle the equally swift Claudia, cunning Kenya, and Peter. And I haven't even factored in Cynthia, who if pushed and give it too, and Demetria, who is a wild card. The frog is toast this season. Sorry....

And Kenya probably had that money for the longest. Most are assuming that she had the money from Celebrity Apprentice since she's on the upcoming season and could not do anything with it till now. But regardless, she paid. Doesn't matter if it took her a few months or a few years. She kept to her word. Same can't be said for someone else who has YET to match her donation....

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She just made the donation! And Nene made that offer back then. She didn't take it.

As for Phaedra that's all hearsay and I've never claimed Phaedra was perfect. That being said she still can handle any of these tricks and she'll still get the final nail in the coffin as per usual. Kenya will open that big mouth of hers say something foolish and pretend to be hurt when she gets it served right back to her fake butt!

They kept Carole but got rid of Aviva.....it's like Bravo wants NY to fail. If you're gonna bring Jill and Bethenny back then you have to bring Aviva back to see just how much crazy one show can handle. With Luann, Heather, and Ramona in the mix already you've got magic.

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Why didn't Nene just make the donation without Kenya and put egg on Kenya's face?

And I never said that you said Phae was perfect. That's what she implies. And I don't think that Phaedra is going to bulldoze these women like she did Kenya last season. The chicken is coming home to roost this season. Kenya is going to be vindicated and Phae is going to get her comeuppance.

Now we agree on something ... Aviva!!! She is needed, especially, if Bethenny and Jill are to return.

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I have to agree with this (bringing back Aviva), since Bethenny has reported since day one that she helped bring Aviva to the show. Let's see Bethenny handle the crazy on camera!

I like to compare the hierarchy of all these shows to Beverly Hills, because I think the level of importance and the roles the ladies play on that show are very clear (at least IMO; I know some of you hate Kyle). And NYC's Heather and Carole are like BH's Taylor and Kim. Yeah, they can ruffle a few feathers every now and then, but they're not who we're coming to see, and they aren't the ones that everyone's trying to be BFF's with. They need some Lisa's and Kyle's and Camille's (Bethenny, Jill, LuAnn) to headline the show and make things pop. And they cannot give up on Ramona, especially if Bethenny is returning. Those two are genuine friends.

I would *love* to see a truly "renewed" Ramona--- life after Mario! Will this make her more pleasant or an even crazier bitch? She may have been so short-circuited because of that man. She may find peace and be able to co-exist with the ladies in a much better fashion. Or, she may go off the deep end and be worse than ever. And what if she slutted it up like looneytunes Sonja? Oh, the possibilities are endless for a "renewed" Mario-less Ramona Singer!

ATL: Phaedra has fallen out of favor with so many, it even comes across that way on Ellen. She's not the southern Belle everyone loved in season 3. I don't think she'll come out of this top dog at the reunion; she's got at least one couch full of ladies already prepared to come for her, and the season hasn't even begun to air! They've got a good 6 months to dig up dirt on Shady Phae-Phae and practice their one-liners. Kenya will be practicing for a prop-less reunion this time 'round.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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Exactly. Now that Kenya won't be able to have props AND that no one won't be dragging her and stealing her belongings (like last season), she'll be on her A game. She'll have to rely on wits alone and Kenya is too cunning for Phaedra. Hell, Phaedra needs to thank Kenya. She's been her story for three seasons. Kenya MADE Phaedra a main character. Phaedra's first two seasons, she was a background player/sidekick at best.

Yaaassss! At least for the first half of the season. They'll probably make up by the end though. However, I preferred Ramona dragging Jill's ass all over. Ramona always cut Jill to the core and it use to be funny. :P

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I think Kenya will fare bette bc this time she actually has support. No one was riding for her in season 5 and 6, so she was literally out there on her own being thrown to the wolves. I think having Claudia and Cynthia firmly in her corner will help give her more confidence to come back hard. I also have a feeling that Claudia will be a pitbull and wont stand to let anyone pile up on her

As for Phroggie, she's never been this exposed before. She has ALOT of dirt being slung at her and stuff she cant just hide from or joke her way out of with fake southern goofiness. She also never really had a strong group of women opposing her. She was on the outs with Nene and then later Kenya but that's it. Lets see how she fares when she cant gang up on someone or have it be 1 on 1, but rather the tables are turned so that a group of women come for her

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Exactly. I've been saying this. Phaedra is not going to fare well against a bunch of women that want her head, and when she's {Phaedra} is at her most vulnerable. They are going to dog walk her this reunion. And as I said before, Kandi, Nene, and Porsha are not going to lift a finger to help Phaedra. She's all alone this season.

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