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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Alexis and likeable go together like sh*t and diamonds. Seriously? Alexis with her biblical hypocrisy. Her douchebag husband? Her rampant foreclosures? Her debt ridden lifestyle? Alexis...likeable...really?

Tamra is a total bitch, no doubt about it, but at least she's honest and is pretty much herself with everyone, respect be damned. Tamra is at the very least straightforward, what you see is what you get.

Jeana is awesome, I can't wait to see her mix it up with Tamra. Jeana really WAS the OC for me, her last episode last season was almost poetic: "It began in Coto de Caza and it ends in Coto de Caza" as she drives into the sunset in her Mercedes convertible.

Here's why they need Lauri: she brought the drama, but not with the other Housewives, her life was dramatic. Her children were dramatic. But Lauri herself, with the other women, was not. That's what's changed, the drama used to be about their lives, now the drama is all about them.

Gretchen is just awful and dull and boring. Off with her head!

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I like these shows for the women interactnig with each other. Thats why for me, I didnt care for season 1 bc they were all so seperate from each other. You are right in Lauri in that she didnt have alot going on with the other women. I wish she did bc then she would have been more appealing to me

I dont know why but I like Alexis. I thought she was a good addition last season. I dont feel as if she needs to go yet

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As others have said, those first 3 seasons weren't dramatic but they were so much more enjoyable. This season the girls are all so seperate from each other and when you have them seperate they need to at least be interesting. I will never ever find Alexis likeable. I love that Jim isn't filming anymore this season meaning less Alexis.

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Another New Jersey preview...can't wait.

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Edited by Antoyne
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I'm still Team Alex after last night! Although I LOVED how dramatic Sonja was with her fur hat at lunch. That was amazing.

No Jill last night at all - surprising! I guess this was during her Australia trip?

Kelly is still bananas, but she's tolerable this season. I love wacky Ramona - love her modeling down the runway again!


Still haven't seen Sunday's show -- I'm just bored with this season so I'm really amped to watch it before my other shows. I'll watch it soon enough. I still love to hate Vicki, and I actually like Alexis too. I just can't stand Gretchen this season, and of course Slade. Peggy adds nothing, although I like her husband. Tamra/Eddie are ok, but I've read he is really gay and this is just for cameras - who knows? But yeah, it just doesn't have a good vibe/pace this season. Hopefully next week with Lynn/Jeana we'll get some pep back into the season.

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I'm sooo excited for the return of Lynn/Jeana even if its just one episode..Peggy just doesn't have the quirkiness that Lynn had, even if she was an awful parent. And we all know how Jeana can stir some [!@#$%^&*] up. But WTF is up with her hair in that preview.

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i saw the previews not too long ago and it had Lynn, Jeana and Fernanda! They need to have these brunettes as full housewives. Im sick of the blondes!

I find her relationship with Eddie so disrespectful. It comes across as if she's intentionally flaunting him for the cameras as a big F U to Simon. Arent they still legally married? They are going through divorce proceedings and she could have been a bit more private and subtle about her new man but she's going overboard with this new single Tamra especially the way she's getting into detials about her sex life. I really dont like how she is handling this and she has kids so thats another reason why she should have been more discrete. She comes across very tacky.

Oh and what a b-tch, laughing at the thought of Alexis' home being in foreclosure

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In Tamra's defense(I know I've suddenly become her cheerleader), this was filmed a while back following what an !@#$%^&*] Simon was. I mean I dare you to watch season 5 and what a prick he was and not think a bit of payback was in order...Could she have handled things differently, of course but this is the Tamra I know and love from season's past.

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I never liked Jeana. She was the most money-centric of the HWs and constantly talked about it.

Her family treated her like crap, and she always made excuses for them. She didn't bring on anything special, and her stories weren't all that interesting.

Lauri was great. I don't think she would play off well with the current bunch of women, because she doesn't play into the drama (or at least, left the show when there wasn't crazy pressure to bring on the crazy).

S6 has been lackluster. I really don't think Peggy adds anything to the cast. She's just...there.

Tamra is a bitch for making mock of Alexis' home troubles. She went through the same thing last year! Ugh.

ETA: Simon and Tamra's Text Messages and Kim Zolciak's Baby Shower

Edited by WTGH
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Ohhh, I'm loving the Cindy/Sonja rivalry! Good episode again.

And Cat totally hated Luann last night on WWHL. Cat was owned by Luann and Cat eventually was just like 'get me the f*** out of here, I'm done' -- and Andy totally let Cat just pout and gave Luann the spotlight. It was awkward between Cat/Luann!

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I thought Cat owned LuAnn and it was about time she got called out. She truly is one of the tackiest, pretentious women on earth. It's sick. She is so phony and I could tell her condesending attitude was driving Cat nuts on WWHL. When Cat said she was around 7 or 8 years older and LuAnn cringed and laughed that was just so rude. It didn't help that the game Andy created was so one-sided and allowed LuAnn to create this air that she *was* superior.

Cat posted on Twitter that she had meetings all day with Bravo, yesterday. I wonder what is going to come of these meetings. There was also discussion about a month ago. I wonder if they are just pitching new shows for Cat or if there is a chance she'll be on RHONYC. They need a new Betheny and I think Cat could fill that void. Cindy just isn't cutting it. Plus, the two times Cat appeared on WWHL was with NYC housewives (Ramona, LuAnn). Throw in the fact that she's friends with Alex and works out of NYC and it could work.

Honestly, I would dump Cindy AND Kelly. Kelly is just a mess and isn't presenting anything interesting anymore. Only reason to keep her is to hope for another breakdown.

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