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I think Nene rolled her issues to that anger management class suggestion, I really don't remember.

I do think kim is dumb and immature because she can't sing and isn't even trying to get any better. If she was smart she would be going to singing lessons everyday so she can make a good living instead of hoing around. Kandi is giving her a step into the music industry and she's making a mockery of it,which is why I think she is dumb. She makes her money off of hoing around, when big papa went broke she dumped him and went for the millionaire athlete. She had the nerve to say Nene was jealous of her, who's jealous of someone that can't sing, hos around for a living, and wears a wig that looks a mess everyday. Why in the heck did Kim think Nene was an intern, I don't know many iterns that host their own show, most interns especaily if its tv related are behind the scenes not in front of the camera. I really just can't stand kim, I don't care if she playing up to her dumbness or not, she is bad tv.

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Nene could be the female David Caruso leaving tire tracks behind her on her way to bigger and better only to be a non entity very quickly. If she's gone and her career tanks and they replace her with someone who's a hit she better watch out. It would be great for her if she can strike while the iron's hot and capitalize on her popularity but she better be careful how she proceeds. If I were her I would keep doing ATL while doing outside projects till I'm sure I don't need the show anymore.

I haven't seen the latest eppy yet but by the previews Nene is a hothead. She can never have an argument without feeling the need to get up in your face and make it physical. She can explode on a dime which can be hugely entertaining but a be a turn off nonetheless.

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Well, rolling her eyes wasn't a good reaction. She needs a little help.

What you hate about Kim is the point of Kim. She's a terrible singer, isn't getting any better and yet can release a song (her newest, 'Google Me' was done without Kandi's help) and make some money. She's never going to be a big star, it's clear to me she gets that. She puts in zero effort yet makes a splash. That's down to charisma and plain dumb luck. And really, people can call Kim a slut and whatever, but she's hardly alone in how she conducts herself. Many a socialite in Beverly Hills got there the same way (take a bow Camille Grammer!) and they're not all bad people.

Nene doesn't have her own show. She hosts segments. And she works for the Atlanta NBC affiliate. BRAVO is also owned by NBC. Think that's any coincidence?

I love Nene, I think she's hilarious and ballsy, but she should realise that Kim is more useful to her as an ally. They should not be rivals. It just doesn't work.

If anyone should be jealous of Kim, it's Kandi. That poor bitch works her ass off and gets nowhere!

Nene will be the David Caruso of the RH franchise if she leaves. She'll be crushed.

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EricaKane, Nene thinks her sh!t doesn't stink. She feels entitled to get up in people's faces and people must automatically fall back. She did the same thing to Khandi in season 2 and she was passive aggressive with Cynthia's contract and had the nerve to tell Cynthia she was getting loud with her when Cynthia calmly expressed her frustrations as she went behind her back and had fun at her expense. If Cynthia had gotten loud she would have received the same treatment Khandi and Kim got. Luckily for her there isn't someone as ghetto as her to check her ass.

ETA: Now more than ever I would love to see someone like Victoria Rowell on the show.

Edited by Money
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Um OMG RHOBH Reunion preview clip..This looks like its definitely going to compete with that last NYC reunion

<object width="400" height="400" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="movie" value="http://widget.bravotv.com/singleclip/singleclip_v1.swf?CXNID=1000004.10035NXC&WID=4657041ec2a2cf53&clipID=1270513"/><param'>http://widget.bravotv.com/singleclip/singleclip_v1.swf?CXNID=1000004.10035NXC&WID=4657041ec2a2cf53&clipID=1270513"/><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><embed src="http://widget.bravotv.com/singleclip/singleclip_v1.swf?CXNID=1000004.10035NXC&WID=4657041ec2a2cf53&clipID=1270513" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="400" height="400" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object>

Edited by Antoyne
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^^^Wow when does BH reunion come on that looked good. Who the heck was Lisa's husband talking about?

Daytimefan what episode was the highest rated episode, are you talking about the kim/Nene fight episode?

An I have to disagree with the person that said that kandi career is going no where, she has made several number 1 hits and won a grammy for no scrubs as a songwriter. I agree that having a solo career isn't taking her anywhere, but she's making money off of being a songwriter. Actually I think Kandi is a little jealous of Kim, for barely putting any effort towards her music career but having that mainstream audience that kandi won't get.

Edited by EricaKane70
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I'm betting Lisa's husband is speaking of Cedric.

The highest rated episode was the latest episode of RHofBH.

I feel Kandi's career is going nowhere because she hasn't had a hit in years. Yes, she's financially secure thanks to her brilliant writing career...but the focus of Kandi's current activities, at least so far as we see on the show, is her solo career which hasn't happened for her while Kim, with minimal effort, has a hit.

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Update on DC:

Andy said on The View that he loves Michaele, but the other women don't wanna film with her. He said they're having discussions about what to do with this show. Honestly, I have no idea why they'd want the Salahi's back. It's true they DID hijack the first season and Mary and Cat had storylines thrown out. Who knows how things would've gone if it weren't for that white house dinner re-shaping everything and the way they could use certain footage. Besides, they're broke, probably don't have a home to film and weren't popular. Why go through the trouble all over again? I would've kept the original four, added Erika then a brand new housewife and kept it moving.

Right now they just missed Stacie's trip to Africa to meet her birth parents. I'm sure that would've been Bravo gold. Then you have Cat's recent trip to Thailand & book tour and Mary has a big fashion show coming up. All of these potentially interesting events are being missed bc they want the Salahi's (who have nothing going on)?

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Okay, first off Kyle thinks that kim is drunk, why would she argue with kim when she is clearly drunk. Taylor is the one that started all the drama anyway. If it was me I would of dragged kim's butt outta that party and took her to rehab. That whole scene just bothered me, they all kind of seem like they know kim is a drunk but they stand their and argue with her minus lisa/adrienne. Thank god for Adrienne.

I totally think Taylor's husband is gay, he has no interest in her whatsoever.

Edited by EricaKane70
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I was so mad at Kyle, that was a low blow to call her an alcoholic in front of everyone and cameras. Kim clearly has a problem, but instead of talking to her sister to sister she berated her and yelled at her, that is not the way to handle anything and made Kyle look foolish.

And Kim was ABSOLUTELY right, Taylor,Kyle, Camille, and Lisa won't let the drama go and keep bringing it up. They say they want to move on but every time they get together they rehash it over and over again. And Taylor TOTALLY instigated the fight in tonight's episode, if Kim could string two sentences together long enough to be coherent she could have held her own, but she obviously can't take confrontation well at all.

I love Lisa and Cedric together, it breaks my heart to think that Lisa's husband may have been talking about Cedric in the reunion episode.

Edited by Ms. Chandler Quartermaine
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BH was very entertaining tonight.

Russel is such a control freak I wouldn't be surprised if he's secretly abusive to Taylor.

Cedric is a drama queen. It's sickening how he manipulates Lisa into staying with them. Hopefully this will not be an issue next season.

I'm siding with Kim on this one. There she was minding her own business and Taylor comes up and starts attacking her. That is NOT what Lisa had in mind when she told Taylor to work things out with her. Then Kyle jumped on the bandwagon and didn't even care what she had to say. Taylor is two faced and she definitely instigated the drama but Kim is such a neurotic mess. The chick is a walking poster for suicide. It's clear the tiniest bit of confrontation or friction and she falls apart. Kyle is definitely ashamed of her and she either needs to put up or shut up. She keeps screaming that she did so much for her with little taunts of "don't mess with me" when it's obvious she helped her through a major ordeal but she keeps throwing it back in her face. Kyle was very unlikable and every bit the bully but it's funny - every time they cry they can't produce real tears.

Kim hiding behind Adrienne when Kyle started attacking her was hilarious if not a bit sad.

And speaking of Adrienne, she's gorgeous but that mop on her head has GOT to go! A new sleek due will do wonders for her.

Edited by Money
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I have such a different view...

I do think that Taylor approached Kim with good intentions. I think from the moment Taylor asked to speak to her you can tell Kim jumped up and was ready to fight. It could not have gone well and perhaps Taylor should have walked away, but i doubt at the time she knew Kim was a alkie. I think Kyle has delt with this for a very long, long time and couldnt take it anymore and rached her end. Kim was attacking Kyle and backtracking and what not and Kyle had had enough. Kyle proboly should have removed Kim from the situation, but at some point you do hit your limit and have to let them go and thats what Kyle was doing, plus she was visibly hurt by everything that had gone down. Adrianne was pretty boss for going with Kim and trying to be there for her. Kim obviously has severe issues that stem from an awful childhood. Kyle and Kim has been brewing for a long time i bet and Kyle snapped. If you have delt with someone like Kim i am sure you can understand. Its one of those things that when its over you regret it, but damn, how much can one person take? I am really interested in the "you stole my house" line. I liked that Kyle said that her husband treats Kim like a second wife, because i thought that when watching the show. He obviously is very involved in trying to cover and/or help Kim with her messes. I also feel like a lot was edited out of that limo fight, it all seemed off and like huge chucks were missing. I would have gladly gave the first 20 minutes of that episode up to devote more time to this. I wonder if by letting/getting/enourcging/whatevering Kim onto this show was almost an out for Kyle. As bad as i feel for Kim and her issue, i really feel more for the family that has chosen (feels stuck?) with helping her. Obviously Kathy and the rest of the family is not involved and it all falls on Kyle. Kyle and Kim seem to have that odd relationship sisters with bad mothers get, where one takes on a mother role and the other a child, and then they still also try to be sisters. Except here its like at one point Kim was the mother (financially) and then Kyle became the mother role. I know a few sisters with this dynamic. Its really tragic for all involved.

I hope that Taylor leaves her husband, he seems so miserable and wants to bring her down with him. Adrianne is the least dramatic, but she is not boring like other less dramatic housewives are. But i do question how/if she really fits into this group.

Lisa is the true HBIC. I love her. LOVE her. I am so, so sad to hear about what Cedric did to her, you know that must really pain her as she obviously loves him as a brother/son/best friend/etc type way and wants to help him. She had to put her husband first. She was spot on when she told him that even if he were her child he would not be living with her at this point. Its a shame that due to his own past, whatever it may be, that he didnt realize that and lashed out at her.

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