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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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still would it have mattered? Isnt California the main 50/50 state when it comes to divorces? Considering how publically and slopily Kelsey handled his infidelity, Camille's lawyer would have gotten her to leave with quite a bit regardless. Kelsey seems to love this new girl and wants to marry her so throwing money at Camille to get rid of her so she doesnt fight him and delay his upcoming wedding, seems like another key factor motivating him

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I'm assuming it would have mattered since an iron clad pre nup would have denied the 50/50 split. Camille would have still walked away with size-able sum but I doubt it would have been half his earnings.

I hate reveling in others misfortunes but Camille's couldn't happen to a more deserving person. She must be insanely livid with the public humiliation especially since Kelsey wants to marry his new girlfriend so quickly.

At least she's the one who filed - if that even matters.

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I DVRed it, so now I'm excited to watch.

I'm SUPER-PISSED that they're not showing RHONYC season 3 repeats now- they switched to Orange County! Damnit, I'd never any of the episodes and just got through season 1 & 2 through repeats and was SO looking forward to S3. Damn you CW! :angry: :angry: :angry:

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Which Housewives do you think should be retired?

For me,

NYC: LuAnn, looking back, she's never had a particular storyline and she doesn't drive or move things forward. She's always there with a bitchy comment, and the Countess schtick got old in S2.

Kelly, bitch I don't have the patience to deal with your whacked out ways.

Alex: She came off well in S3, but she's not really interesting.

ATL: Shereé: I love her to pieces, but her story this season has been all over the place. It's fake and we know it. She was much better when Lisa was around to keep the catty competition going.

Cynthia: Zzzzzzzzzzz.

DC: Michaele:

OC: Lynne: She's too spacy, wacky and absent-minded. Her cuffs are the tackiest thing I've ever seen and ridiculously overpriced.

NJ: I'd only keep Theresa. Too much Manzo domination. Bring in new girls with no family ties.

Edited by WTGH
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Is the season over for BH already? I'm surprised it ended so abruptly.

I miss those ATL broads the past two weeks.

The only series I watch religiously are ATL and BH and I'm starting to ween from BH. I think all the elements to be a truly great series with their own identity is there but something is still missing. I want to love the show but I find myself averagely liking it. I think either of the Collins sisters would be a great addition for the next season.

WTGH, which elements of Sheree's storyline do you think are fake?

If I had to get rid of people it would definitely be Cynthia from ATL. She's painfully boring. They should bring on Victoria Rowell. VR was in negotiations with them last year but it fell through. VR mixing it up with Nene and Sheree would be gold. And you know she'll drop digs at YR. :)

For BH, it would be Kim. And DC, Stacie. They both stick out like sore thumbs.

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The Manzo's need to stay. I love Jaqueline and Caroline. Plus I dont think the show can hande losing nearly its entire cast in one season with only one returning. That would be too extreme.

Overall IA, esepcially LuAnn. I dont see what purpose she ever served. She's nothing more than Jill's sounding board and not needed. I say get rid of her.

Personally I think any one of the DC woman can get retired except Cat. Aside from Michaele, who is just way too fake even for a show like this, I dont feel Mary, Stacey or Lynda add much. Lynda has potential if paired with different womn but the other two are just boring. I like them, but they dont bring the drama

BH returns this week. It was on hiatus bc of the holidays

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Sad news for the DC girls...

For those of you who watched Andy Cohen's NYE special... you may have noticed that every series of the Housewives shows were represented EXCEPT for DC. Apparently Mary from DC tweeted Andy asking him why the snub on DC and he didn't answer. They say he normally always responds to tweets, so this is not a good sign.

Bravo may not want to deal with DC, or at least take their chances getting their ass in trouble any longer.

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My heart be still. There's no way Jackie Collins would be on BH (no husband and she's kept her children and grandchildren totally out of the spotlight)...but Joan...for the right price...she would be sensational. I can only imagine her at the Dinner Party From Hell. She would have literally slapped Camille and DD and Alison. I think she'd get along best with the 3 Winners (Kyle, Lisa and Adrienne), she'd eat Kim for breakfast, dismiss Taylor as the loser she is and loathe Camille with strategic withering put downs.

That said, I just don't see it happening. Joan is 77 going on 78...she has resisted all forms of reality television (and she's been offered big bucks to do a ton of shows) and from what I can gather she's actually busy with work this year (2 movies plus a book).

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