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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I am only 3 minutes into this episode, and have now clocked why BudgetGhislaine would ever subject herself to the close scrutiny of reality TV viewers. Of course. The sperm donor wants a singing career! Constantine Maroulis's less charismatic cousin has a voice that drove Kathy to tears, Rinna to call him "magical" (after pocketing BudgetGhislaine's cheque), and Erika to squawk like a wounded hen in back-up. You know Erika was looking at him and thinking 'This was me before Bravo and a $20mn transfer to my account.' Because for all of Diana's alleged pimp money, she couldn't buy her toyboy fame or a platform, until now.

As usual, the Bravo editors deserve an award for this comedic tour-de-force. The whole thing reminded me of a low-budget version of when Yolanda & David had Andrea Bocelli sing for the women. Now THAT was truly A-list.

Edited by Cat
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Cat this is a perfect post, LOL.  Yes, it all makes sense now! 

I also flashed back to the David Foster scene. And I believe it was Taylor being the drunk mess in that scenario (though not NEARLY as obnoxious as Erika). 

I loved how this episode was very Garcelle and Sutton heavy. They continue to carry the show without making everything doom and gloom. They are naturally fun together. 

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I don't know how I feel about that. 


On one hand, it was a good episode with what was seen.


Emphasis on WHAT WAS SEEN.


Per the trailer as well as Kandi's latest SPEAK ON IT, Production has been at it again. They edited down Marlo vs Kenya in the driveway because allegedly Marlo went VERY low and brought up Brooklyn...which puts a whole new spin on what was seen...which was hilarious since Production was going NOWHERE WITHOUT THEIR STAR KENYA!!! They edited down Drew vs Fatum which we saw in the trailer for this season since we know Drew went all out and was dragged out a la last season's finale for getting dramatic with MORE THAN ONE dog bone. And also this episode was the last one we will be seeing of Fatum in group scenes until the finale allegedly. 


How to feel about all that. On one hand, it all sounds juicy. And I for one was looking forward to Drew and the dog boneS. So that was disappointing. But given what Fatum did BTS, I can see why she won't be around and at least she owned it. Rookie mistake. A fatal one. On the other hand, we just got rid of Porsha because Production covered up what she was doing so she could be the favorite. And now here we go again with Marlo. But perhaps Kenya stepped in because she did not want Brooklyn to grow up and see that scene unedited in reruns.


Again...Marlo continues to prove she herself is a liability. ( (c) Erika Jayne). Her first cast trip and she let her jealousy of Kenya get the best of her. And putting the other girls in the middle. Uhhhh...no. Okay...NOT Sanya. Sanya...who gassed her up in the first place by betraying Kenya's trust. 'Good' work, Bone Carrier, Jr. RME.


I do wonder if it was Marlo acting and ending the trip. Or the BTS story of how one of the crew had CoVid so most of the girls also got CoVid which ended the trip. 




Production again. Le sigh.


KENYA. As far as I'm concerned, she did nothing wrong, but exist. There she was (along with Kandi) helping Sheree with ShebySheree. There she was expressing her feelings with Sanya. There she was ki-ki-ing with Drew. She was FUN. And Marlo just HATED THAT. That and the fact that Production WAS NOT LEAVING THE HOUSE WITHOUT HER. They know what was up. And I loved Kenya gathering Marlo. I also loved her dealing with that Trumper. Just ugh. She's been pretty good this season.


KANDI. I liked her helping Sheree. I also loved her Greek chorus with Monyetta. They just wanted to have fun and there was nothing, but chaos around them. lol. 


SHEREE. I liked what Kenya and Kandi were trying to do for her. It's totally true what Kandi said. How long have we heard about joggers? ShebySheree? At this point, the demand for them are there and HIGH. Sheree could make a killing if she put in the work. And it speaks volumes last week when Kenya and Kandi talked business versus Kandi and Kenya and Sheree. She is still so green. She should take their advice. Other than that, she was funny this week.


DREW. So let down by not being able to see the whole scene of her vs Fatum. But what we got was good. But it was from her playbook last season when she was going after Latoya with the rehearsed attacks and dog boneS. 


SANYA. Yeeeah over her. She was the one to gas Marlo up. And I loved that Kenya dismissed her after that. She ain't stupid. And she gathered her fast when she threw how she was treating Drew in her face, but what Marlo was doing was okay? Yes, Kenya see you.


MARLO. Is exhausting. I know I keep saying Sanya gassed her up, but she made it so easy with her clear jealousy of Kenya. This week she made a miscalculation by thinking now that she got a peach that she could run things. She is definitely making the girls work true, but to be clear...she IS NOT the star. Kenya debatably has been keeping things running for years. Production knows this. There is a reason why when she was gone in Season 11 she was cameoed in again. She makes them happen...sometimes organically, sometimes not...but usually with some fun shade to her. And better than Marlo can sometimes. She need to focus on those boys. And then her attempt to get sympathy. A little too late. 


Again, from what was shown, it was a good episode. I just wished they had mentioned it all...so to speak.

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I thought it was a good episode. I was saddened to see Ayan defuse Brooks vs Sara, but it seems that fight is really going to take off next week. It's like a nice little subplot now...something this show needs right now.


This week was also about Caroline Stansbury's wedding. It was nice. It was beautiful. There was humor in the form of the running joke about Sergio always crying. And there were LADIES OF LONDON CAMEOS!!!! I did not think Sophie (notice this week they are labeling her as Caroline's EX sister-in-law)'s hair was up to her standards last week, but she got it together quickly. And she was fabulous. She also allowed us into some of Caroline's inner life during the pregnancy talk to Sergio. And there's Juliet being Juliet...and got checked by Lesa. Annnnd LUKKKKKKKEEEE!!! OMFG!!!!...he and Ayan together are the couple that I didn't know I needed. They were great together. In fact, it was funny how Ayan got on with ALL of Caroline's friends (except Juliet of course cuz...Juliet...if you saw LoL you get it...though loved her chainmail shirt at brunch). Could you imagine if Caroline and Ayan actually got along??? 


Speaking of getting along, the episode ended on Brooks and her mother. And that is something that I love about this show so far. Just when you think someone is one thing, the producers show someone who allows us to get into the inner life of that castmate and see things from their point of view. Ayan came in hard, but through her scenes with Lesa, her family, and Sara, you saw the reasoning behind how she thinks. I felt the same watching Brooks with her mother. 


Speaking of Ayan...her in the dress for brunch gliding in...was EVERYTHING.


CAROLINE. Caroline continues to pull her weight. We have the wedding. We have the LoL cameos. We have light fun with Ayan and Lesa. And I loved the continued drama with Sergio over having a baby. And the fact that he is not listening to her. Yeah, I see nothing, but drama there. The fact he was not even listening to what Sophie was trying to tell him. The last time Caroline had a baby, she almost died. It would be so much more complicated now given her age. He was not getting it. 


AYAN. Her and that dress at brunch. I don't think there has been any time when Ayan gone somewhere that she has not given looks. And she said as much. I don't find it fake because she's done that from what I can tell on screen AND off screen. I think she is really like this. And I cannot say that I hate it. And her walking with her son in that fashion show...I got tears. LOVE. And please...can we get more of her and Luke...I loved how he got her instantly...but I'm sure he is used to being around models.


LESA. LET HER KNOW, GREG!!! lol. What do I mean? I mean her checking Juliet. Juliet thought she would come in and cause drama with Ayan and Lesa. And I love that neither of them were having it. But it was Lesa for me at brunch. Yes, Juliet has a point. Caroline has made it clear since her LoL days, that she is the star and should shine brighter than anyone else. And Lesa said she ain't letting anyone shine brighter than her; get used to it. I was here for it. Thank you! And I loved her (and Brooks) went to support Ayan at her fashion show. #friendsgoals 


NINA. Was going through it. But was in it very little. 


SARA. Ooooo at her next week!!!!!!!!! She got up and got in Brooks's face like an ATL Housewife. It will definitely make up for this week where Ayan and Lesa came in to stop her fight with Brooks. I had a moment again if Brooks is right about what she said about Sara. Have we seen the real Sara? 


BROOKS. Like I mentioned, Ayan became softer as the season has gone on because we saw her with other people who we sympathized with. Here we had Brooks with her mother. And it allowed me to understand Brooks a little bit better. HOWEVER...I noticed that her mother had a few side-eye moments as if she knew more than she was saying. Things to make you go hmmm.


Ready for next week and Brooks vs Sara Round 2.



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