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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Tamra needed to be rested... it was rinse, lather, and repeat.  She'll be back eventually... mark my words.. but it's too soon have her back.

Look at Heather.. she was kind of played out and now she's back with lots of things going on (her kids are older, she had her own podcast show, etc).   

Sometimes housewives need a rest.. and Tamra was due one.

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Lying came so easy to Jen - that’s the real her. Very calm and cold and controlled.

OMG Lu. That is so embarrassingly terrible and her singing voice is comically atrocious. Sonja sounded the best. Leah’s invented scenes about wanting a contract in case the song makes money…she has nothing to worry about. This song is a bomb. 

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It's a bomb but an entertaining one! The filming of this mv was by far the best episode of the past season. I see Leah finally got her 'contract' to appear in this mess. Billy Strich was dying a thousand embarrassed deaths throughout.

What surprised me was that in the long 12 months since they filmed this, no-one thought to apply some Daft Punk-level autotune to the voices? Sonja croaking out something about a Gulfstream?  Ramona sounding truly horrendous? Lu straining to hit a baritone's high note? As Carole once famously said "I woke up to two mens' voices. One of them was Luann."

I wondered what you guys thought about Dorinda possibly coming back to RHONY next season. Have you missed her? Has she been away long enough? Obviously her return is speculation, but I suspect she will be back.

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@CatI view the Housewives Ultimate girls trip season 2 as a test run for Dorinda.  It's being hosted at her Berkshire manor also.

If she has a good stint, doesn't piss off production..or make it hostile behind the scenes...I could see her being back on NY.

With Tamra, the show is using Heather to rebuild OC.  And Shannon and Heather had an interesting rapport back in the day.  So if season 16 goes well..I could see Tamra coming back in season 17.

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I just read on many Instagram accounts that Bravo is doing another Season 5 overhaul on NYC and they won’t be back with a new season until 2023

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I see Tamra returning eventually. I’m here for that. 

I also just saw a rumored All-Stars season 3 cast with LVP, Bethanny, Karen, Camille, Lisa Barlow and Kelly Dodd (blah). 

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@Soaplovers With Rugrats 2 in the can, I assumed Bravo could already make their decision  but they are probably waiting for audience reaction and how you solve a problem like Ramona! They have time to think about final casting. 

@alwaysAMC NO thanks to Kelly Dodd! Some HWs are irredemible, and she lost any goodwill with her sheep/God's way of thinning the herd Tweets. Then pleading with followers for thoughts & prayers after she infected her mom and Jolie with Covid. No, don't want to see her smug, coked-up face anymore.

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I would love that season for All-Stars. The Grande Dame with LVP, Camille, and Bethenny?! I couldn't care less about Lisa Barlow and Kelly Dodd...but the first four? Perfection. 

@Cat I want to see Dorinda return and I think the show needs her. I heard the same as @alwaysAMC about the show taking a full year off with a return in 2023...honestly they'd be smart to do that. Covid-19 hurt RHONY the most because it is the only show set in an area where the cast live in apartments and rarely entertain in their homes: restaurants are relied upon way more than the other franchises. 

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Part 3 of the trip.


It was definitely the lighter of the parts I've seen so far. It was still messy, but they had fun. Say what you want, but Wendy was a good host. Sorry, Gizelle.

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 And then Mia and Candiace came to an understanding. Clearly, it was not going to last, but it was nice while it last.


And speaking of Mia...hahahahhahah at Messy Mia. I cannot believe she is the worst bone collector ever, but still funny. As soon as the camera panned to her and G while Robyn was talking to Askale, I knew there was about to be a mess. 


And given how G was in the van, they are a matchy pair. I don't think he is ready for Ashley though. However, he kinda is being Peter Lite.


LA DAME.  While I've loved that La Dame has been above the fray nearing the end of the season and focusing on her love of Ray, outside of funny moments she has not really been doing anything. I guess Wendy has stolen the wrath of the GEB that usually try to use it on La Dame, but that has been most noticable. Not that I have not been enjoying seeing her empire grow. It was just noticeable this episode. 


GIZELLE. Whatever ho. lol. I cannot believe how much she is bent out of joint due to no bathroom when she is only getting back what she put out at her Reasonably Shady party. And then Wendy messaged her to be sure she moved out okay. She is just trying to be relevant on this trip. And well...everyone is still having fun so...not working.


ROBYN. SHUT UP, ROBYN seems to be my mantra.


WENDY. Being a good host. And love that she is really paying the GEB nothing, but dust. 


ASHLEY. Up until the end, kinda did not stand out. And now, having drama with G?  


CANDIACE. What is this I see? Voice of Reason Candiace from earlier in the season back in the house? Wow. Who knew? lol. But in any case, it was good to see her and Mia talk it out. However, Chris was right. Candiace runs the danger of being iced out if she cannot take accountability for herself. Cuz Ashley (and Michael) ain't going anywhere. 


MIA. MESSY MIA!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  Well, she's been keeping it popping. And that still keeping the fun going. But I don't think I will ever want her to not be the worst bone collector ever. lol. Never change. And I liked that she was even able to hold a conversation with Candiace. Now more problematic is G. Cuz do we need another Peter? And here they go with Ashley...


Good episode. 



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Awwww...the end of the trip...and the start of the end...


Well, I should probably start with the bad. When the Season 6 trailer dropped, it looked like it would be a lot of crazy post-Monique. Once eagle-eyed viewers noticed scenes edited out, I was worried that a lot of what had been heard about (Wendy hardcore vs the GEB, La Dame and Gizelle's relationship getting really, really bad before getting better, Candiace vs Ashley at the dinner) was on the cutting room floor. I'm going to believe this if we don't get the La Dame/Gizelle scene where they talk about Pastor Holy Whore from the trailer. It feels like a case of the Production covering again for their favorites (in this case, Gizelle for the rumor and Candiace cuz of what I've mentioned already for the Porsha edit). The fact that the rumor storyline has completely faded away also makes me side-eyed.


Now that said...that is not to say that this season has not been a good one. After last season, a season of fun, a bit of fluff, light shade, and some drama has been what the doctor ordered. And while it has been uneven cuz of the above, it has not taken completely away from the season as a whole. 


And this trip was the business.


Not since NJ or old school RHOA have we had the husbands involved. And sometimes they are just as messy as the wives. lol. G...ChrisB...Michael...even steven Eddie....they get in the mess...or back off and watch. And it was great to see the women bond and I felt the trip solidated that Wendy and La Dame are good friends. Not to mention La Dame and Ashley. Cuz it warmed my heart to see Ashley with one of Karen's candles (and free advertisement hehe). 


Speaking of Ashley...no one does messy better on this show. Her getting into it with Candiace and gathering her throughout the trip. Now her getting into it with G (with backup from La Dame). And her vs Mia...I was right there with Candiace screaming. lol 


LA DAME. Her and Wendy. Her and Wendy. Her and Wendy. Their friendship during this trip has been all kinds of awwww. And loved her and Ray in their suits. And their birthday cake surprise in the middle of Messy Mia vs Ashley was a hoot.


GIZELLE. No one...and I mean NO ONE...drags Gizelle like her daughters. lol. LOVE IT. What I did not love is her trying to drag this Pastor Hold Whore storyline. Girl, we know it's fake. I do like the angle that perhaps that her daughter have her soulsearching. Now THAT...is real. 



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I swear she is slowly, but surely turned into the Tasha...uh...Trina...no, that's not it...Tara?...of this group.


ASHLEY. Lord, all she wanted was some sleep. lol. But leave it to Ashley to get into the mess. And I have to say that yeah, Messy Mia got her good. That said, I thought it was interesting that she would go to therapy and talk about how she felt the group brought out the worst in her now that she was a mother. But...but...your tagline...? So I did a side-eye. And I hollered at her trying to have a date night with Michael and all he wanted to talk about was...Juan. hehe. And still continuing to keep herself relevant that pot stirring with Michael and Chris. Going back to what I said about the husbands. And as always love how her relationship with La Dame has grown cuz that product placement was EVERYTHING.


CANDIACE. Was just comedy relief. I was not at all hating on her for it either. 


WENDY. I found the Wendy stuff fascinating. Perhaps Mama felt Wendy was trying to make her into a storyline and she was not having it at all. Interesting enough, Wendy is releasing a book (with her mama on the cover) March/May of next year about being raised Nigerian. So...was that the reason for this scene? Hmmm...? In any case, I did feel it was real Wendy here and not Bobblehead Wendy.  


MIA. Gather Ashley so easily. I was hollering. However, she didn't have to take it too dark either. 


Finale...at last...but saving for later.  



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Team Wendy. Gizelle and Robyn could not defend how they spoke about her plastic surgery and marriage and she did not let them get away with it. 

Ashley is a formidable opponent and Candy-Ass is a fool for tangling with her. Ashley stays very focused in an argument and doesn't deflect. I really do need Candy-Ass to go. She is a perpetual victim, crying and wailing about colourism and whatever other sh*t she can throw at a wall to deflect from her own abhorrent behaviour. 

Andy tried to make a conflict happen with Wendy, Karen, and/or Mia with the candle, but none of them took that bait and stayed classy with the 'there is room at the table for everyone' line. He really does want to tear these women down. 


I wasn't prepared for how good this episode was. This cracks the Top 10 Best Housewives episodes for me. I could not miss a second of it. 

Whitney was Legally Blond. She explained everything so clearly and had a firm grasp of what was unfolding and what Jen Shah may have done. She really impressed me. She was able to comfort others, deploy logic, and keep her finger on the pulse of what was happening. 

Jennie was kind of hilarious sitting in the back of the limo bus swigging her drink with nary a care in the world, coldly saying that the Feds would be 'taking everything' from Jen Shah's house. And BOOM, it happened. 

Lisa Barlow was very interesting to watch. The moment the sh*t hit the fan her conflicts with Whitney and Heather disappeared. As @Cat said prophetically last week, it's like once the real drama emerged, she gave up on her scripted conflict with Weather. 

Mary reminds me of Wendy Williams sometimes. She is an oddball. Her reaction to Jen Shah being flagged at Louis Vuitton was incredible. 

Heather was going through an avalanche of emotions this episode. When she started to cry when the news story broke, it was clear just how devastated she was. Her heart was broken as her worst fears were confirmed. And then she was hilarious explaining her knowledge of money laundering from watching Ozark ("construction is a black hole, and strip joints are a real humdinger!") and entering the ski house "It's the Feds!"

Meredith is a smooth operator. She luxuriated in that bathtub and I think she had a tiny inkling of what was to come for Jen Shah. Then that shop lifting information and the video? Good lord. Meredith is coming in hot with the receipts and we haven't even scratched the surface. 

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Mia said it best--y'all flew Askale out there for that?! Yep. It is a wrap. She is one and done. They may throw her a bone and allow her to be in the background at a group scene, but that'll be it. 


Speaking of someone who is about to be done--Candy-ass. She just doesn't get it. Karen literally gave her a hint tonight that the women are thisclose to icing her a** out. And what did the brat do? Disregard any warning. I'm calling it now, Bravo is about to give her the heave-ho--the good ole' takedown season like they've done countless other housewives, who the network has felt was "feeling themselves" (as my mom would say). 


Anything consisting of Wendy annoys me. I try to like her, but I am constantly reminded why I didn't take to her last year. She is TOO AWARE of the cameras. Also, if the Eddie rumors aren't true, why give it so much energy? You knew what Gizzy was capable of. 



I'm conflicted about this whole ordeal. Why I am disgusted by Jenn's actions, a part of me still feels pity for her. 


That aside I think a lot of these women came off as sketchy in this episode.


I do think that Lisa might have something to do with Jenn's operation, hence why she started freaking out and calling all her attorneys. 


I don't think that Whitney is some business maverick. I bet top dollar that Whitney and Justin are either doing something similar or knows some close friends that are doing the same. 


Mary, though I have grown to like her zany a**, probably should keep her mouth shut on this matter. Especially, when the church is known for draining money from the poor in the forms of tithes. I think she is gonna eat these words soon now that Lisa and Whitney are on her butt about that church. 


Meredith totally had something to do with the FEDS coming for Jenn. Do I think she had something to do with the raid? No. Do I think she's been talking to them in some capacity? Yep. 


Jennie had the best reaction out of everyone--just relax and let the chips fall where they may. 


I didn't like the scene though of Jenn's son and nephew with the FBI raiding the home. That was f-cking excessive and shows how even the government can do too much. You didn't need assault rifles to go into that house when you knew Jenn wasn't there. Optically, that wasn't cute. 

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This franchise is really filling a void in my heart fr. It’s like the best years of Rhoa and Rhony came together and had a baby lbvs.

Another awesome episode!!! I haven’t liked Wendy much this reunion, I much prefer her to act the way when she hosted the trip. 
Ashley made a valid points during that colorism conversation that I happen to agree with. If Mia was the one who told Wendy to shut up last week Twitter would have went nuts on her and bravo.

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