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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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She’s overdone the lip filler and lined them with lip liner like an adult film star from 1997. It’s a very specific Night at the Roxbury colour combination…MAC Spice lip pencil is what it reminds me of. 

Lu looks like she isn’t wearing any makeup and is very natural, Cynthia looks flawless, Kyle looks like she has a black eye (damn shadows showing the truth!) and Ramona looks filtered to the hilt.

Edited by DaytimeFan
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I'm not surprised at these demos -- fans were highly anticipating the reunion all day! When a cast self-produces as much as the BH cast does, it really makes reunion much more high stakes, because as a viewer you hope against hope that they will be forced to answer questions they ducked while filming.

Rinna/Dorit/Erika tag-teamed Garcelle, and while Garcelle more than held her own (she is clearly the star of BH), it was unpleasant to watch the gaslighting. They were either shouting at Garcelle about 'not telling them to their face' or boohooing when she did. If the Fall of the House of Girardi hadn't happened this season, THIS would have been the lead storyline. 

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Dorit says a lot of words strung together, but they have no meaning. She's been on BH for 5 loooong seasons and is now the Terri DeMarco of the show. In the words of the Andrea Bocelli song, time to say goodbye.

Rinna remains a hollow approximation of a human being. Garcelle's (and the audience's) problem with Rinna is that she throws friends under the bus for Bravo and is therefore untrustworthy. The hug (50 seconds after Rinna demanded a f'cking apology from Garcelle!!!) was cringe AF as Rinna basically sat on her lap and looked like she was going to eat her face. Rinna is going to do all her performance work this reunion because she did f*** all this season, besides air out her garage. And we are only at Part 1, so be warned.

A suspiciously-lit Erika couldn't stop piping up about sh!t that didn't involve her. Pipe down, hokey-cokey. You'll get your turn.

Kyle smirked for the entire 44 minutes.

The make-up on everybody-- woah. Not good. Garcelle and Sutton were the only two whose faces didn't look like an oil slick.

90s brown makeup seem to be making a comeback these days (see BH reunion). I loved the 90s, but going by the Color Me Beautiful palette, that may not necessarily be a good thing.

Honestly, Teresa would do better without so much filler. Her features were already pretty strong before (hairline, hair, eyebrows, eye shape and cheeks specifically), so when she overdoes the fillers, it really stands out and throws her features out of balance. 

Ramona is such a selfish friend, lol. She filtered herself, but kept everybody else's flaws in? Competitive, thy name is Ramona.

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Vicki is spilling the tea about her breakup with Steve Lodge. I can actually hear her voice in these posts!


Is Gizelle auditioning for Glinda the Good Witch in Wicked? Everybody else looks like they are auditioning for Cirque du Soleil! IN any case, I wouldn't have it any other way when it comes to Potomac! These women remain true to who they are when it comes to their fashions.

'Donn Gunvalson' needs to spill all.

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Oh, Ashley looks phenomenal! Like an old school movie star. Does yoga really produce these results?? lol

I don't know what to make of the side bustle-train on Karen's short short dress. That's like... an extra hip!

Candiace is wearing the square-toed shoes that Buffy Summers wore to her high-school prom, lol. 

Someone in the comments said Askale looked like a member of Jem and the Holograms.

I feel like Robyn wore this very outfit at a past reunion -- I want to say season 3? Nevertheless, it is still miles better than Gizelle's fluorescent sack. How is it that G didn't say to herself 'OK, they make fun of my style? I'm going to wow them tonight!' 

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That's a rare misstep for Karen. Not her best. Gizelle is consistent - she always looks comical. Robyn's dress is as boring as she is. Candy-Ass tried, Mia looks bizarre, Wendy is OTT.

Ashley wins the style stakes by a country mile. She looks fabulous.


Why do we not have cameras on Vicki for this moment?!

I just knew Steve was horrendous. His Republican ass running for governor while sleeping around on Vicki.

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