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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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BH was filler, but good-natured and relatively non-toxic filler (including Erika over-hearing Garcelle/Sutton/Rinna). Plus I needed a break from Bamboozle baring her teeth at Sutton.

I liked Crystal the most this episode. She showed some of herself, and she exposed Rinna's manipulations on the bathing-suit front. The irony is that Crystal has an absolutely stunning 90s Baywatch Babe body and is naturally gorgeous. She was also a good sport.

This episode was a turning point in that almost everybody was bitching about Erika in their VTs. Sutton saying NOTHING when Erika was being fake-nice suggests that Sutton knows the tide has turned. A few weeks prior, the cast would have fallen into Bamboozle's arms, sobbing in relief, like "OMG thank you for forgiving me!"

Also the astounding amount of make-up on Erika's face -- I can't. She's been trying to channel Norma Desmond all season. Is there any Erika Chahoy Girardi left? Or are these melodramatic personas filling some kind of narcissistic/self-hating void? The role-playing Alters are the reason why no-one in the audience believes anything she is saying.

Speaking of lewks -- I am beyond over 'Fashionista' Dorit. Her 10th nose isn't doing it for me, nor is the hair -- the dark roots with the bright blonde look ugly and unkempt, and those two long bangs on either side of her face are awful, too. 

Rinna looked great with her hair glossily slicked back. That's all I got.

Garcelle's "Never have I ever stolen" -- I gasped. You know The Coven will jump on that at Reunion. "GaRcElLe WaS sO MeAn!!!!"


Kandi and Kenya really exposed the heavy PR work that goes into making Porsha viable on RHOA, and that was an eye-opener for me.

The Simon/Falyn mess doesn't help, because it looks like P's trying to white-wash her gold-diggery and husband-stealing (yes, I know Falyn and Simon were 'having problems' blah blah -- not a great excuse to come between them).

Plus I wanted to see Thirstay Simon revel in the infamy on RHOA! You know he wanted to. But Porsha was too afraid of being called out. She cannot handle it. Trust that Pursuit of Porsha is going to be ultra-scripted, cutesy BS, aka Just Two Crazy Kids in Love. I'm not really interested in that -- unless by 'love', we mean Porsha in love with Hobbit's bank account.

That's not to say I haven't enjoyed Porsha's comedic timing and her journey. What I didn't enjoy was the favoritism and endless propping, to the detriment of the other women and the show itself. It's no coincidence that Porsha became RHOA's star player at a time when the show was in noticeable decline (seasons 10-13). Nene was on the outs and no threat. Cynthia and Kandi = passive bystanders. Kenya was in and out and, anyway, she's the anti-heroine. The newbies were a revolving door. Porsha benefitted from RHOA losing its lustre so she could shine brighter.

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They've delayed filming RHOA because even Bravo admits the show needs some retooling. I think the first thing they should 'retool' is that uninspired, mediocre production company producing dull, wafer-thin fare for the past four seasons! 

Also, as soon as the Porsha-Simon engagement broke, Bravo cameras should have sped over there to start filming that mess and the rest of the cast's reactions to it. Sit outside Simon's garage, get Falyn to comment, all of it. But they wanted to give their precious princess Space, Prayers and Privacy During This Difficult Time and keep her happy for the spinoff, so the rest of us must now wait. 

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 I don't mind the wait -- as long as they get RHOA right.

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I wish I could find the scene of Cynthia trying to teach Mynique how to read and explaining that Phaedra had read her even if she didn't think so.

Guess Kenya was right again....Porsha has nothing interesting to say unless there is a **ck in it.

Now that Kenya vs Porsha is over...and Cynthia no longer is bringing the looks.  What is left?  Drew also needs to say she's leaving as well

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Im here for revamp. With Porsha gone, the show is forced to go in a new direction. I think having Kenya, Kandi and Sheree as the ‘OGs’ is a great idea and now more than ever Marlo needs a peach for familiarity. Bring in 3 new wives and that could be the reboot this show needs. It would also be interesting to see what Shamea brings as a friend with Porsha as she has her own relationships with Kandi and Kenya

As for Drew, without Porsha, Cynthia or Latoya, she isnt needed. She isn’t an organic fit 

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These ladies ATE! I didn’t like these visuals with season 4 because of the awkward dancing, but they all look fantastic and the tag lines are GREAT! I didn’t want a season without Lydiot and Giner, but the promotional material has been so good that this is looking like it’ll be a top notch return!

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100% Someone in production warned Gizelle and Robyn that their absence was not noticed in any manner, whatsoever. I was actually surprised how irrelevant they suddenly were, and I'm no fan of either of them. Well done, Wendy. 

Candiace really escalates and while many were saying Monique had an anger management problem last season, I'd say Candiace has one as well. She just goes zero to 60 without hesitation or factual basis and can't be talked down. I think we'll see even more of that next week. She is a ludicrous brat. 

I'm not liking Mia very much with her stank attitude and her husband...wow, what a pig. It's one thing to have a vulgar personal life, but know your audience. 

I really like Askale. I think she needs to jump in full time next season.

Karen imploring Candiace to realize she doesn't know Mia's mother's story, as Candiace screamed wildly, was another example of how Karen is truly an adult who often stands for what's right, not what's convenient. 


"I'm not going to the weak side of the ice because I lied about my weight." - Heather Gay. Someone print that line on my tombstone. What a legend. When she and Whitney were sitting back watching Jen implode as Meredith handed her ass to her, the commentary was perfect. I also would have loved to gamble with her at that party.

Meredith, of course, doesn't believe Jen at all. But I think she wants to see Jen atone to Brooks. I have a feeling Meredith's PI had already given her information, so she knew who Jen was by this point in filming.

Jennie's children are adorable. I love watching her at home scenes. Those kids are so well mannered and total stars.

Whitney looking directly to camera when Lisa blanked her was hilarious and right out of a self aware sitcom. 

Mary is going to have to get in the mix some more, otherwise it's time to demote her to Friend of the show. She operates in her own bubble. 

Lisa fake crying...girl...try to get at least one tear out when you're pulling that crap. She was caught red handed and just wanted to flee. Whitney described Lisa's behaviour perfectly. She deflected and ran. 

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I feel like Mary is gradually getting into the mix and this episode really solidified that. I feel like she's their ace in the hole. She may not do much, but all of her scenes are interesting and cause buzz on social media. I loved the comedy with Jennie and Whitney and that adorable scene with Heather and then she was spot on with Jen. I'm excited to see her with Whitney next week. It's weird seeing them get along since we know things fall apart for Mary and Whitney (and Lisa) later on.


Now on the subject of Lisa? Lisa is a fool, because as soon as Angie brought it up everything about her body language said "I did that [!@#$%^&*]!" She did a HORRIBLE job of covering or deflecting. Some girls like a Gizelle or Bethenny know how to stir things up behind the scenes and hide their hand, but Lisa is an amateur. Now this has me questioning why she goes at Mary later on because so far all we're seeing is Lisa being two faced and trying to start mess. She is *such* a snake to me. I feel she's been a horrible friend with Meredith and she comes off very two faced. She wants things a certain way but she isn't willing to compromise or accept responsibility for anything she might do that upsets people.

Side Note: the new girl is fabulous! They need to consider her for next season. She brought the drama, seems to have an interesting family and looks rich. I like her for now.

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