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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Absolute perfection in a post, @Cat and I love every word. But the part I have bolded, italicized, and underlined, is what I must applaud you for the loudest. Ramona grilled Gaurav without breaking a sweat. She was running circles around his bullsh*t and Sonja was very wise to seek her out. Ramona is not a slouch when it comes to business and she can spot a bad deal a mile off. Sonja really needs to end this venture unless she starts seeing a regular income. Like Ramona said, even $5,000 a month would be something. 

Leah's brother is a fashion model, btw. A legit Givenchy runway model. 

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Erika and these faux tears... GIRL!


She was only crying because Garcelle poked holes into her story about Tom contacting her. If anything, it shows that they are in cahoots. It warms my heart to see Sutton be the only one to stand up for Garcelle in this moment. 


And I am over Erika getting a pass with talking to these women crazily. She should've been snatched up by now. 


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Shocking behaviour. Erika's reaction is outrageous and has zero basis in logic.

WTF is going on with the Coven? Sitting there, cowering and silent, Dorit the blow-up doll, Rinna pathetically hiding her face, Kyle doing her usual OTT Fake-Shock look. Not saying a damn word lest Erika verbally abuse them, too? They should not be coddling this sour-mouthed bully!

Makes me think back to a month or 2 ago, do you remember when TMZ 'caught' Rinna, Kyle and Dorit coming out of a restaurant 

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and they all loudly and publicly declared that Garcelle was two-faced and fake? It was like a declaration of war on Garcelle.

Now I understand why -- it stems from this moment, when Garcelle cut through the bullsh!t. She wasn't actually coming from a bad place, I don't think. However, she upset Erika's agenda by raising an inconsistency. She was asking the same thing we would in this situation. But she wasn't toeing the line, keeping quiet, complicit in enforcing the status quo and Erika's narrative. 

Queens of Bravo makes the point better than I can here:


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I think this episode illustrated better than any other why getting rid of the OGs, including Ramona, would be an utterly ruinous decision. Sonja, Ramona and Luann gave us A LOT this episode and all for our benefit and entertainment. Even no-self-realisation-whatsoever Lu knew this mv was going to be a tongue-in-cheek campfest and she was ready to deliver.

Ramona has an UES Park Avenue corner apartment, a manse on the right side of The Hamptons, saw Avery through private school/college, and allowed Mario to lead a life of relative leisure. Financed largely through her re-sale business that she grew from scratch. The rag trade in NY is a tough one, and she succeeded, not on the glamorous Devil Wears Prada side, but on the scrappy, counting-dimes-and-negotiating-unwanted-inventory side. 

She also divorced Mario quickly and cleanly. I find it interesting that of all the RHs out there, we never hear rumors about Ramona's finances or debt. I think she's got as tight rein on those. 

The moustache seems to be coming back in hipster circles, and fashion is all about that life, so I can see him being a Givenchy or Gucci model. It's not necessarily to my taste, but it is what it is!

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Well damn! That article just kept going and going...  I didn't realize just how bad it's gotten behind the scenes between the OG vets vs. Eboni. 

I'm glad to hear Bravo sees what an epic failure she's been and what a terrible season this has been. Add to that seeing the speedy downfall of Leah's "fame."  If they're looking to save face in regards to race speculation, they can easily ditch Ebony and promote Bershan to full-time wife.  

We haven't bothered to watch RHONY this week, and quite honestly, my hubby kind of dreads it. He said, "as someone who is black, this constant schooling [!@#$%^&*] is too much for me."  We'll get around to watching it, but we (he) has to be in the right mindset. 

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That's a takedown alright. Eboni might recognise that move from her Hoax News days!

Honestly, if this article is the real Eboni... why the hell didn't we see some of this on our TV screens?? Talk about messy turncoat drama queen who only dates wealthy finance whizzes! The article made her out to be a lot more exciting and scheming than she's been letting on! I feel robbed. 

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If this is the beginning of the de-masking of Eboni, I'd be inclined to keep her on board AND promote Bershan AND bring back Dorinda. Second season curses can sometimes be watchable.

I still say RHONY this week was a good 'un. Sonja, Ramona and Luann very much dominated and they kept it to the stuff they know best -- gossip, sex talk, cabaret, money.

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I feel like either Luann or the producers are behind all this bad press for Eboni. Somebody hired a PR team or private detective and got in her ass in anticipation of the reunion! Some quotes sound like they came from Luann as well. Eboni did an interview on Bravo's instagram where she mentioned that she accuses Luann of being a racist later this season, so I feel like they're DONE DONE. In other odd news, Eboni has been spotted with Ramona and Heather (separately) for dinner recently. She's mentioned becoming close to Heather which I find so odd considering how she tried to do Heather. I feel like they're about to have an explosive reunion that'll make up for this lukewarm season!

Also, I'm not sure if yall watched, but Queen Bershan and Queen Ramona were excellent on WWHL! Andy seems in love with Bershan so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her. It was such a good episode and Ramona and Bershan have such good chemistry. I hope next week isn't another Bershan free episode. I just want to see her and Ramona roaming the streets of New York!

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So Rinna may have (inadvertently?) let the cat out of the bag re: Erika and production:


"Left on the cutting room floor." This may explain why Erika has been sloppy with her changing stories this season -- because she assumed that she could decide what would be left out and what could stay in? Fool.

May also explain why BH took a little break last week.

RHONY cast are so messy! This is the second time I've read a Daily Mail article about RHONY where you can read some of the quotes in Luann or Ramona's voice!

DM does have a lot of RH producer sources too, and I think that the fact that no reunion date has yet been set is legit and comes from production. I also think that this article is an attempt to get the cast riled up AND the viewers interested again in the show. As you say, this could mean an explosive reunion.

Andy on WWHL seems to love both Ramona and Bershan. Ramona actually wanted to ditch WWHL for a Lady Gaga concert (!), and as a result basically answered every question straight-up, like she didn't care what she said. I love that. I do think next week's RHONY episode will... not be great for her. It's the 'Black Shabbat' and I'm not sure if Bershan has been invited either.

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