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I can buy it especially considering how hard Marge was going after Jennifer. She is vindictive enough. I dont think Bill is cheating but who knows what space they were in a decade ago. Whatever happened, they clearly moved past it so that doesnt matter

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As if we all didn't think that his purchase of that "Rest-Ah-Rhant" Arizona's wasn't some kind of dubious tax dodge that he'd hope to sell for a loss to balance out his tax debts? 

Gizelle will *not* be happy about this. Hopefully whatever divorce settlement she got from him was upfront and lump sum. 

RHONJ is such a brilliant franchise. That is some serious juicy scoop (copyright Heather McDonald). 

Here's the thing, is it terrible that Marge brought this up? Yes. But is it also terrible that Jennifer slammed Marge over and over and over again about having an affair when, it appears, her own husband did the same thing and she forgave him and moved past it? Yes.

This is an argument rooted in reality and shades of grey - it has the makings of another epic season. 

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I'm thinking anything that threatens the money is going to make Gizelle hopping mad. She values financial security, if her dating rusty ole Sherman was anything to go by! (I do think she was in love with Jamal once upon a time, though -- crazy in love).

As for the Aydins... thank you for making me feel a bit better! Not because of the alleged affair -- it seems clear from this tidbit that they have put that behind them. What miffed me was the rest of the cast icing them out, as @Antoyne pointed out. First of all, I'm bummed the husbands didn't have Dr Bill's back. Bro code and all that. I also hate that [!@#$%^&*] MARGE wins again and might see off yet another HW. And one I like at that! She's been a sniper from the side while pretending to be everyone's BFF for a few seasons now. We all know she gossiped about Evan. And last season she deflected that onto Jen. I hate that my Jennifuh is the target. But you have put it beautifully. This is marital and friend-circle strife and great for the show. It is about 'judge not lest ye be judged.' It is, as you say, rooted on reality and shades of grey. 

If this is Jennifer getting a dose of karma... I wonder when Marge will get hers?

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That's why I am too worried about her that when they negotiated this reunion arrangement, she made sure finances were kept as separate as possible.
I say that as a compliment and some of you might say it more negatively but she is a lot of things but a fool ain't one of them. 

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For sure. I think it's clear Gizelle's daughter's are her priority in terms of monetary issues. 

This as well. This will be quite embarrassing for her because she aligned herself with Jamal too strongly. 

The problem with Gizelle's storyline is that it doesn't ring true. I'd have way more respect for her if she called a spade a spade with her romantic relationships rather than trying to justify them.

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Marge will never be the target as it has been spilled that she is production's pet and has pull. She's the reason why Danielle was phased out the show. Hell, if Tre didn't have the fandom backing her, Marge would have her removed too. 

However, I am not worried for Jennifer. She'll have the audience behind her regardless. And I don't get how it is hypocrisy when Jennifer didn't cheat. Bill allegedly did. It would just make more sense (if true) why she constantly calls Margaret out about her being an adulterer because she was on the sh-t end of the stick. I see this blowing up on Marge/Jackie/MeHo badly. 

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THIS. I would respect her more if she did as well. For her sake, she better hope that La Dame will give her the same grace that Gizelle has not been giving her re: taxes and your 'man'. In the past OR this season so far. After all...what is good for the goose is good for the gander. 

And it's not helped that she is letting herself be wasted potential. This past week showed she was at her best when she was being real...for good or ill. Own that bitter woman-ness. It was the lack of it while going after others that led to her being unmasked. She could negate all of that by staying unmasked rather than trying to fake a storyline and using an image. Which is easy for her to do because sadly Production is on her side trying to give her a relatable edit.


The funny thing is that last season her best protector left so Marge could have been taken down. It was a shame Miss Andy tried to deflect from Jen and Teresa throwing shots at her at the reunion. And YES, on why Marge has not had Teresa removed. It's been so clear for a while now that that tension has been growing and this past few reunion I was happy to see that Teresa got a clue and started to get pointed with her words at Marge. She knows what's up.


And I agree with everything you said about Jennifer. I know she will give as good as she gets this coming season. And I hope they come off Team WannaBe Coven get the heat for trying to ice her out. 



I agree. I think Candiace is serious about her career. Up until now she has treated it like a hobby though. Which is why last week I loved her acting scenes. Yes, my minor is showing  but I kew about the acting for a while online but she was not filming or talking about it on filming. You are on Housewives, Girl!!! Use that platform. And I love that she's been doing just that. It makes her more interesting AND relatable. Which given how last season ended really is some high praise coming from me. Dare I say? She's working on getting a lot of the goodwill back she lost post-fight. And I feel it's working.


I caught that!!! re: the producer. Could Ms. Dorothy be doing that or did Candiace get a raise? Things to make you go hmmm. 

I believe both her and Gizelle are getting some good edits so far. Not that anyone other than Wendy so far is coming across bad. But it seems transparent and thus given what's come before, Candiace's is just coming across better for me on screen than Gizelle's is. But like you said, that could be because Candiace is being strategic in how she moves and she is doing it extremely well. 


It wasn't just you.  A lot of online opinion was that this past Sunday was filler. I really wasn't picking.  It reminded me of the first half of last season where the episodes were so easy and breezy AND fun to get through pre-fight. And you could not wait for the next one and feeling sad that it was over. And since I'm about to be submerged in a lot of family and personal drama (thankfully, the professional side will be on hold until late weekend...just in time for next Sunday ), I really need something light. And that game they did was a hoot and a half. And seeing everyone's lives was nice. Outside of NJ and this current season of BH, we don't really get that much anymore so it is always nice to see. 

Whhhhhhhhhhhattttttttt!!! Lu is at it again??? I do need to catch up.

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She has aligned herself strongly with him, and now she is having a tough time disentangling herself from a SL nobody believes. On screen, we are already at episode 4 and she's asking Kal what she should do about her and Jamal not seeing each other enough. You can almost see Kal's eyes dart to camera, like "what?" 

Episode 1 of this season, she should have said to Candiace "We grew apart. it's over" and kept it moving. Given that what we are seeing on-screen right now is still Gizelle technically 'with Jamal,' this bad tax news has now reverberated on her.



I still wish Danielle had been promoted to full HW back in Siggy's crazy season. As a permanent FOH, she was in a diminished position of power re: Marge, and also Teresa who essentially used her as her acolyte.

Teresa used Danielle as her proxy to attack Marge because that is where the real tension/rivalry is -- Teresa fears Marge's popularity with Bravo. The fact that Marge and Melissa are aligned probably strikes fear in Tre's heart as there really is no love lost there with Melissa.

I can see why Jennifer was triggered by what she viewed as Marge 'boosting' about her affair, and by the fact that Marge called her a concubine. Honestly, I am really not feeling Marge right now. I think she's a fake and I outright resent her trying to ice the Aydins out. Teresa is not that loyal an ally and Louie is keeping her occupied, so Marge is calling the shots here. But the more of Tre's allies that got shot down, the more islanded Teresa will become. This show thrives on community and being part of a friend-circle which involves hubbies and families.

I really hope this blows up in Team Wannabe's faces!


Not sure about the Bravo raise for Candiace, but let's not forget, Erika Jayne was self-funding her career, and we all know what happened with that. Spread those costs, Candiace!

I get it. It is easy-breezy and not in any hurry to get to the main SL too quickly and that's good. I hope the shows you enjoy stay light and happy so that you have some refuge from heavy stuff in your life.

Yes, Lu apparently was shooting some kind of Christmas-themed music vid featuring Ramona, Eboni, Sonja and Leah McStankFace on yesterday's episode. Clearly, Luann wants to be the Mariah Carey of Cabaret.

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Truly Original (or is it Bravo) needs to stop with the cuts/edits/re-scripting/reshooting to protect the network faves. These shenanigans hurt RHOA this year!

The fact that someone 'messed up' and sent out this sneak peek to the blogs makes me wonder if it was done on purpose.

Somebody in the comments is also saying that the conversation with Gizelle in yellow (where she does mention the rumors) is actually promo for next week's episode.

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First if they showed it in the trailer it is not a big conspiracy. They are probably doing it to save for a flashback. Maybe even an embarassing flashback where Gizelle denies she says anything and producers go "Actually...". 

Until then let me go clutch my pearl that a housewife may be gossiping - with or without grounds, who is to say - about another housewife's marriage
What an unexpected unheard-of turn of events.

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I watched this episode mostly with a huge smile on my face, and that was largely due to the OGs. 

Sonja; "What do you mean, did I sleep with him? I can barely walk today!"

Ramona: "I'm a little shocked she went home with him. I'm even more shocked he went home with her." MEOW, Ramona!

Luann blessing us with a few lyrics from her club classic, Chic C'est La Vie. I love when the Countess decides to shoehorn any old lyric from her musical oeuvre in place of actual meaningful advice on relationships.

Leah's siblings, Bangs and Freddie Mercury. OK, unpopular opinion, but both her brother and sister seem... really nice? I liked their scene, sue me. As for Eboni and her 'sister.' I'm not sure I buy that they will stay in each other's lives.

Long time no see, Gaurav. He showed up in S7 spouting a lot of empty management buzz-words at Bethenny. I think we already knew then what sort of dodgy con this guy was running. When he told Sonja that she would soon be able to afford the house she is currently unable to keep up -- and that 'Sonja Morgan Brands' was about to go "very, very bigger," my jaw dropped open. This is 2014 all over again. Sonja must know he's setting her up, right? Either that, or he is someone out of central casting that she handpicked to play the role of 'COO of my company.' Because this is batsh!t.

Whatever you want to say about Ramona (and there is a lot we could say), GF was likely almost never conned in business. She grew her clothing resale company and afforded herself an amazing life. She was taking Gaurav's fake numbers and doing the math in her head! She knew her sh!t and was grilling him like meat on a stick. Sonja needs to fire these two bozos and beg Ramona to Suze Orman her ass and turn her life around financially.

La Musique Video. Of course this is going to be a Hallmark Channel cheesefest. I cannot wait for the single to be released. Leah looking like she smelled something foul throughout. Like she's too cool for this. Oh, girl. This is as good as it gets. Go away and take your yappy little dog with you if you can't have fun.

This has been a very Sonja-centric episode, and parts of that are bittersweet. Whether it's talking about a loveless childhood, or desperately trying to maintain the lies about her business and her love-life. I felt bad when Ramona and Luann busted her about Dylan. It's a lie, yes, but is it really hurting anyone? Lt her have this small thing! At the same time, though, is indulging her this way really helping her? I don't know.

Next week looks like a complete and utter sh!tshow.

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