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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I agree. I'm not ready yet to bid adieu. RHONY has most of the right ingredients, but some key ones are missing, and the seasoning is off. (And I was also watching the Olympics last night --had to see the gymnastics team event!).

It was good seeing Billy Strich again, Broadway legend, and boy does he adore Sonja. Sonja was a delight this episode  and love her friendship with Eboni and Boxer Dude. But yeah, didn't understand Eboni not inviting Bershan to her party. Its a *Black* Shabbat, right? Eboni giving me Alexis Bellino with Peggy vibes. She does not want to share space with another black woman.

Luann doing her Christmas oeuvre and her mv next week was giving me S4 vibes, when Ramona did not want to participate because doing so would give Lil Avery a bad example. Good tiimes.

Leah continues to be the human personification of Womp Womp.

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@TaoboiIf that cast proves true... then it makes sense why ditzy Kam wasn't shown the door.  The three rumored newbies look fierce, so they'll make mince meat of Kam.


Eboni is the very picture of my former boss in terms of personality and demeanor.  Talked a good game, but if anyone threatened her turf.. she'd knife them in the back.  I witnessed that happen numerous times in departments amongst women.. especially against a competent female that they viewed as a threat.   

Bershan better pay heed.. and keep that armor on especially over her back... to protect against the knife Eboni will try to stab her with.

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One can hope.



One of these days I'm going to have to watch Syndey if only to see the one who made the KKK shade in full context.


Well, if you haven't seen it above and @Soaplovers touched on...if that cast is true...perhaps Kameron has been brought back...for a takedown season? Especially after that harassment of Tiffany online.

Tiffany was with Team Pretty (minus Kenya)? Get out!!!


*gasps* You watched Season 4 AGAIN. Those are some strong balls you have.

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 But honestly, I'm not sure if I could sit through it again given how triggering Kary was to me with her attacks on LeeAnne and how transparent they were aka a set-up. But I would rather LeeAnne stay off now and live her best life. Though yeah, I do believe her rivalry with D'andra will always have legs and a spark. Or should I say not a rivalry...but an obsession...?

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Yes, I watched RHOD S4 again.  You'd be surprised -- it's breezy and fast-paced. I think S4 exposed Leeanne as a not-so-nice person (even before the 'chirpy Mexican' remarks). The Made for TV wedding that was really a cash-in. The 'fat cow' remark whispered about D'Andra. The competitiveness about who had a worse childhood. TBF, Leeanne went through deep horror as a child, and if she's not over that trauma, absolutely nobody (including her mother) should tell her to get over it. But I do think she should seek additional therapy to work through it, because Leeanne in S4 seemed very shut down emotionally. All that was left was this cold, hard anger.

Having said all that... S4 was a set-up to trigger Leeanne continually  and take her down, esp. when D'Andra wore the Linfinity dress and she and Kary spent the entire meal detailing its faults. Kary was extra mendacious that night. That is Leeanne's business and it was cruel and done on purpose. You know you've gone too far when even Stephanie and Brandi are uncomfortable and telling you to stop. It was right after that dinner that Leeanne lost it to Stephanie and 'Mexican' was thrown around. She had been pushed to breaking point.

You think Leeanne is living her best life? She is watching RHOD very closely and has long predicted that it would flop without her. Hate to admit it, but she is probably right. Leeanne is the Maleficent of RHOD, IMO, and I think in S6, say at the end of episode 1, she should reappear as one of the newbies' friends in order to strike shock & fear in D'Andra's (and the audience's) heart.

And then we need a Caroline Manzo-Danielle Staub sit-down to really hash that sh!t out. Yes, they are mutually obsessed. They envy what the other has, I think.


Tiffany was indeed with Team Pretty (minus Kenya) last week!


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BTW, if anyone is looking for a show to fill the BH sized gap in the schedules this week (and the Olympics aren't keeping you busy), may I recommend Family Karma? It's on Bravo and usually comes on after RHOBH.

You'd barely know the pandemic was going on (mainly because it is set in Florida lol) The Aunties are like the Indian Housewives only a lot more ki-ki. The general vibe is warm-hearted rather than toxic, and the multigenerational community is authentic, but it definitely is soapy. The kids have plenty of drama too. S2 Ep1 is not a bad place to start (though I do recommend S1 also).

Edited by Cat
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Of course we don't know them so they could be great, but I still say it's a loss not to add Claudia Jordan. Andy said her leaving RHOA was a missed opportunity and she lives in Dallas, is wealthy and successful now and she knows these ladies. I know they interviewed her for season 5 (she wasn't cast bc she got a job in LA), but I don't see why she isn't cast. Hopefully the new ladies are bold enough to get people tuning in. If they can't get it right this show needs to end or move to Peacock. I also think Kary should've stayed over Kameron.

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