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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Except Eboni was not behaving like a lunatic and then excusing it by proclaiming “my grandmother is dying!” Eboni made rational comments about how she was feeling and discussed what was going on.


Meanwhile, if you took a drink every time Leah said “my grandmother is dying!” you would have alcohol poisoning. It was her go-to excuse. 

And she had a choice. And like they said in Indiana Jones: she chose unwisely. 

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The only time I recall Leah mentioning her grandmother, in terms of excusing things (a.k.a. the radical behaviour) was in last night's episode when she said "I don't have time for this. My grandmother is dying."

I do hear, though, Ramona mentioning it as a reason why she's excusing Leah's behaviour and outbursts, to which Eboni corrected her's was dying, as well.

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Ugh classless ho. You should be at your granny's beside, heffa.  She could've sacrificed one girl's trip to be at her grandmother's side. Is her fattened Bravo paycheck and thirst to be The Star blinding her judgment calls? Me thinks so. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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Yaaaaasss you were missed, B!!!   


NJ: I feel that Jennifer this year softened for sure. And allowed herself be 'in on the joke' so she can across as more Authentic than Couch Left. And they can stay hateful at her throwing out truth tea. Which is why she has to go. Lol. I looked forward to next season,


BH: Terri DeMarco...who allegedly Kyle is working on coming back. LOL!!!!


NY: Yeah, I haven't watched last night yet, but I heard so much about Season 4 LuAnn and not looking forward to it since like you said, she has really and truly progressed from where I started watching (Bethanny's return) and I know of her old self. smh.


POTOMAC: So ready for La Dame. 



Then I guess I love LU then.


But...I feel you described her perfectly.



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I think you are right. For years Joey has been the center husbands (second to Juicy Joe?) and now people want 'em some of Tequila Bill who can wine, dine, frak (5 children=a good level sex drive methinks), and respect you as a man. Meanwhile, what can Joey do? When he gets all bent out of shape over Melissa just even attempting to be independent. 


I feel the same about Couch Left targeting Jennifer. Jennifer HAS ALWAYS been a messy drunk so why is it an issue THIS year? Because she is coming off like a REAL (as in shows her life) firecracker. And guess what? It is more relatable and resonating and interesting in terms of a new culture than a book from a woman who cannot even get her kitchen redone quickly, a woman who 'owns' a boutique, or a lawyer who has issues about bjs. *shrugs* Sorry. And yes, they did that with Danielle as well. Hopefully, they are not able to turn Jen and Tre against each other. And I love that early reports say Dolores is playing peacemaker to get things back on track.


My theory is that Marge wanted that rumor out and knew that Teresa would totally do something like that since Teresa forgives, but DOES NOT FORGET. And she thought that might lead to a downfall for Teresa. And she could have that top spot. She did not expect Teresa to wiggle out of it or that people might have Teresa's side. Not to mention she thought Teresa would be all alone since she managed to get rid of Danielle with Couch Left, but now Teresa has Jennifer who does not mind getting down and dirty with someone like Marge who like you said is the NJ's sniper from the side. And her true colors shined on through this season like none other so disappointed Jennifer did not manage to take her down.


This time...



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"There's some sh*t about these women that I really enjoy," said Eboni this episode, and it pretty much sums up my feelings for RHONY.


There has been criticism elsewhere about having an extended run of episodes set in the Hamptons, but in the very, very early days of RHONY (S1 and S2) this is what Bravo used to do, delivering a spate of episodes set exclusively in the Hamptons over the summer. 


We are watching a novella with this Hamptons trip. The viewer is the 7th HW along for the ride, seeing the good, the bad, the messy, the petty, the uncomfortable. We are made to feel part of this extended slumber-party. RHONY has always been about the detail, the characterisation, and not the plot (unlike, say, BH where plot is everything).


You guys said it all with regards Eboni and Luann, and I am in agreement. I really liked Eboni this episode and warmed to her generosity of spirit with Sonja and Lu.


Sonja was an absolute star with the fly-fishermen and with Eboni and the other women. Sonja is both incredibly astute and puppyish. I loved Eboni making a fuss of her and making her feel important and appreciated.


I was initially going to say that I didn't think Leah is so bad, and that both Leah AND Heather bring something to this show I appreciate..... But then I watched that last 6 minutes. Holy sh*t. WTF. Leah showed her entire ass!


Excited for next week!



@Taoboi I heard that Terri Cougar Avocado rumor too! *shudder* As Casey Wilson put it on WWHL 'We had to suffer through 3 years of Teddi when Kathy was sitting there all this time??"


Re: RHONJ, it never crossed my mind before your post that Couch Bitter would try and drive a wedge between Teresa and Jennifer -- but of course that is what they are going to do! I can already picture Marge's eyes narrowing as she texts Jackie and Melissa her strategy. Dolores will be doing God's work!

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But...Casey spoke nothing but truth so


re: NJ. Yeah, it's the same thing they did with Danielle...it just took longer because Danielle is crazy, but no fool. I just hope it does not happen. Love some Jen...and Tequila Bill. hehe.


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Yup. Rinna continues to be the lowest form of scum on God's green Earth. The fact that she sat her trout mouthed a** there and compared what was possibly consensual sex (Brandi/Denise) to Harry's friend story about rape was the most vile thing I've seen since rapegate on RHOA. She needs to go. Sometimes, folks just need to be shown the door. Just utter trash. 

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I’m still watching, but I must say that Crystal vs Sutton is one of the most hilarious HWs feuds I’ve ever seen! I was screaming! This is so awkward and insane and I can’t get enough! Bravo needs to give them a buddy spin off and make them take awkward trips together. 

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