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Sadly, I wasn't defending her.

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 [!@#$%^&*]! I am losing my ability to properly insult these hoes! 


Truthfully, I wanted Ramona to leave after last season. Can't say I was swept up in her SL. But Ramona pivots so fast, it is dizzying. I wonder if karma will ever catch up with her? I'm sure the disgruntled wait-staff of Manhattan/Miami's many restaurants would love to see some payback.

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The thing about Ramona is she's reality TV gold.  She inserts foot in mouth and she provides fodder for the other women to react to.


When I heard Eboni was joining, my 1st thought was how Ramona would react to her, how she would insert foot in mouth and how Eboni would react to her.  Season 5's one saving grace was how Carole,  Aviva, and Heather would react to Ramona (and their reactions were memorable).


Vicki G on OC didn't illicit that type of response.... but Tamra did.  Season 14 of OC would have worked had Tamra remained imho.  And would have been interesting to see how Elizabeth and Tamra would have meshed.

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I have always loved Ramona from day one. I know it’s wrong but I just can’t quit that woman. Not only is she tv good, but I really don’t think she’s mean spirited like some of the other HWs. I truly think she just has issues with understanding social cues. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out she has a form of Autism. I understand with her age she won’t last forever, but I still think she fits in perfectly and is important to the show. The day Ramona leaves will be very sad. I hope when that comes they give her heads up so she can have a proper send off. 

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At some stage I was willing to buy that but voting for Trump and her pandemic behavior tells me the rot goes beyond this and there is a level of deluded selfish entitlement that goes beyond being simply "foot-in-the-mouth". She means a lot more of the awful things she says than what she - and we - pretend.

Also, that reunion where she was refusing to discuss her separation from Mario, even refusing to acknowledge it - to the point of being aggressive - was TV gold but it was also profoundly disturbing behavior and, frankly, I would have canned her. 
But as I said, she totally belongs on the show and is an intricate part of why it is fun-messy and they made the right call to keep her around. But I am pretty sure having to deal with her in real-life would make me very angry very fast.

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@FrenchBug82Shes obviously a Republican and Trump supporter, but I don’t recall her saying anything problematic in the way a Kelly Dodd has. I try to ignore their politics because the majority of housewives are Republican so i hate when fans pick and choose who to yell at for that. 

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Bring Danielle back!



She also drags the wives and spills all types of tea




She says she'll be doing a watch party for the reunion but wont be borrowing her clothes like they do.


She wants to start by saying she doesnt like Margaret. Unlike her, she buys her own furniture and doesnt steal it. She stole the doors she has and the leggings she wore, she stole from Danielle. What idiot asks if garbage is dirty? She had a restaraunt? Where is it now? Yeah it wasnt real


She has alot of info on the Gorgas. That emergency wasnt really one bc she wouldnt have had time to think to put the phone on speaker and then wait for everyone's reaction


She has to ignore you idiots that come on her page to tell her to get a life, yet you are on there watching her


Why is Marge's mouth so big? Bc she's a trout mouth. Oooh, that fireplace really needs to be cleaned. She has mold and mildew


Each and every housewife assassinated her character, ruined her marriage and life. She had to move bc she was being harassed and stalked with Marge being the worst. Danielle shined so brightly that she shits on all of them. There is a place in hell for all of them. Danielle never tried to secure her spot by trying to take someone down.


She admits to having her boobs done and botox, not plastic surgery on her face, unlike them


Poor Dolores, getting attacked like she did to everyone else. Doesnt feel good, huh?


NO ONE should have ever treated her the way they did.


Back to this fake show. Lets see how drunk they get


She is a fan of Brandi and Stephanie from Dallas.


[!@#$%^&*] EM! She doesnt give a sh-t about these NJ hoes anymore


Melissa and Joe arent faking the big blow up bc they have problems. And you know what? GOOD! Look at Melissa when she put them on their first season. Thats plastic surgery. She WAS naturally beautiful and now she's had 14 different procedures done to her face and 5 nose jobs


Does anyone know how to cook on this show?


Melissa and Joe will get divorced bc they will do anything to be on tv. Joey will be the real housewife nad Melissa will have nothing bc she isnt married to Joey who is Teresa's brother.


She gave up stripping and bartending to be his wife. There are parts of NJ that smell like armpits and its bc they are in those parts. She'll get rid of him when she's done getting all she can out bc he's quite the narcissist


She reacts to the men's taglines and wants to throw up.


You thought Erika Jayne was a big deal with all the glam, flying around and lavish lifestyle? She's living in a small apartment now. Teresa went to jail. How do you think she got to afford to keep all that while she was in prison and her husband wasnt working? She didnt; Bravo took care of her


She thinks its time to take down the RHONJ. Take them off the air! She was never fired; she quit.


Andy has a show called Watch What Happens Live? He records the show darlings

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I didn't yell at anybody so I dunno what you are saying here but I do resent any of them that I know for a fact are. I however give Dodd and Ramona credit for *saying* it actually unlike those who hide it but I still have contempt for them and they lose rooting value accordingly.
I don't know about "fans". I know about me and I am very coherent with myself on that particular point. The things they say and believe are gross and offensive.

In any case I simply pointed out that Ramona's problem wasn't *just* foot-in-mouth syndrom and that there are a couple extra facts about her that makes things she did say and do feel like things she really meant rather than "clumsiness" like we are supposed to accept.
This is one of them.

She isn't vocally political like Dodd is but her pandemic behavior speaks volume. 



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Chris, I had a similar perception to you. I wondered if Ramona was borderline on the spectrum. Or maybe her bad childhood arrested a part of her social development in some way. She is socially awkward, in contrast to Mario who was a social smoothie. And New Yorkers can be rude and abrupt, but Ramona has difficulty reading a room. Or other people's emotions. Her apology to Luann S7 about not understanding what she went through in her divorce until now said a lot about Ramona unable to fully empathise until she herself goes through something similar.


Her apologies often sound like she worked through them with a counsellor beforehand. She doesn't always acknowledge that she understands how the other person feels. But she can see that she hurt them, and for that, she apologises.


I'm willing to bet that she and Kenya MADE that All Stars Vacation happen. Her Thriller dance alone was epic!

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Queen Bershan hasn’t even debuted on RHONY yet and she’s filming Karen’s renewal vows for RHOP! This is the second time she’s posted with Karen this week so I wonder if she filmed more. 

Bershan is from DC which is how she became friends with Karen. 



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That reunion was abysmal for RHOA. I'd fire the whole production team if I were a big head at Bravo. 


I get COVID played a pivotal role, but this season and the reunion were a mess. 


The main issue with these shows (as I stated before) is that they can no longer afford to have these small casts with tons of filler episodes. These casts need to have a mandate of 7 (at the least) and 10 (at the max) housewives. 


Furthermore, all of the shows need to drop their episode counts to 12-14 max. 


These shows need to rejuvenate themselves if they are gonna survive much longer. 

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I agree with all of that. But especially the bold.


Look at NJ this season. COVID did happen, but while it has petered off in the last few episodes, this current season has been great from start to finish. And COVID has been subtle, but THERE the whole time. Heck, Jennifer got CoVid if I'm not mistaken, but that has not at all affected the season enough that it was a bad one, or her place in it...and she's had a great season this season. Meanwhile, win or fail, DALLAS also had their COVID issues and made some lemonade out of the lemons they had. It was a decent season, too. 


And since I strongly suspect NY and BH who also had COVID issues are going to come out swinging on their about to air seasons, RHOA really has no excuse. Fire that whole production and get someone who gets the girls.


I know you said it before so I'll second it. Kenya, Porsha, Kandi, Drew, Latoya (with a peach), Falynn and SHEREE...watch the drama happen. 


Next season...they need to come correct.


PS. 7 Housewives please. 



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