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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Well...apparently producers are already casting. And are taking it SERIOUSLY. And sounds like they are looking at POC, too.


So...who's out?


Just saying...*sips*




I liked the start of the NOLA trip. 


Where do I even begin? We have a Hotel Indigo here in San Diego. I have walked past it often. And even applied to work there. So it was very interesting to see the girls there and them appreciating the great customer service. Go, Robert for his skills. I hope that when I've been in hospitality at times that I've been as good as he's been cuz I am sure Kenya was a handful. Just this weekend alone (it's a full moon for the next few days) I've dealt with a lot. And I had to pull a Season 8 ShebySheree on one chick yesterday. Nah uh uh, boo. I know what you said and went over what you said. Don't think you are getting loud with me. #whogoncheckmeboo


It might have started off bad with Kenya in a foul mood. And yes, she really was in a foul mood. It made me wonder if there was Marc drama going on at the time. And Drew being thirsty to start drama didn't help at all. NO she does not want to twerk in front of her daughter. On camera. Especially if Marc is using it to cause drama off camera. So that I understood, but Kenya's mood was foul. Good to see that it let up and the trip started to be fun. I have yet to go to NOLA though all of my friends had a tradition where they go for Mardi Gras so I've been endlessly fascinated with it since I was in college (and part of the reason I love/ed SOUTHERN CHARM NOLA which is a great show with real friends shameless plug.

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 Jon Moody alone is worth going to watch it with his foine black butt ) so I am looking forward to seeing where the girls go. And the Cajun food they showed...hmmmm. There is a little NOLA shop that is opened nearby my house that has managed to survive during the pandemic that I now really want to go to. Okay, I wanted to before, but NOW after tonight...GOING. 


Honorable mention to Shamea and 'No one's talking to you. Go back to sleep.' It was brief, but oooo at her checking Latoya.


Honorable mention also to the Porsha/Marlo montage (awwww), the twerking montage (I'm guilty...I got up to see if I still got it after a year of not twerking), and Porsha giving Brooklyn chips (awww).



KENYA. Girl, no. She was being foul at the start of this trip. I get why she did not want to twerk in front of her daughter and on her side about that. However...she came across waaaaay too bitchy to me. Thankfully, she let up...and she...was fun!!! I've always enjoyed when her and Marlo got along so I'm enjoying that. And such a diva...knowing Drew would give her the bad room so proving she's a boss...she got a BETTER one. In fact, she was really giving no drama so far. Her very presence and living life was setting Drew and Porsha on edge and I was here for that. lol. 


CYNTHIA. Grr at looking text. Now...to say it a THIRD time...she was just sitting there tonight and sitting pretty and I have NO PROBLEM with that. We even got a hint of Season 7 Cyn when she chin checked Latoya. 


KANDI. I loved that she can fly in from doing boss moves (and who was that foine man that was carrying in her bags. js) and stayed mostly out of the drama. 


PORSHA. GURL YOU ARE TOO JEALOUS!!! On one hand I can understand. If a good friend of mine was becoming friends with someone who I don't like or have a rivalry with (Boo Boo Kitty at my old job comes to mind), I would side eye as well. However, Porsha was giving it too much air. And while they needed to air it out at the end of the episode, just WOW. It was lit. At least Marlo was willing to get it ALL out on the table. If you are going to question her intentions (but not say Shamea), then she has every right to question yours. JS. We want it all out...let's get it ALL out. I'm the same way in such situations. And since Marlo isn't being like say Latoya who was all about spilling her so-called friend's info...it just looked like Porsha was just wanting drama for the sake of drama. Speaking of wanting drama for drama sake...


DREW. Thirsty ho. While Kenya's mood was foul, it was just not helped by Drew needlessly trying to start drama. I see you, girl...and NO. Don't be all fake about it. At least, Kenya see you and (and can upgrade her room hehe) while what can you do when it was reverse. NO...A...THING. Nice try though. Not so much a nice try was her coming for Latoya. For once...Latoya had not done anything for that. So...yeah...that was a lame attempt at drama and go for Latoya for pulling a SLC Meredith on her and disengaging at the end once she saw Drew and Porsha ganging up on her. And again, we saw a case of two things 1) Drew being like Kandi and working on working while on the trip and 2)producers cutting out scenes...it would seem that there was a lot more interaction between Drew and Latoya than we are seeing which might make this season more well rounded. Just smh.


LATOYA. Other than being dragged by Shamea and some light shading of mostly Falynn, she was low key this time around. And even had a moment where Kenya and her had a brief talk. But Kenya has experience with being ganged up on so she could probably relate. And I didn't like Drew coming for her unprovoked. She already did not like Latoya doing that with her so don't do it yourself. 


Looking forward to Kenya vs Porsha next week and how that has more Porsha/Marlo fallout.


Good start to the last cast trip.




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Im with Kenya. While she could have handed the twerk challenge with more tact, she pepped game and saw that Drew was trying to humiliate her. She was gonna get the worse room regardless of how she danced, so why twerk (in front of her daughter) for that? Kenya handled it like a boss and better than any of the other housewives, by upgrading her own room instead of complaining and making a big issue over it. Why more dont do this is beyond me


Kenya also brought up a good point. Most of the women read her and complained about her bringing Brook on the last trip yet NONE of them brought their kids on this one. That just proved that they didnt want their kids on a girl trip and just wanted a reason to hate on Kenya. Porsha pretty much said as much


I get Porsha's point about Marlo and understand why she's upset BUT she's a hypocrite and has done the same. I didnt even realize it but she did the same with Marlo last season in terms of her getting close to Kenya. This isnt a hill to die on and considering you have Shamea and Drew there, just let Kenya have Marlo.


Drew was doing the most and yes she was bullying Latoya. However its hard to feel for Latoya bc this is the same energy she's been giving so many of the other ladies, including Drew. I did like that despite their differences, Kenya was the bigger person and comforted her


I really hate how passive aggressive Drew is. She throws rocks and then hides. I hate she approaches situations faking concern, all while being shady, messy and airing out people's business. She is not to be trusted and innnocent act she plays is just an act


Cynthia and Kandi...Zzzzz.... Not much to say with them

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RE: ATL,  @Cheap21 hit on it when talking about Drew. LaToya, Fallyn and Drew all seem to be putting on an act. It makes 'the drama' which they instigate feel inauthentic. Obvs I am aware that there is scripting/production planning going on, but you can recognise real connections between some of the women. Drew seems to have ben cast according to BH procedure, i.e.: let's get a professional name actress in there who will play the game (no pun intended).


RE: RHONY. Leah giving us some details (maybe too many?) on one SL this season. Looks like there will be a Who is More Woke face-off between her and Heather. Which -- judging by what Miss Mouth is implying -- Heather lost. 


Ramona must be gleefully watching all this from Mar-A-Lago, sipping on a Covid cocktail.  

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Well we are definitely going to see that somebody is out for sure. 


Probably a few if it turns out that the denial of Travis owns a part of Goodbye Pictures is a lie...which someone brought back up in the last two weeks. 


We'll see. 

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Read it, read it! 

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 You know you want to.


Actually, Leah really does not give away much. She just accuses Heather of  *gasp, clutches pearls*  not being truly woke.


The second season curse on Leah is already happening and has been for quite some time, at least on social media. TBH, this is whetting my appetite for RHONY! I'm just bummed that Heather called her bluff and stopped filming.

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