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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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This is the first time I've heard of any Housewives All-Stars!  Fun concept, but sadly the roster is not surprising. These are all the Andy Cohen kiss-ups (well, I wouldn't include Cynthia so much, but) that will stay on these shows until they sink. 


And it's dumb not to include women from some of the less popular/less known series for exposure.  Also, no one from OC? Clearly they're still strategizing and figuring out who will be around next season... 



The ending was nice. Nothing bombastic (other than Jen's walk-off), but nice.  I'm still not ready to give up on Team Heather. Clearly, stuff has gone down since they wrapped filming way back when in pre-COVID March 2020.  There's all the animosity towards Lisa and Jen, and hope that Meredith would back her up and co-sign.  Maybe I'll be wrong and Heather will get the second season curse, but I'm not ready to write her off. 

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Yeah, I hesitate to speak really badly of Cynthia because I think she is an ok person. Even though she's a little too lowkey for an All-Stars concept. Most of the other picks are definitely straight from an Andy Cohen internal memo. I was actually surprised Gizelle wasn't mentioned because he looooves her. Honestly, Karen and Gizelle should be included. 


I'm not bummed about Sonja as a choice because I love her, and I guess they figured 'Ramonja' are a pair even though they haven't been for years and people are over Ramona Singer generally. Ramona is going do absolutely ZIP in this spin-off except tan her ass in a macramé bikini.


And still... Melissa and Kyle.


Pin on Gross 

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TBF in regards to POTOMAC, the reason online for their exclusion has been the fact that they went ahead and started to film (early tea: new HW, new friend, first group scene was a day or so ago) so since Bravo apparently wants to film this All Stars quickly it is only scheduling conflict which is keeping La Dame (or Gizelle) from filming. Same for SLC which just began their filming for Season 2 give or take a week. 



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OMG!!! I cannot  believe how fresh this seems. And how good it seems.


And let me point out something that I've been liking first...I like how Production has been handling Co-Vid really well. It seems like they are coming to the set, getting their test, and taking off the mask to film...not unlike soap operas right now. It is not at all like they are ignoring it. It is there...there was one scene where Frank walked into the shooting place with David and his mask was on wrong. And I guess someone told him because the next frame...he had his mask on correctly. I really and truly respect how Production is handling it. Sometimes it can't be helped, but we still see masks. Now some of these servers I side-eyed, but I feel like they they are keeping it off frame as much as possible to have a show, but it is still being acknowledged properly.




OMG!!! Dolores!!! I know a lot of people have mentioned how weird her dynamic with Frank and David are. Even moreso when Frank talked about how David took him in and nursed him when he hurt himself. But seeing her mother last night and how unconventional Dolores's parents are....her dynamic with her men (and Frankie) makes so much sense now. Of course, it also makes me question. I mean...are they polymerous? David for the physical, Frank for the emotional?


I love that Melissa has been keeping this feud with Jennifer alive and how petty it is. YAAAASSSS!!! That's a fun feud...makes me think of Chateau Sheree vs Moore Manor feuding. I also loved that Jennifer apologized. If Melissa does not truly accept that, it makes she is only mad for storyline. 


Gia talking common sense to Tre. Go her for being the bigger person given how she is being harassed real time. 


Group scenes and trips from the word: GO!!!




Marge. On one hand, there's got to be some conflict if Jackie did not go on the trip. However, is it coming from her or her little tagalong Lexi. Not liking her. Seems too thirsty. But I am curious period how Marge will come across since the person who had her back in production is gone. Will she be who she has always been...or will we see who that person was is fake?


Jackie. Why you running? I don't think it was an analogy. Okay, it might have been, but 1) she worded it wrong and 2) she used it on someone who she knows would not get it. So why be surprised that she is on the warpath when you mentioned her kids? Teresa was wrong for spreading it at Foine Evan's bday party, but she was wrong for not clarifying for the known intelligently challenged. And then not going on the trip...seems wise on one hand to give breathing room, but weak on the other hand Ms. 'I Win.'


This season is off to such a great start. Good to be in to see it from the word...well...GO. LOL!!! 


ETA: Another thing I loved (thanks to @Cheap21 for reminding me) I like Jennifer's at home drama. In fact, I like that so many of the girls are giving more this year than just group scenes, but good individual scenes. 

Edited by Taoboi
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Jen you are NOT black. She is so infuriating the way she was muddling the message and equating her struggles as a "woman of color". They called you aggressive bc you WERE aggressive. She put hands on Heather, threw a glass at a party, splashed the cameraman, threatened to bury Whitney and spent the entire season antagonizing the one black woman on the cast. Get the F out of here with the they cant call you aggressive. Bitch


How the hell was Meredith brought back? Andy asked her a question about her marriage and she paid him dust. She doesnt want to open up or share and therefore has nothing to offer. Sad bc I like her but if she isnt coming to work, then she can go


@NothinButAttitudeYou were right about Heather. Im over her now. Lisa breaths and she attacks. She kept inserting herself when no one was talking to her and she was big mad. She lost me


Robert Sr. did not come to play! I did like how he defended Mary. He reminded me of Chris Samuels. Speaking of which, if he and Seth can attend via Facetime, where was Jamal and Michael at Potomac? Just saying...


I forgot to mention but they just randomly invite some blonde chick and gave her no introduction. WTF is this?



Jennifer's parents relationship is a whole mess. I feel for her being caught in the middle

Jackie is punk bitch. It was for the best that she not go on the trip but I was looking forward to seeing her get dragged. I also didnt like that she lied and said she didnt say what she did to hurt Teresa. Yes you did. You wanted her to take what she said back and when she wouldnt, you hit her below the belt with the one thing you knew would elicit a reaction. Just own it

Melissa needs to shut up. She was trying real hard to make the non-beef with a storyline

Teresa this season is reminding me of Kenya with her level of messiness and meddling

I dont see what Dolores sees in David. He a punk. How are you gonna let your gf's ex read you about your relationship? He has no backbone and he cant commit to her the way she wants bc he cant even stick up for himself. Abort this relationship



Did it not air this week?



Its my understanding is bc the others are currently filming or about to film. Taking them out for All Stars takes them off their season

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Jen was SO annoying basically trying to say she was black and thus could not be aggressive. Bitch was aggressive ALL SEASON LONG. I thought it was gross how she tried to play the race card to downplay what an ass she was most of the season, it was ridiculous and I like her even less now.

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I really don't comprehend how anyone is defending Teresa. If she's too stupid to understand an analogy, that's no one's problem but her own. She should get off TV and go to university and stop being so ignorant. 


Did Jackie totally blunder by saying Gia? Sure. Sloppy arguing. But Jackie clearly wanted Teresa to understand what it would feel like to have someone trash your family, so she cited the only family member Teresa has who is an adult (she could have said Milania...) since Joe is out of the picture. 


Teresa was, of course, in total denial saying she just heard a rumour but wasn't spreading it...meanwhile she was repeating it to every guest and cater waiter at the birthday party. 


Admittedly, my patience for truly dumb people like Teresa who revel in their stupidity has been worn away by the pandemic, so I may be viewing the situation overly harshly. 


On the whole the show feels fresh and fun. I concur with @Taoboi I think production has done a great job with filming the show.

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Andy said not to expect a RHONY trailer soon. My guess is, with RHOC delayed due to casting issues, they wanna hold Beverly Hills and RHONY longer so one can flow into OC when it does return. My guess is that Beverly Hills will replace Dallas in April, then RHONY will debut probably in May. Then OC and Salt Lake City can return in the fall. 

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So I'm not finished with the latest NJ and SLC episodes, but is anybody finding Marge's new face a little bit unrecognizable? I'm doing a double-take because some aspect of her face has changed fundamentally and my eyes haven't adapted yet.


Admittedly, this isn't as hardcore as the work Dorit had done:


In RHONY news, Ramona has been named in a deposition of Don Jr, WHAT


ETA: Now it looks like it is actually Jill Zarin, not Ramona, they were referring to in the deposition. 



Potomac just started filming for a possible Fall 2021 return too. And with SLC around, they could afford to put OC on ice for a bit while they settle on casting and tell Kelly Dodd to stop bothering them for a contract.


I have a question for RHONY fans. Do you think Dorinda was fired too hastily and we will miss her this coming season?


And do you think Leah will have the second season curse?


Judging by the generally negative news swirling around Ramona (see above), I have to imagine Pinot Singer is going to have the 13th season curse! I am surprised that, for someone who is so expert at self-preservation and social-climbing, Ramona hasn't abandoned the sinking Trump ship yet.

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@Cat I do!, I do! Marge's face makes it hard at times to realize it is her. Not like LeeAndra, but different.


Early rumors is that Leah IS having second season curse.

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First picture of Whitney/Heather has leaked. 


And my system is done again (i'll be forcing them to work on it since I have rugby this weekend) so I'm behind on SLC and my RHOA rewatch so I feel your pain on that. Can't wait for your opinion on NJ. It's been good so far. Refreshing. 


PS. New face or not, Dorit looks FIERCE!!!


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Weirdly, with D'Andra, I'm not doing the double-take as much? It's almost like my mind has made peace with the fact that every year D'Andra will have copious amounts of plastic surgery to look like a LeeAnne-Mama Dee hybrid. 


I've had so much work that when I got home yesterday, I started SLC and I wanted to finish the episode so bad! But I was beyond tired and couldn't enjoy it the way it should be enjoyed. So I've left that and NJ for the next couple of days.


What picture of Whitney/Heather? You mean filming?


I don't think Leah is all that bad but we will see. There are more overrated newbies out there imo.


P.S.: Dorit looks fierce but she also looks like Blonde Era Kim K. I wish she hadn't effed with her gorgeous nose! It now looks slightly too small for her face (like Kelly Dodd's).

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Thank you! I was wondering the same thing.  Jackie's analogy cut to the core because Teresa's unfounded rumors cut to Jackie's core. Teresa is too uneducated and dumb to understand an analogy. Instead she flies off the handle and complains "she's tawwkin' about my daugherter!"   It is NOT Jackie's fault that Teresa is dumber than a box of rocks. 


This is just like when Eileen Davidson made a stink about Vanderpump asking how she and her hubby got together (ED had an affair, right? I can't remember). Eileen made a big stink of it and and it aired over multiple episodes, when she easily could've let the comment fly away in the breeze and there'd be no additional footage for the show to milk. 


New Jersey is good to watch now, but this group also highlights how they're all just castmembers forced to hang out with one another while the cameras are rolling. Yes, Melissa and Tre are sis-in-laws; yes, Dolores is friends with Teresa. But beyond that, I don't think Teresa is really friends with Margaret anymore. Jennifer and Jackie are in their own islands. I don't think they've formulated genuine friendships with anyone in the cast. In the first episode, I think it was Melissa who said she hadn't seen Jennifer since they sat on the sofas together at the reunion. 


@Cat Yes, Marge's face is a bit much. I'm always adjusting my eyes trying to see the original face under there somewhere. I can understand wanting to do away with the oncoming jowls, but everything else that got lifted is a bit dramatic.  The boobs are nice, but I feel like if you're gonna have a tight face and tight tits, you better get the rest of your body tight too (i.e. the arms are flapping everywhere, etc.) or else the body work done is all the more noticeable. 


BH: Dorit looks unrecognizable in those photos. She needs to stop. Her, Rinna, and Erika aspire to look like blowup sex dolls. 


NYC: I think Dorinda needed a year off. Maybe the show will suffer without her, as this is definitely a rebuilding year, but for her own sake, she needed time to rest and simmer down. 


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