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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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This expose sums it up very well and shows how widespread this has been. I had no idea that Erika Jayne was going to end until she was cast on RHOBH, which likely caused the costs to skyrocket even more. Crazy to think he was so legitimately rich and STILL felt the need to steal from people. 

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Jen's a good friend to Heather...for now.  Wait till Heather disagrees..than jen will be spilling her secrets like she did to Meredith.


Nothing about Mary surprises me..so of course she'd have a relative.


Meredith's son is an example of coddling.  He didn't turn out like that due to Gene's.  He was probably coddled by his parents growing up.  I'd like to meet their other child..and see what they're like.


Lisa and hubby have a typical marriage that I can tell.. 'happy wife, happy life'.


Whitney and her hubby..still figuring out that marriage.


Heather is funny..and someone you root for (like Sue Heck on The Middle).

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That LA Times story is very worth reading because it shows how this has been a long time coming. 


It's very interesting that Erika Jayne was to be shuttered in 2015 because it wasn't making financial sense - yet RHOBH propelled them to think otherwise, likely to their continued detriment. Ultimately, Girardi not allowing equity partnership in his law firm, so he kept 100% control, may have been his undoing because there was no one to check and balance his decisions. 

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But that's just it...re: Brooks. From what little we saw of Chloe, her daughter, she does not appear to be that way at all. 


So...he just seems thirsty and thus extra. Moreso because there is a camera in the house.





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Seems like the moment they wanted to launch EJ, that's when the Ponzi scheme you explained so well in a previous post (i.e. paying Client A with Client B's funds --> paying Client B with Client C's trust. And so on) accelerated. That vicious cycle becomes almost impossible to exit. When Client C loses and there is no Client D to cover Client B's settlement which you have 'borrowed' against... the sh*t hits the fan.


Seems like shuttering EJ in 2015 was an attempt to regulate the financials and get Girardi Keese's house in order -- but then Erika landed RHOBH and there was even more pressure to keep up appearances, to keep Erika Jayne going with bigger and better 'opportunities.'


After Erika joined BH, her impact on the show was very noticeable. Suddenly, everybody's wealth was being called into question next to the Girardis, who were setting the bar high. Suddenly everybody got glam squads to go to The Coffee Bean. New wardrobes, new glam, new face-lifts, new teeth, new Lamborghinis, new bigger houses (hello, Kyle, Dorit, Terri). The pressure was on to spend more more more, just to keep up with the Girardis and each other.


BH had to be That Show which showed the pinnacle of wealth, and Erika's presence triggered the race of who could exhibit the most conspicuous consumption. Erika and Bravo laid down the gauntlet of competition, and if you came up short, it became a stick with which to beat you.


It also became filler in place of actual SLs, authentic emotions and feelings. Which sort of sums up Erika on the show -- emotionally closed off, always dressed up as a character, watching silently, waiting to pounce on the smallest outward imperfection.


It wouldn't be the first time somebody overextended themselves on the RHs to pretend they are richer than they actually are. But that LA Times article really shows how far the Girardis have fallen. Tom was one of the top lawyers in the country! And he was already wealthy! What a crazy house of cards. It's like, they couldn't make do with California Wealthy, so they had to spend like they were Oil-Oligarch Wealthy. Did Bravo/RHOBH encourage this behaviour, or did they come on and change RHOBH themselves with this behaviour?

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It's very true. The thing with Ponzi schemes, and in my opinion when someone is overextending themselves with financing they're well on their way to being their own personal Ponzi scheme, the moment there is a hiccup in the system that's been sustaining the debt/payment cycle, the sh*t hits the fan almost instantaneously because every action is interrelated to the ones preceding and succeeding it. What I don't understand is how Tom Girardi's personal fortune apparently got wiped out. The LA Times article says he was worth, at one point, between $50 - $80 million. Where did all of that go? Alternatively, was that number ever real in the first place?


And I completely agree with you, as I alluded to in an earlier post, about the ostentatious wealth taking over for legitimate storylines. It is a real flaw in the RH franchise as a whole, but no more glaringly so than in RHOBH. The race of conspicuous consumption is a race to the bottom when it comes to the shows themselves. Potomac, Atlanta, New York and now Salt Lake are all incredible shows and yet they are on the more 'humble' end of the franchise 'glam' spectrum. They're good because the women are open, honest, and hilarious. 


The hollowness of RHOBH started with Erika Jayne. I hope her undoing is the end of it. 

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