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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I'm out. I quit watching halfway through the episode. I'm not watching the rest of the season.


I have never seen a group of such entitled, stupid, selfish, whiney, pathetic, weak, and ignorant women. I don't like any of them. I certainly don't need to relive this pandemic with them. 

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Caught the end of it so at a glance I saw some of what you said.


RHOP Gizelle cameo.


But like other people here in the U.S., they were being ignorant...until it became personal for them. So that ending was...yeeeeeah. Sad.


And the promo for next week...looks like a 'Kelly is going to get dragged on Twitter' kinda of week since it's her vs Braunwyn over BLM. 





Watching now and I have to say while she was not completely in the right, Mary proved her tagline tonight. She gathered the heck out of Jen and then had time for Heather. And Whitney. I didn't like the Whitney part, but I have to give her credit for how effortless she did it with Jen and Heather. I was like WooooooW. 





Yeah, that was my original thought @Chris B and @DaytimeFan re: Tom and Erika. So I wanted to see if a reliable magazine might say that. It sounds reliable enough that I felt it should be mentioned. 


I feel like it is going to go down like Teresa and Joe and there might be jailtime for someone until luck is on their side.


We'll see.



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Yikes. That is damning indeed. I know you've watched OC for a long time. Seeing this rampant selfishness (I don't believe it is ignorance as much as this particular stance suits their agendas. I want to do whatever TF I want, no consequences, why should I care about other people? They're all lazy/poor anyway!) in the context of a pandemic... I don't blame you for quitting.


OC is also a lead-in for SLC and I worry it might harm SLC's chances.

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I am going to disagree. I will say I’ve never done as big of an about face as I have with Jen. I just knew she’d be my favorite, but I cannot stand her. She is fronting 100%. She has a small house in the suburbs and is renting that house, her car is rented and her glam squad is her family. I’m sure those clothes are rented too. She’s been trying overtime to make this feud with Mary work and it doesn’t add up. I think she’s jealous of Mary’s wealth for sure and I do think Mary being black bothers her because she’s fitting in better and they’re the only minorities in the cast. 

At first I thought the hospital comment was rude, but we see that Mary didn’t mention Jen specifically, which Jen admitted episode one. And then she kept mentioning her Aunt, which Mary didn’t know about at the time, to make it seem like Mary was making fun of her Aunt. Mary apologized and still we have Jen telling the girls they can’t be friends with Mary (which is childish) and making fun of her marriage. I also thought it was a dig to apologize to Meredith at Mary’s event and pay Mary dust. I completely saw why Mary got upset and I hate that nobody defended Mary in person, only in the talking heads because they’re afraid Jen will blow up at them. 

Im also not believing Jen’s version of events about the 7/11 comment, which she clearly held on to weaponize in this quest to make everybody hate Mary. Jen has shown she lies and exaggerates for me to take her word over an actual Black woman. Mary has bit her tongue this entire time so I loved watching her gather Jen at the luncheon. I still don’t see Jen having many friends by the end of the season. 

As for Mary being anti-black, I just don’t see it. She seems to have a lot of emotional issues stemming from her marriage, but to me she looks black, she has a largely black church, via Instagram she only listens to black music and from what I’ve seen from her real life, her friends are all black. I just don’t buy what Jen is trying to sell. 

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Fire Brownie.  This show doesn't need abusive spouses on the show. 


Elizabeth..I'm wondering if she thinks the earth is flat?


Gina is funny


Emily and Shane seem to be closer.


Shannon..I think it's natural for her boyfriend to pick his son over her.




Jen's hubby travels for a reason.  She's every negative stereotype of women. 


Mary isn't any better than Jen...she just keeps her cool unlike Jen.

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Well...THAT was a mixed bag. 


I know that I said I wanted to watch this season to see how the OC handled Corona. After all, they are the Florida of Cali. So I definitely did not expect anything special on one hand. However, in light of watching RHOA tackle BLM and SOUTHERN CHARM's spin on Corona, I at least had some hope about it...Kelly Dodd be damned. Also, this HW show had the 'time capsule' advantage of being BEFORE, DURING, AFTER of Corona. They had finally started to gel like OC normally was. But now...it was time for DURING (and apparently some AFTER).


But that...honestly had me of two minds. One...and this is where the time capsule aspect comes into play...that this happened at the beginning of it. The time when people knew very little. Sadly, a lot of the reactions of the ladies was how people WERE acting. The ignorance if you will. Some of it I could let slide. Then there were things like the AIDS comment and I was like 'really???' Which was followed by a jaw drop. Just...the entitlement. Heck even the ending is typical of what happens when people want to be willingly ignorant...it bites them in the butt. The irony though of who got the news was not lost on me. 


On the other hand...if this was how they were at the during the lockdown part of Corona...AND they choose to stay that way AFTER they gotten used to it being around...then yeah, I'm OVER them like Daytime Fan is. There are so many people changing their lives (or as Elizabeth funnily enough mentioned getting divorced after having to be with the 'love of their life' at home isolated with you for months on end) and most for the better. How can one go through a pandemic and see the world changing as a result and just stay so self-centered. Says a lot. Most (if not all) of it not nice.


I would be lying if I didn't admit that ending bothered me. For those of you who venture over to the Co-Vid Thread on this site, you probably heard some of my tales from having to be out in this zombie apocalypse. And the people I have to deal with. There have been quite a lot of scares around me. And my anxiety comes and go. And I try my best to be careful. I had another incident today at the 7-11 store. I bought my food home and sanitized it. A first. Because I felt that I have been careful since now as an essential worker. So Shannon getting her news and figuring out how was just...worrying.


I was surprised by RHOP Gizelle's cameo. And I was also surprised by the appearance of BLM. They really covered a lot of ground in this episode and how they felt about it. I now wonder though how sincere those tweets they put out are. Side-eyeing you Kelly Dodd.


The episode did make me feel something so I guess it was decent. Not out yet, but for all the good moments, there was a LOT of bad for me.


BRAUNWYN. Being a firm believer in BLM, supporting your children, and being surprising human in dealing with lockdown does not excuse being an abusive spouse. At least she owned it, but if she is not going to change, that was just a bad look on Braunwyn. So was the fact that she was so bored that she went looking for drama with Elizabeth to pass the time. Just...no. 


ELIZABETH. Acknowledging that BLM marks a change in the world and question what you could do is nice...but does not excuse that AIDS comment. I was enjoying Vicki 2.0. But I guess Vicki could make some vile comments, too. Dead to me. 


GINA. Just because you want the salons open does not excuse that a virus exist. Shut up.


EMILY. Was pretty much Old Emily which I did not mind. And it seems the pandemic brought her and Shane together. 


KELLY. Missing your man does not excuse you tripping at the start of all this and leaving your daughter. Even if she was with the ex husband...child trumps fiance. What I found interesting was that for someone who thinks Corona is a hoax, she seem really informed. She was not the typical anti-Co-Vid. She sanitized. She actually did wear masks rather than be a total Karen about it. She even spoke out some info that you would only know if you did your research. Color me shocked. But again...if she is going to take all that knowledge and still act uninformed, rude, and idiotic (which it looks like she will be next week when she gets into it with Braunwyn over BLM...I suspect because she thinks BLM = riots when most protests were non-violent) then she can sod off again.


SHANNON. Just because I felt for her whole experience does not excuse her for starting mess with Elizabeth. All the things going on when this was filmed and she is focused on that for even a second? SMH. And then that ending...she tried so hard not to get it. She even had a rift with her man (he was going to pick his son, Shannon) over trying to keep everyone isolated. It was just sad her kids had to sneak out to a party and brought it back. And that freakout at the end...yeah...I've been there.


So as the time capsule episode...I thought it was surprisingly good in its construction and execution. And decent. But...if they aren't going to grow from this...then yeeeeeeah they suck. 



Same.  I haven't seen all of the episode yet, but I feel the same and have felt the same since jump.


Sincere or not, Mary did apologize for hospital but Jen keeps bringing it up. And even with the last episode Jen is again making it about her family (which is making her heated) when Mary again DID NOT SAY her family, but in general. Jen's family is black. Well...so is Mary's. NEXT. She is being extra and while she explained, she is grown enough to know when to do something and when NOT to do something.


I mean...she knew enough to slight Mary with that apology with Meredith IN FRONT OF MARY. And that was the moment Mary took her gloves off and gathered her with the quickness and Jen Ms. MVP couldn't handle it.


Like they say, you keep poking the bear, don't be surprised when you eventually get bit...which is what Jen did. 

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I am loving this show. The international franchise flavour endures. 


Mary was slightly less enjoyable this week, but it did not change my opinion of Jen one iota. As @Chris B said it was pretty clear that Jen had saved up that comment about 7-Eleven and was waiting to use it for maximum impact. It didn't work. It just felt hollow to me. 


I like that Heather lives in a normal(ish) house and cooks her own breakfast for her kids. She isn't fronting anything (unlike, ahem, Jen...) and while it's obvious that she has a comfortable life, it's on a more relatable level. I am one who actually finds the ostentatiousness of current day RHOBH sometimes off putting because I know it's all financed to the hilt. RHONY, ATL and POTOMAC all operate on a similar level - comfortable, even so far as luxurious, but not so insanely opulent that the women are living in a totally different reality. 


Lisa is the one housewife I think could be dropped and nobody would notice. I don't like that she threw her husband's Rolex out a window


I really dig Whitney and her storyline with her father feels so authentic and it's clear she's carried a lot during her 30 years. 


Meredith's scenes with her husband were so raw and sad. They both seemed hurt that the marriage isn't working out. I'm rooting for them. It's a 25 year marriage. 

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And so it begins...


...and I admit...Candiace won that.






Finally finished the reunion.


That...was truly the end of an era.


I loved Tinsley being back. And she came back as a boss. That scene at the end of Part 1 where she drops the bomb on Dorinda has already aged well. It was shocking then for me. And it was shocking now. That she was mad at Tinsley for John asking Scott for money. That the producers had to get Tinsley out of the house. It was all just juicy. Dorinda truly was jealous. And Tinsley kept checking her right up until Tinsley headed out in Part 2 for her happy ending (or a RHoChicago spinoff...

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And then there was the intervention. Yeeeeeeah I can see why Dorinda isn't coming back next season. She was even mean to her close friend LuAnn and sassing Andy...one of the only times this year Andy was acutally on point for once. 


Leah was a good addition and I look forward to more of her rivalry with Ramona going forward. Ramona will hope her ground. Leah will keep her on her toes. And there seems to be layers there between them so it should be interesting. 


Still giggle at the 'the girls will hunt down men' section. LOL!!! Love the guy still texts Sonja.  


It was just good from start to finish. And next season, a soft reboot of sorts will begin. And I see Lu already has stuff going. New man. A bit of a falling out with her son. I hope she works it out. Cuz I love my Countess.   And it also sounds like Eboni and Bershan will be bringing it so can't wait.


It might have taken me a while to watch it. I hope I won't feel so weird about NY next season as I did this season. And I just found out my new tv system has the past seasons so I might be able to FINALLY see the first few seasons you all have talked about...though I'm worried I will like 'the Countess' less. 

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