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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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After last night's episode, we are finally reaching the COVID portion of the season and I don't know if I can sit through it. I have enough anxiety dealing with it in everyday life. The Real Housewives of Corona is not it for me. And I have been enjoying Braunwyn's recovery storyline but I want my entertainment to distract me from the real world not remind me of it.

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I know what you mean @YRBB. I've been looking forward to seeing how Shannon was going to handle it since before the season began. But even I felt anxious watching the midseason trailer yesterday, finding it to be a little TOO real given what is going on here in San Diego and LA at the moment. I haven't watched last night's OC. Yet. For that very reason.


@Cat well, SLC has DEFINITELY been great. I have half a mind to rewatch last night for the nuance because I find Heather and Mary gave so much  in spades and are easily my favorites now. Whitney is an interesting enigma. Lisa is (somewhat) ice. And Meredith is the relatable one. And like POTOMAC it is their whole dynamic that makes the show. Yes, even Jan...I mean Jen.

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As for OC...in hindsight, it's been a transitional season, but a REAL season. I am shocked TBH that we are already on Episode 9. The first 5 episodes were just meh. But around Episode 6 (Braunwyn's vow renewal episodes), everything just started to gel (at least for me) and it felt like the OC again. It's like everyone got used to each other and then it got organic again. Not that it felt fake, but more that Vicki/Tamra definitely left a vacuum and the others were struggling to be them rather than themselves if that makes sense. I have found the last few episodes (haven't seen last night yet) to be actually enjoyable. And you might like Vicki 2.0 aka Elizabeth. She's been a breath of familiar yet FRESH air.  Now that things are about to get real, REAL though, like I said above...I am getting anxious. I know I said I wanted to see how Shannon showed her Co-Vid experience. But at the time of the first trailer, it was not as bad here in San DIego as it is now (we should be getting word either this week or next if they will force a stay at home order again which is what I heard is happening in LA right now for example) so I worry it might be a bit too triggering for me. 


But...we'll see.  


ETA: Yeah, those BH girls seem to be learning that karma is a...

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Jen is a lowdown dirty bitch for the way she treated Meredith and then exposed her secret. She truly is pressed about Mary. Mary on the other hand is becoming more likeable with each episode.  I beleive Jen is jealous of her and is competing for who will be the queen of SLC, but it aint her

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Jen is a dog for that! She is one of two people who knew that and threw it out for such a petty reason. That isn’t what friends do. I hate bitches like that. After tomorrow we will have pretty much the entire trailer so I’m excited for what’s to come SLC is full of surprises. This feels like a season 3 or 4 because it’s such a well oiled machine. Everybody is pulling their weight and bringing it. Hell, I’d even be okay with a filler episode at this point because they’ve given so much!


Now Potomac?! Going out with a damn BANG! That finale clip plus everything that has happened has me hyped for the reunion. 

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And so it begins...


Since before the season started, we knew it was coming. Coronavirus was going to hit the OC. I was curious to see how they would handle it since I was down in San Diego and it has gone from bad to worse. I've seen it hit family members. I have to deal with it in my jobs every day and people's lack of common sense or empathy. And trust...the area where the ladies are at? Well...let's not make this into a political post.

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That said...I admit that I liked that they took a cue from SOUTHERN CHARM and slowly seem to do it in relative free time. From starting with them still at the vow renewal to seeing the real issues slowly taking up parts of their life slowly, but surely. And then BOOM!!!


I thought it was well done. The toilet paper. The issues that come when you have a business with many employees. What happens when schools are closed and you have kids. Even the bartering for toilet paper. It rang true. So did the regrets.


ELIZABETH. I guess I could see why the other ladies are curious. There are questions. But she is not really allowed to answer some of the questions since she's going through a divorce AND on television. Something she is not used to so there might be inconsistencies. They should lay off. I kinda respect that Kelly gave her the heads-up on the Gina/Emily mean girls. And I saw Braunwyn give the side eye when they were discussing Shannon at the vow renewal as if she wanted to tell Elizabeth to watch her back.


GINA. Girl, stop. I didn't like her stirring the pot with Elizabeth. Her and her mini-me Emily. I did like that she was doing something so normal when Corona started to creep in. And the regret she had. And the frustration when the schools closed. Granted she's gotten better at it, but Gina's man ususally seem to be more in control of the kids than she was. So this might be new territory for her, Realistic territory.


EMILY. I say this all the time...I want old Emily back. Not Mini-Me.


SHANNON. Thank you. I know others thought she was overreacting. But at least she had some sense to be researching, sending someone out for items just in case, and being cautious. I do wonder if she got it at the vow renewal. But I guess we will see. 


KELLY. Still being an idiot. And I hear she was going on the Nene Leakes Apology Tour on WWHL last night and Andy actually did the right thing and dragged her. Whatever. Like Tinsley said during the NY reunion (which I am finally about to finish), too little, too late. I also thought she shouldn't have downplayed Shannon's concerns. Granted I understand why...but cautious was key. I did love the very realistic scene of her and her manager discussing her business and what to do about the employees since events were being cancelled due to Corona. 


BRAUNWYN. Hm. Started the episode supporting. And I loved her scene with her son and taking him makeup shopping. But I did not like that she was downplaying her own daughter's worries to focus on herself. And taking it out on Sean to boot. That was a bad look. Not everything is about her. And at that point, it should have been about her daughter's worries about Corona.


Overall...I thought it was a good episode. Good start. But next week...it really going to hit I suspect. 





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Next week looks to be the footage the women filmed during production shutdown...based on seeing the Brownie family scene...and Shannon/Gina on Zoom.


From what Emily said...all 6 aren't filmed together until the finale party once production resumes.


I liked the Sophie talking heads...sweet with a bit of sarcasm.


Elizabeth talks of money like Vicki talked of work lol




And Monique had self control..she didn't pop Robyn during umbrellagate in season 3 (I can watch that on repeat) lol


Ashley has potential to read people...Karen better be on guard lol

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Coach Shah, where you at? Okay, I'm gonna have you turn, you're gonna see me I look like a flapper with cankles.


What a great episode. There was drama and pettiness and hilarity. This show keeps giving me RHOV and Melbourne vibes - it doesn't feel like the rest of the American franchises. 


Meredith just glows. Talk about a beautiful woman. She looked incredible at Mary's luncheon.


Whitney didn't have much to do this episode but she gave good commentary.


Lisa I can see being useful to producers. She isn't afraid to mix it up, and probably when prompted by production for that matter. All that touching in the art gallery wore on my last nerve. 


Mary is a bit off the wall but I am liking her more and more as the show wears on. The luncheon was bizarre. 


Jenn. Oh my. She is parched from all that thirst. She just seems so wildly angry and crazy possessive. When her husband picked her up in that old Toyota...hmmm...whose paying for all that glam squad? Is their house rented? Seems like a deck of cards with her...


Heather was the star of this episode for the quote above, as well as her longing for the lollipop chicken drumsticks and the command that her table was not to be cleared and that someone needed to guard her burger. So relatable. So real. What a legend. 


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I've seen Bravo fights, and I've seen real, messy, drunken, blown out of proportion fights. This is a Real Fight for sure.


I'm not Team Anybody with this one -- both men blew this up bigger than it actually was. Michael was clearly drunk, and Chris was likely on his way there. However, like @Cheap21 I was struck by Candiace repeatedly daring Michael to hit her.


Candiace is a baiter. And as reckless as she is, she knows exactly what she's doing. She gets a rush off the chaos.

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